The SEE System: The Sapien Medicine Edition (_OM Approved)

Random bit of news: I am now generating literal body heat when bringing up certain emotions! I definitely heat up a little bit with love but man anger. Anger makes my body heat go up substantially to the point where I actually sweat! This has never happened before :slightly_smiling_face:


HPP entry 5

Before the session I was calm and in a good mood. I started with my 2 big topics left in the late morning. Working on these topics felt so rewarding and great that I just kept going with whatever thought or memory came up. So I did more than 20 topics today in my main session. I felt more amazing and amazing, but I also started feeling spaced out, so I stopped at some point. Maybe next time I will try a few rounds of grounding at this point.
During the day I did some more releases. The emotional release today was immense. Feeling so free and light for the rest of the day, always with an inner smile and nothing was able to stop my great mood.
The technique feels like a natural process now. I am even able to do it while I go about my day.

Finally got a candle today through a staff member of the hotel. So I am ready for session 2.


HPP Entry #5

I released 3 topics today. The topics touched upon incidents of trauma, jealousy, and sadness.

Before the session, I felt perfectly fine. My mind was clear. I was also aware of how I was feeling. On top of all of that I decided to meditate before the session to clear my mind even more.

Today’s session was overall peaceful. No internal turbulence. I was able to identify what I was feeling. I was able to focus on that feeling. In addition, I felt every HPP command after saying it. There was one moment where I experienced a little vertigo while saying “I love you” to the feeling. However, I just kept the spotlight of love on the feeling. I’ve been starting to notice the feeling of neutrality after releasing a topic. It was definitely an interesting feeling.

After the session, I felt even more peaceful than when I started the session. Besides that my head was throbbing a bit.

I’m excited for tomorrow! I’m also curious what we’re going to be doing with the candles.


HPP Entry 5

How many topics did you release today?

I released 6 further topics in this latest round. Topics surrounded my OCD, the seriousness which has taken over me the past several years alongside working on some past traumas.

How did you feel before the session?

Was a very strange day before carrying out the session. I woke up in the best mood I have done in a very long time. Had Plasma Flower running all day. Just emitting positivity all round but me and my partner had more disagreements yesterday than ever before. Normally I’d get wound up as and my barriers would go up based on childhood and teenage experiences but not today. Dealt with the issues there and then rather than letting it fester and boil over each time.

How did you feel after the session?

Bliss and harmony are the two words which spring to mind. Just pure love and gratitude for everything. Aside from a few moments the past several days, it’s been a very good/stable week in terms of my usual mood swings. Been my best week in a very long time and it’s no coindince it coincides with starting this method.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

Especially around the trauma related topics today, I had a very euphoric feeling once released. I cried during 2 when releasing because the feeling was so powerful and deep. It was a feeling of being back in control also and not being controlled no longer by these traumas and thought patterns developed over the years.

Anything else you wish to add.

The past 2 nights I’ve noticed that right after doing the HPP, I’ve needed too or fallen asleep shortly afterwards. Didn’t happen the first few days. Not sure if it’s because of doing it a little later in the day or it’s working on some deep rooted issues but my body has needed to rest afterwards.


HPP Entry# 4&5

How many topics did you release today?


  • not enough time (this includes generally speaking)
  • a tricky one… if im relaxed and not overworked I feel good, but don’t allow myself to feel it because I feel im not progressing, if im working hard, I feel like improgressing, but too taxed to “be myself” this shows up a a tension in my bodymind
  • The woman im dating backed out of some plans, I felt rejected and unlovable
  • I haven’t exercised for 10 days and im starting to look and feel “normal”… my ego doesn’t like this at all
  • loneliness

How did you feel before the session?

stressed, rushed, and wondering if I was going to be able to accomplish all my tasks for the day. I have been feeling tired due to a much increased work load… some nausea and belly aches too

How did you feel after the session?

I spread the sessions out through the day but I really felt relief each time. If im honest, ive been so busy that I haven’t had space to getting as down and dirt as the first few days, but what I have done has been effective. Each time ive been through has given me enough relief to take the next steps easier and they’ve felt in alignment.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

Lots of little reliefs :slight_smile: but for the last couple of days… Ill take it!

Anything else you wish to add.

Actively using the HPP has allowed me to stay in control during stress, where normally I can spiral downwards. Im so pleased though, just this week Ive been able to get a new car, and my own place to live after effectively couch surfing for 6 months, and living with other peoples rules, projections, reflections and triggers. The fields have helped so much here (review to come) and this process has been like the immediate, front line defender. I finally have a little space to myself and this afternoon I will be doing a focussed session on some quite painful feelings


Day # 5 HPP ENTRY !!!

How many songs did you release today? Today I released 3 songs! the truth is that I feel everything much lighter, a great and permanent feeling of peace and love.

How did you feel before the session?
I was very tired, but I decided to move forward in a great way, I feel very good with this great liberation exercise, my emotions no longer hurt inside.

How did you feel after the session? I definitely feel lighter and more peaceful, this is honestly amazing! Thank you very much Angel !!! :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3:


Scribe’s HPP Entry #5

How Many Topics Did You Release Today: I released 10. I spent a lot of time on this tomorrow because I want to get as much out of the way before tomorrow’s session…even though I plan to make releasing a daily occurrence for the foreseeable future.

How did you feel before the session: Really tired today. Like I had a helluva tough time getting out of bed and getting ready for work. My session was around noon time and quite frankly, I didn’t do much work after that. I also listened to a lot of morphic fields today and I get the sense I may be overdoing it.

How did you feel after the sessions: While the mind is getting quieter, I was still tired for most of the day, and found myself laying down for a nap at 4:30 on the hardwood floor.

Is the process getting easier? Yes, for sure, over the course of this week I’ve been able to use this process not just for some deeper healing but for several in the moment incidents where I need to abolish anxiety and overwhelm. I have yet to have the cathartic release, but I am totally okay with that and couldn’t be happier with how things are progressing.


You’re recording the session? I won’t be able to actively do the exercise(s) due to work but ill be there.


HPP Entry #5

How many topics did you release today?

I released 2 topics today.

How did you feel before the session?

These issues weren’t really that deep but I started thinking about how late I would be to school due to missing the train and getting so frustrated because it would leave as I’m running up the stairs. I recall seeing the operator close the door on me a few times and I would just go off (talking smack in my head… ofc after it was gone)

How did you feel after the session?

After doing the release I’m just smiling and laughing at the past, lmao like it’s real funny how that happened and how I thought it was the end of the world. Today’s release was highly uplifting, It’s got me wondering just what else have i taken too serious to get flustered over.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases?

A sense of ease with the world right now honestly.


HPP Entry #5

I had a headache all day today, I tried listening to some fields for relief but it only got worse, so I ended up not working out today, as planned.
Although it was hard to focus, I ended up releasing 10 topics today from my list nonetheless.
I also released a few other emotions along the day, however one thing that I noticed in particular is how I’m reacting to some situations.
For instance, I usually get upset in the presence of a certain family member and this person doesn’t even need to be in the same room as me, it got to the point that even their breath makes me clench my fists.
However today I didn’t feel anything, or better yet, I felt normal. It’s worth noting that this situation has been going on for at least 20 years now and it only kept getting worse…
I mean, I don’t feel love for the person, but at least I don’t feel negative emotions either, it’s just neutral.
Granted the last sessions made me feel calm, collected and at times even a sense of bliss I guess, but I didn’t really see a noticeable result until now.
That said, there’s still a lot I need to work on this same topic but I’m impressed so far.

As far as the other topics I released throughout the day… they were things that randomly popped up in my head.
I also noticed that I have this weird habit of cursing when I remember embarrassing moments. Yup gonna need to figure that one out lol.


HPP Entry #5
Today I tried polarity collapsing on all my topics during the I Love You step; I also used images and sounds to influence the feelings on each step. Before the session I felt pretty good, in a calm state not really thinking much. I started off with 3 topics but went on to try as many as I could within one session and anything that would come up I would release along the way. The process has become so automatic I went to release 19 topics. I released for about 2 hours and had not realized how much time had gone by, It took me about 5 minutes to come back to reality. This has been the most intense release I have done so far. After the session I was in a even calmer state of mind, far more relaxed and had this glowing like feeling. I don’t know if I felt deep sense of relief or emotional release because I was just so calm I couldn’t remember any negative feeling and couldn’t stop smiling. I also couldn’t think of why I was smiling so much; I just felt extremely good. I am becoming more aware of little triggers and have this AHAH!! moment instead of allowing myself to be triggered.


Link Going Out Soon


cause of your gif linking skills :slight_smile:



How many topics did you release today?
Released 5 topics today.

How did you feel before the session?
Body didn’t feel too good today. Not sure why but it might have been the weather turning jumping 6 to 7 degrees hotter.

How did you feel after the session?
My heart is lighter and more joyous.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases?
No big emotional releases. It seems like the past few days were larger and today I dealt with whatever else I had left. It’s almost like I’m struggling to find issues to deal with now. So I released that as well.

Is the process getting easier, if so how?
Yes, it seems much faster now too. I’m able to get to the blissful, joyous state quite quickly. It feels more like “embrace and love” instead of four individual steps, just a transmutation of the negative frequency to a positive one.

Anything else you wish to add.
Also being more aware of how issues appear throughout the day - and immediately collapsing the polarity. I see the tendency to hold the issue and generate negative emotions there - so immediately I would not even let it take hold and do HPP releasing. Just releasing again and again and again.

PS. I am unable to attend live this week due to an unforeseen event, but will catch up on the recording as soon as I get back.


I’m also not sure I’ll be able to attend today, may not be back by that time.


HPP day #6

Today I released on only 1 subject. I’m learning that this is much easier to do early in the day. Days like today when I get into work, study, social media etc for hours before I do my releasing, it’s much more challenging to stay in the right frame of mind and concentrate on the task at hand.

The subject I released on was something I’ve released in previous days with multiple cycles, and it crept up again today. I was able to deal with it very quickly and without many repetitions, much more easily than on previous days, which felt empowering.

Overall this week has seen life moving along nicely. I’m procrastinating less, enjoying challenges at work more, seeing more worth in what I do day-to-day and generally feeling more present. A short journal entry as I don’t have much to say other than it’s getting easier and more automatic and results have been steadily compounding.

Looking forward to today’s session, will be rushing back home to make it on time.



How many topics did you relase today?

I released
-feelings of being in work

How did you feel before the session?
Exhausted from my 12 hour shift again, but keen to do it ! Been getting into the mindset to do it alot easier then i was before (thanks 2 motivation releases)
How did you feel after the session?
Blissful and satisfied. All worries dissapeared. I did not have a long session at all because im so sleepy, i was almost drifting off during the hpp sayings but i pushed my way through cause i wana keep at it! This feeling of not worrying feels like seeing a new color. Feels so good to finally not worry about anything. Like today at work the feeling of ‘aughhh i gotta do FUCKING 12 hours today’ doesn’t come up at all really, and when it does i just dont really care and not sink in the feelings, it goes past me.

Did you expereience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases?

Yes i did :) nothing crazy but just felt everything lifted of me. Satisfied

Is the process getting easier, if so how?

Yes yes yes. I’m able to tap into alot faster and easier :) I’ve noticed after each day the time to break down something is alot faster.

Anythign else you wish to add?

Thank you so much for teaching this beautiful technique. This is life changing… I’m so excited for a month to come by of doing this to see the changes in my self.


HPP Day 6

How many topics did you release today?

I released 6 topics today. I worked on incidents where friends had caused me hurt and pain and sometimes treated me in a way that I perceived to be very unfair that I didn’t deserve to be. I only had a couple on my list but as I worked on those, other memories surfaced so I kept working on such incidents the whole session. I felt the feelings in my body today quite a bit more than any other day, all in my solar plexus. They all needed a few rounds to clear.

How did you feel before the session?

I had the best sleep last night that I’ve had in a long time so I woke up feeling great. Getting things done seemed almost effortless. I had to go out and run a few errands and ended up doing extra things that I’d been meaning to do for weeks, like dropping off a goodwill donation that was in my boot. It felt good to get things done and it was even pleasurable. I also stopped and got a coffee and sat in a lovely riverside park for about 10 minutes or so. I just sat and enjoyed nature and people watching while contemplating life. I haven’t done that in a really long time. I’d always feel too busy, rushed, tired or just couldn’t be bothered. It was lovely to just enjoy the moment and I felt happy and carefree. I felt more like who I used to be. Wonderful!

How did you feel after the session?

After the session I felt calm and happy. It was good to feel the weight of some of those past hurts and betrayals lift of my shoulders. It felt really freeing.

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or big emotions releases?

I didn’t experience any huge shifts today more like just chipping away at the big block of pain, one incident after another. I did feel noticeably lighter and more free.

Is the process getting easier?

The process gets easier each day. Today, I was feeling so zen that the hardest part was getting into the initial feeling. Once I got into the first feeling, it was a lot easier to get into the emotion of the rest.


HPP Entry #6

How many topics did you release today?

  • I released several layers about family problems during a morning session. Those go deep and I’ll get to the root of it too. Then some on the fly releases as the day went by.

How did you feel before the session?

  • I felt those family problems surfacing and ready to bug me today.

How did you feel after the session?

  • In a brighter mood and more detached about what the day might throw at me.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

  • Today, I clearly see the effect of the deep releases I did the last few days : releasing on the fly is way more efficient as it is not blocked by buried sufferings. I still feel some but the heavy weight that I encountered all the time before today appears to be (almost completely) gone.

HPP entry #6

  1. Anger against a certain group’s idiocy: Whenever I read posts from this group, I get filled with rage and it ruins my day. I finally decided to confront this rage. It took me 3 cycles to get to the point where I was unfazed by the idiotic posts.

  2. Fear of encountering an insurmountable obstacle: It seems that with me, numbness and fear have countless layers to them and I will have to keep releasing them everyday. Fear of eventually failing is another one of my fears. What’s strange is that the deeper I go into this, the more resilient the fear (and numbness) is against my “I love you”. I will need stronger focus to get past this hurdle. I did 3 cycles of release today and got temporary relief but this is nowhere near finished. I feel like there are other emotions to release before I can fully conquer this fear.

  3. a) Relapsing at no fap after 132 days: In a moment of weakness, I relapsed at something I thought I had conquered. I was left incredibly drained from the relapse and immediately lost all my positivity. Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise. There was a lot of negative emotion to release from this occurrence. It took me 4 cycles to pick myself back up again from the incredibly demoralising experience.

b) Feelings of unhealthy desperation for female attention: I had realised that my motivation for no fap was powered by an unhealthy “need” (aka desperation) to be super attractive to women due to an underlying insecurity. I’d even go so far as to say that the negative emotions resulting from my relapse were because of this perceived ‘loss’ of power. I will now look at no fap as my default state and my reason for doing it henceforth will be because of the spiritual benefits that I believe it bestows upon me, rather than any megalomaniacal fantasy.

(a and b are interconnected. A “two birds in one stone” scenario if you will)

Theme of the day: Fall from grace and picking myself back up again. The fictional character Arnau Estanyol from the spanish show set in 14th century Barcelona, “La Catedral del Mar” helped me forgive myself for my failure today.


I highly recommend giving it a watch (it’s on netflix!)