The SEE System: The Sapien Medicine Edition (_OM Approved)

HPP Entry #6

How many topics did you release today?

I have started to release all day and it feels so good.
Worked on shame (so much there: shame of love, shame of being who we are, etc.), the pain of not being listened and its other side me not listening well, anxieties with different level of vibrations, expectations from people, never being content & wanting more experiences, impatience, etc.

How did you feel before the session?

Things are getting nice :slight_smile:
For the automatic release coming up during the day, it manifests through Anxieties often.

How did you feel after the session?

So much joy, lightness, trance of the body, etc.
Still often this feeling of scratching the surface or not doing enough, which I shall spend some time on.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how? Anything else you wish to add.**

No big emotional release (my mecanism seems to be blocking it and changing it into trances), but the process is now generating so much joy, confidence, lightness.
I am experiencing more and more Freedom :pray:


Sorry I missed the second session. I can’t wait to watch the recording ! :heart:


HPP Entry #6

It is insane to me how much growth/expansion you can experience in a short amount of time. We’ve been practicing the HPP release for only a week and yet I’ve managed to deeply address topics that I only recently realized I’d been ignoring/unaware of for years. For this last entry, I chose to release the last three topics on my list for an even thirty full releases throughout the week. That said, at this point I could see myself able to do thirty within a day or two without hassle.

The three topics pertained to past addictions, jealousy, and the oscillation between ego trips and insecurity.

I woke up this morning a bit groggy since I did not gotten as much quality sleep as I would’ve liked. That said, practicing HPPv2 this morning energized me and completed my understanding of HPPv1.

When I started the releases, I felt hopefully optimistic. I have already overcome my main past addictions so releasing the last remnants was deeply satisfying, leaving me feeling brighter, lighter, and accomplished. The last topic – bouncing between self-gratifying ego and insecurity – was the hardest to complete today but bringing love and unconditional acceptance to the feeling was like second nature.

I feel incredibly happy at the moment, and I am excited to continue with the next phase of this process throughout the week. It is clear as day how HPPv1 has set up the foundation for all that’s coming next.


@anon22855873 are we still doing the HPP 1 exercise? meaning entry #6. Thought it was only for 5 days M- F… ?


In the Session 2 zoom meeting Angel said version HPP 2 … the HPP 1 journal no longer applies. Today and tomorrow is practising what we’ve learned today.



This is the part I like most of the process so expect me to be as direct as possible.

This is also the part the yields the most results prior to enlightenment.

No more passes from me :upside_down_face: as the whole point to this session is for you to acquire a sense of independence.

Going to enjoy my weekend. Go practice. See you Monday. :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks! That’s what I thought. I saw a few journal entries and was checking.


Have a nice weekend :wink:


HPP Entry #6

How many topics did you release today?
I worked on 4 topics today and also worked on previous topics I thought needed more work.

How did you feel before the process?
I was eager to start the exercise and thought the new topics did not need much clearing.

How did you feel after the session?
During the session I felt some thing come unstuck in my solar plexus chakra. The feelings of I am sorry, I love you and gratitude are very intense through out my releases. My body starts to get extremely hot and I start to sweat a bit. Overall, I am feeling lighter and other feelings, such as fear and anger seem to be very much diminished. I am not losing my cool and seem to remain at a steady state through out the day.

The process is much easier and more intense.


HPP Entry 6

How many topics did you release today?

Five and still processing the big fish from yesterday.

  • a financial challenge
  • group of friends, that I’ve been avoiding
  • depressive phase, when my favorite roommate moved out
  • the miserable time I had, when I worked part-time in a call-center
  • the big topic from yesterday

How did you feel before the session?
Slightly positive, still a slight energy blockage around the head.

How did you feel after the session?

Energy blockage nearly gone, deeply relaxed and happy.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

No big relief, some grudges came up, when thinking about specific people. Getting even faster with the process, but still have to interrupt, what I’m doing, to achieve a complete release.

Anything else you wish to add.

This week has been amazing for me. Seven days ago I was feeling lost and constantly drifting into apathy. Practicing HPP changed me.

It brought light & hippieness back into my life. I thank you from the bottom of my heart @anon22855873 for the amazing work you have done so far!


Nothing but my pleasure bro.

I can feel the deep sincerity in your message. It hit me. I’m just allowing myself to be an instrument :pray:t4:

Makes me appreciative to hear that life is easier for you now.


Wow ! I just watched session 2. It’s amazing !

Thanks a lot, @anon22855873 :sparkling_heart:


HPP #6:

This session I could only do one topic.

Before the session I had very bad back and neck pain to the point of feeling very stiff. Looking up at the top shelf where I work was very painful. Taking care of it now but the pain was just bad.

That said, the topic was another big childhood related issue for me so I was ready to take of it. Despite the back pain, it did feel good going through the cycles. The inner voice was back again as encouragement. The process was very easy this time around as though it already knew when to move on to the next phase of the cycle without me to guide it along. I had a lot of pressure in the head, throat and heart per usual and also heard a somewhat loud sound in my right ear as I was focusing.

Once again, I felt the release float up to the head throughout the cycles and felt the pressure disappear like it was never there. I always find that amazing since it still seems illogical to me, despite the results.

Outside of the back pain, I feel pretty good afterwards. Felt as light as a feather after everything was said and done.
Still have a long list of issues that I need to address, but I feel much more confident that I can clear them out now vs. the start of the week. The process works that well.


Trying to vibrate love by focusing on it takes sooo long that I get annoyed and vibrate frustration instead :joy:

Really hope I master HPP v2 by tomorrow night. Things are not looking good otherwise…

Hi @Saan or somebody else, please, how can i Whatch the recording? :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3:

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You click play on the video in the main post.


Let me guess you’re skipping the feel, comment, love feeling exact process and you’re thinking instead?



Attention HPPv2 Tip

Already getting some messages on difficulties…

1)Feel the situation (your mind is quiet, you’re feeling)

2)Say something about it(the feeling). Anything is fine.

:boom:The comment part is EXTREMELY important to get the ego out the way…:boom:

3)Bring up the I love you feeling. Hold until collapse. Cement with thank you/gratitude. Check work.


No. I’m actually practising, solely bringing up the I love you feeling outside the HPP framework (as we’re supposed to throughout the day and at the end of the day).

So yeah, what I’m doing is, thinking of a loving memory and trying to get the feel of it. The problem is that the initial feel is so very subtle that even when I focus, it doesn’t seem to intensify as much (don’t know why I’m having problems now when I could easily bring it up during the session).

This itself is what I have trouble with and wanna get better and faster at. Any tips for this specifically?

The negative emotions, I have no problem feeling and even vibrating them.

The current goal: to be able to bring up love that is both quick AND strong enough to collapse any negative emotion


This way brings in love according to the understanding of your ego. Causal perspective, the good/bad or positive/negative perspective.

You have to sit silently, say I love you, and allow what that love without condition feels like.

Try the way I taught it and not your way.

Yes fully aware I answered previously on you collapsing this way. Session 2 we are playing bigger so do it correctly.