The SEE System: The Sapien Medicine Edition (_OM Approved)

Let me know how it goes, so long as you get the mind out the way after you find the feeling and you FEEL, you can run the process.

Have fun


Okay sometimes when the emotion is too overwhelming, I have to think solely about a memory that generates love and temporarily not focus on the negative and then the negative feeling disappears after a while. Am I fine doing this or is the negative emotion not getting collapsed this way?


Do you check your work after and it’s completely cleared?


Sometimes it is, sometimes it needs another cycle.


So long as you collapse and clear it fully, that’s what matters.


Day 5 journal

  1. Topics released on: never going to lose weight and exercise regularly, won’t win trades I’ll always lose more than I win/ just like all my life when something good happens expecting something bad to follow, not going to have money I want, not receiving something I was expecting just like as a kid being left out or looked over.

  2. I felt very light this morning. Very grateful, my energy level was higher today than it has been all week.

  3. After the session I felt calm and relaxed. I feel like I don’t have to do anything. Just be in the moment. It feels good. I feel like I I am more aware. I am noticing more things around me the sky the buildings the birds people and so on. My mind is also less talkative. I have been more quiet today because I don’t want to talk but because I don’t feel the need to over exert myself or talk about anything at particular.

  4. Yes the process is a lot easier it’s more like a drinking water kind of effort list now. I really just am more aware of how I’m feeling and keep practicing on releasing my feelings. I feel like I have control even though I don’t need to control anything at all.



I am starting to enjoy the process and I don’t say this lightly, it’s not like it’s gotten easier, it’s more that I am now starting to figure it all out, things are now starting to make more sense. Today when I said the words “I love you” and then paused I felt what was happening inside of me, like I was inside my chest, I became aware of how the pain was dissolving and how the after effects was affecting my body. If my chest was like an aero chocolate with all those air pockets in the centre then every time I said “I love you” and became aware of the pain dissipating those air pockets became larger.

Tonight I just seemed to be extra aware of different sensations. One of the cool things was that the closer I got to fully releasing, little hints of a smile would appear and then I knew that I was almost there and would continue until the smile became a grin. My shoulders also felt lighter like a weight was slowly being lifted off of me.

The beginning of today’s session did hurt and there were quite a bit of tears but it was when the penny finally dropped and I started to understand more of how this works I started to feel more joy. This is super cool, I am now looking forward to discovering more about myself and also how my body will be reacting.

Today’s topic was about releasing the stigma I felt in dropping out of high school because I had fallen pregnant. The regret I had experienced for all the opportunities that I would be missing out on. The guilt I felt in disappointing and embarrassing my parents. The shame I felt when people pointed and whispered. Each of them had more to unpack but it was a good session that ended on a much higher high than the others and that’s probably because I’m getting the hang of it. I thought I knew but now I know and tomorrow I will learn and discover more.


HPP Entry #5

Leading up to today’s entry, I had a number of unusually vivid/emotional dreams in which I let out a lot of irritability, anger, and resentments. I’ve heard of dreams as a way to release trauma we are unwilling to face consciously so it was interesting to have such an experience after closing in on a week of intentional release.

I woke up feeling pleasant, despite the nature of the dreams, and carried that to when I began the HPP process. I wanted to further address topics revolving around irritability and temper because I have been bottling up those emotions recently rather than channeling them in a healthy manner.

Today’s topics included the following:

Snappiness/temper (directed only towards family)
Frustrations when things do not go as planned
Resentments towards childhood classmates/sister
Issues with effective communication

Most of these topics were primarily felt deep in my throat, lower back, and hands as they would clench like that Arthur fist meme. Anger/temper has been on my radar as a core emotional response since childhood, and after accepting the responses and releasing I felt a few waves of tranquility. I am generally laid back these days, but I felt genuinely relaxed for the first time in a while. Throughout this week, I have noticed that the magnitude of release for me is dependent on 1) how deeply I initially feel the trauma/topic and 2) the amount of time/intensity of the ‘I love you’ stage.

The functions of the four phrases differs depending on order (I’ve mixed matched which stage I addressed depending on what my intuition called for at the moment), but for the purpose of release being flooded with love right after acceptance is particularly fruitful. Compared to when I started on Saturday, I am now releasing fully in one or two attempts rather than up to five to ten. It took no more than twenty minutes to reach a strong sense of joy, relief, and accomplishment with all of my primary topics today, including a few sub-topics that came to the surface!


HPP entry #5

How many topics did you release today?

about 2-3 topics

How did I feel before?

not that good rather depressed and unmotivated.

How did I feel afterwards?

Better and released bigger chunks about the procastinating and of course also the depressed part sometimes I feel warmer in my body but this comes and goes. I gotta be honest I didn’t release as much as the other days so I don’t have much new to say.

Is it getting easier?

About the same as yesterday but definetliy better than the beginning


HPP Day 5

How many topics did you release today?

  • Deep Desire for Community
  • Overexposing/Over-explaining myself
  • Hiding Myself
  • (There’s a new balance and stability with the previous two. It was at extremes before)

How did you feel before the session?
Overall mood is Neutral with a flow of love, joy, and peace. My BF tried to pick a fight with me and I’m usually reactive but I was so bored and unbothered by it. Feeling proud of the new progress.

When I focused on these release topics tho, I did feel energy in my stomach.

How did you feel after the session?
Clear. I don’t stop until it’s clear. Until I do have a deep sense of love and compassion for the energy. Releasing it on top of that feels like Divine Freedom.

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or big emotions releases?
Always. Layer by layer, I keep returning back to myself in my natural state.

Is the process getting easier?
With all this practice, yes.

Anything else you’d like to add?
I hope everyone has a great weekend. I look forward to tomorrow’s session :)


HPP entry #5

  1. Depression about not being able to get up from bed: Immediately focused on the feeling. It felt like an armour on my chest and I was able to feel the borders of it. Quickly used the 4 four commands and got rid of my depression and reluctance to get out of bed.

  2. Reluctance to go shopping for food ingredients: Again, this was a more anxiety type feeling because I just didn’t want to be seen in my current state outside (haven’t had a haircut). So I released that feeling and immediately felt a boost in the feeling to just get stuff done.

Side-note here: Releasing that depression and reluctance basically gave me the mania (not just confidence) of a guy who had drunk 5 glasses of cider. Honestly, I was joking with random people at the store, singing out loud to the music in my car, dancing in the store (emo peter style). Oh and btw my speech is like 95% fixed but again, it’s hard to say whether that’s temporary or permanent. Will have to release later on this. But I have to say the mania wore off in about 2 hours. My fear didn’t return but I definitely started feeling the emotion of self-doubt again. Interesting stuff.

  1. Competitive jealousy: Growing up as the smart kid at school, I never really shook off the jealousy of “he/she studies/dresses/looks/talks/walks/dresses better than me. In fact this aggressive sense of competition instilled in me by my mother at a young age (Asian mums bruh) could be the very reason I’m as messed up as I am today in terms of my confidence and self-esteem. I was only the best till year 8 and then I plummeted to average. I couldn’t get into the uni I wanted. And then in my second choice uni, I failed a year. I was able to get a hint of this realisation now with my depressive numbness removed. I’ve only released one part of it so far (jealousy/comparing myself to the way others speak) and plan on doing many more aspects of it.

Thoughts of the day: Thank you angel for telling me why exactly my feelings deserved an apology man, it really helped. Can’t wait to get enLAAAAtened buddy. Also for love, I use any memory (current or past) of my father embracing me. To me he symbolises and personifies unconditional acceptance and love, and I am very lucky to have such a figure in my life, to help me understand what real love is.

Quote of the day: “Who needs alcohol when you’ve got SEE” – Dew Bob, 2021.


HPP Entry 5

How many topics did you release today?

Still working on the big topic from yesterday. Probably going to take another day or two.

But used HPP nearly all day on different topics, that popped up. Caught my judgmental thoughts / mental monologues and released all of them.

How did you feel before the session?

Slightly positive, relaxed.

How did you feel after the session?

More mental energy and clarity. Two releases created a shift in perception.

Is the process getting easier, if so how?

I’m able to do the whole process in seconds.

Anything else you wish to add.

Forgot to write it down yesterday: when I was working on the weird energy blockage I could feel parts of it collapsing with every release. Noticed that after “I love you” 90% of the chunk was gone and “Thank you” remove the last 10%.

An unrelated meditation with Ego Dissolution revealed more big, important topics to work on.

Catching and releasing my self-righteous mental monologues, made me less reactive, procrastinated less and was more focused all day.


HPP Entry #5

How many topics did you release today?

  • Yesterday evening I did a gentle releasing of residual things from my earlier session and fell asleep during. The following night was quite weird : I woke up often and, everytime, I started releasing, half asleep half awake, and falling back asleep while doing it.
  • When I woke up this morning, I had 2 fears regarding my day that stemmed from the same wound I worked on the last 2 days. The fears where quite intense but they also felt superficial instead of deeply rooted. I partly cleared them, and did the same whenever something bothered me today.
  • I did a session during lunchtime, trying to dig deeper in my deep wound, but I couldn’t find anything big to work on. So I did a light and relaxing session, focusing on what came to me.
  • Before my evening session, I checked my list to see what yesterday’s session had improved and to identify what was left of it. I still felt triggered by a lot of things but the feelings were lighter in many cases and located elsewhere than the area I worked on yesterday. I chose to work on what was located the closest.
  • During my session, I released what seemed to be a part of yesterday’s rift that was located in my plexus. I found out that my torso full of shadows and worked on them. It felt like I was waking them up from an ancient sleep, that they’d been here forgotten for so long. It took them a moment to sense my presence. They needed no forgiveness, they were just happy to get some attention. With my love, they turned grey then a luminous white and floated away. I found another part of my rift and released it. I found a huge block in my throat but it was too much for me to work on tonight.

How did you feel before the session?

  • Tired, peaceful, not really knowing what to do after my lunch session. Checking my list gave me the focus I needed and it didn’t take me long to identify what was left from yesterday’s work.

How did you feel after the session?

  • Like yesterday, raw inside, with more work to do but also peaceful and all marshmallowy. I’ll do a gentle sweep before sleep to ease the rawness.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

  • Today I experimented with my new way of practicing, mixing it with what I did before depending on the situation.

HPP Entry #5

How many topics did you release today?
I worked on 3 topics today and also worked on releasing previous topics I have worked on.

How did you feel before the process?
Initially, I struggled to get started with the exercise as I did not want to confront some topics. The motivation was not there at all as in previous days.

How did you feel after the session?
My body started to shake when releasing on one topic. So far, I am pleased with the amount of clearing this exercise does. One thing that is different for me is I am not easily put in a place of anger, since starting HPP.

The time it takes to complete one cycle is much faster at this point than when I started.


HPP Entry #5

How many topics did you release today?

Busy busy today, but I’ve found myself releasing spontaneously during the day :slight_smile:
Focused tonight on the Fear of Death (could finally access it), on Doubts, Fear of being judged, giving love and expecting something from it, untrust toward the Divine.

How did you feel before the session?

All good lately :)
Felt “meh” this morning and it was harder to release though.

How did you feel after the session?

Great :)

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

Experienced some intense Joy and some Trance (the Body doing automatic diaphragm breathing & Uddiyana Bandha during the “I am sorry” & “forgive me” phases to clean itself up).
The diaphragmatic trance came with some nice physical release into the belly & plexus solar area (stretching-like) :)

I am still not feeling much emotionally, but the process is starting to get more and more powerful :pray:

Update: just released some need for approval from you guys (and Angel especially) haha.

This time I could really feel how during the “I Love you” phase, the Love energy emanates from the Heart (and Crown?) and expand :heart_eyes:
Also how when I go for something I am sensitive to, I have this energy activating in my eyes, as if I’d be crying energetically.


HPP Entry #5 - Friday
Worked on 3 topics today.

Before the session and after reading Angel suggestions above I felt easy, with the intent to bring as much acceptance as I can to whatever would come up and to create as much space as possible to the 4 HPP words.

First few rounds I’ve done on whatever came up on the thought of “love”. What I’ve discovered was a positive feeling (now I would describe it more like intense joy) but with a subtle sense of expectation constantly bringing me out of FEEL into mind (imagining/controlling).
I HPP into that and when saying “I love you” felt love coming from the background more soft, easy but like a constant flow.
“Thank you” brought even more stability into that feeling.

I’m seeing again a long time “issue of controlling” that have distracted me over the years in meditative practices. I’ll release that in next sessions.

The other topics where released quite effortlessly cause I sort of felt that underling sense of effortless love and acceptance even when focusing on a negative feeling.

After the session I felt a deep sense of peace, again like a constant flow of love in the background not really coming from “me” but always there in the background.
All my afternoon and evening went on like that with effortlessness, also notice spontaneous feelings of gratitude to whatever was happening around me.

@anon22855873 sorry I’ll be at work this Saturday too, so I’ll wait the recording.
Sunday will be a big HPP day though


HPP #5:

Released 4 topics this afternoon.

Before today’s session, I was tired but felt very calm.

The topics today were issues that were all childhood related because I realized that this was the part of me that need healing the most overall.

The cycles were very easy to do overall today and felt almost automated. In some of the cycles, the feeling kinda released itself without me really saying the words. Not all of the cycles were like this, but a good portion of them were.

The inner voice was back and had a much stronger presence overall. Along with acting as a cheerleading for a little bit, it also asked vague questions like “Why do you feel this way?” to really help me understand whatever topic I was dealing with. It really helped me to realize what the true issue of the topic was overall. In a weird way, I felt very protected.

Still felt a good amount of pressure in the head, particularly on the top and towards the back. Towards the end of the session, a nice cooling sensation occurred at the back of my head, near the neck: it felt very nice. The throat was active as well as I felt like it was shaking a lil bit.

I did feel one big release towards the beginning of the session. Pretty much after the “I Love You” phase for one cycle, it felt like the feeling moved up from the chest, towards the head and exited out of the top. It was like a big mass just floated away. The love afterward just kept pouring out as I could feel the love that surrounded me.

This session was the best one yet for me. It’s very fun and nice to just see years old problems just disappear in a very short period of time as things considered. Super easy to do and it’s exciting, for me at least, to feel the end result. Still have work to do but I’m excited to do it now.


HPP #5

How many topics did you release today?
Multiple topics and situations all throughout the day.

How did you feel before the session?
Slept deeply the last 2 nights unlike other nights when I usually wake up a couple of times. So, woke up feeling well-rested today. Didn’t feel any resistance or reluctance in doing HPP.

How did you feel after the session?
Felt full of love and lightness and so good. Also, felt like I crossed a hurdle today. All good stuff.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?
I was drinking tea in the morning and I was reminded of a past situation so automatically I started doing HPP. While going thru it, I had a big release and an AH HA! moment when I kept repeating ‘I love you’. I can’t believe that I couldn’t see it before. The cells in my body started buzzing and I started getting lighter and lighter. The top of my head was tingling. This was pretty significant for me. I don’t want to say more but will leave this… Aye, Aye, ‘I’ !! :wink:

Hawaiian healer Morrnah Nalamaku knew what she was doing when she created this healing prayer. :ocean: :palm_tree: :sparkling_heart:


HPP Entry #5

How many topics did you release today?

More than I would say 3 topics, I am going as deep I can recall the memories, the pain they contain was my main focus for today, was not easy in a way because there are extra layers of suppressed pain but made it… there were a few mini sessions in the day, while I was speaking with friends I would need more concentration than others, with the eyes open it’s a bit of a challenge… the funny thing the “I Love you” feeling energy is already present and seems the easiest one to bring it up, it’s almost the real “I” knows “my” intention and I’m aware of it.

How did you feel before the session?

In a way was feeling with low energy… just tired, but none the less the message of the day is my motivation to pick up, such a blessing to be able to access it and review it a couple of times to understand what you are trying to teach. Thanks by the way taking the time in make them.

How did you feel after the session?

In Love with myself, expressing and understanding my true emotions is like the little me is coming out of the cave, I am embracing more and more this happy me because it just feels too good to let it go, all I know is release, release till is clear.

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or big emotions releases?

Relief, yesss… the love feeling sometimes feels overwhelming I just cry with joy, been crying a lot lately.

Is the process getting easier?

The recall of the feelings are getting familiar by each day, just need to keep up with the process.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I can’t wait to see how far this will go, I’m truly so blessed and grateful to be part of it. Much love to you all :heart_eyes:


HPP Entry #5

How many topics did you release today?

4-5, one being something I worked on before already.
I havent experienced a huge release with this method yet, but it is certainly working in that it is helping me realize how certain behaviours are connected, what my patterns are and… well, originally my list contained subconscious beliefs and concepts that I “resonated with”. It was because 1) I thought it would be more efficient to release the underlying cause vs exact memories and 2) because it was hard for me to pin down exact memories.
Now… my experience has been that 1) working with concepts, my mind gets flooded with related memories and 2) these concepts are really big and feels like I am not even making progress.
So today I wrote a new list of about 30 topics that are more relate to memories rather than the underlying feeling/concept/theme.
Going forward, I will work with this new list as I think this will be easier.

How did you feel before the session?

Good - a bit frustrated about the lockdown and all that, now that it is Friday.

How did you feel after the session?
Light, but super tired.

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or big emotions releases?

Smaller waves of relief, several times.

Is the process getting easier?

Yes - working with exact memories makes it easier, probably the practice as well :slight_smile: .