The SEE System: The Sapien Medicine Edition (_OM Approved)

Thank you bro, this works much better. It didn’t work for me earlier but after 20 min of candle training in total today, my ability to hone in on the feeling has improved :+1::+1:


Simple Efficient Effective :wink:


I just felt and vibrated, “I am interested in medicine and feel like focusing on it” and it actually worked pretty decently! Also vibrated, “I’m extremely popular” just for the heck of it.

I feel like clearing out the rest of my emotional baggage will allow me to one day fully become those states without my aura being slightly tainted by my self doubt.


Thank you for the second session. I caught up with the recording and got to it immediately. Currently feels like I’m patting a dog and showing it love. Not the actual event, but having just that raw feeling of loving, vulnerability and expansiveness and keeping it going for the rest of the day. Absolutely love the random-word trick, it works like magic too. Will get to work to transmute everything! :pray:


Wanted to leave my feedback about Focus Training, I have done it for the last week with the “Attention & Focus” field and following yesterday’s tip I have done it today in Silence.
The experience is completely different and at the end more powerful :slight_smile:

Beyond that, @anon22855873 would you be so kind and expand about your way of releasing the impediments of resonance between SM fields and You, to make it more potent?
Been trying it with the Mass Med & Amygdala Healing the way I understood your explanation, it felt definitely different when purposefully vibrating love, but not much was popping up except the “wanting more potency”.

I also tried to focus my intent on loving and being grateful for the field, this is nice and lowering resistance.


@_OM and @anon22855873

Any tips on how to stop feeling any sort of vibrations (whether it be love or gratitude or a morphic field) to return to a neutral state?

I’ve been feeling them for 3 hours straight today, after listening to transmutation and microcosmic. Converted it into the negative feeling I was working on, love and gratitude a couple of times but the vibration itself still remains. Only the flavour changes.


:eyes: this is Angel’s thread bro…
Don’t pull me in. Stay on topic.
Whatever advice he gives would be similar to what I would say and right now, he knows your situation better than I do.
Use the releasing method on everything.




:point_up_2: :point_up_2:
Now say that 500 times :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :sweat_smile: feel the :heart: :heart:


Omg, I luuuuuv you (to be read in Angel’s valley girl voice)

It’s Kevin Hart’s voice.
Now stop typing and get to work /said in Angelgome voice/


Master what I gave you first, in Session 3, we expand.

Release your “wanting more potency”, sit silently, let it affect you, HPPv2. Nothing more or less.

Ride the wave, if vibration is uncomfortable it’s resistance. Always happens when “I’m leveling up” until I surrender and it becomes my new default.

Lmao didn’t think of it that way but you’re right also.


Interesting. I’ve kinda accepted the vibrations now and am doing my releasing with them in the background.

Btw, when you say that the goal will “naturally morph” into a more specific goal after a full collapse, do you mean my thoughts will take me there? Or I’ll get a new feeling when I say “body” and I’ll have to translate that feeling into a thought, e.g., “I wanna be stronger”?

Last separate question before I lose myself in some intense releasing.

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Go experience. Words don’t mean shit.


Alright then, time to go full instinctive Dew Bob

HPPv2 Day 1

Alright, here goes (from my early time-zone)…

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

Played 2 loops while releasing. I just worked with whatever came up. Sometimes it was non-verbal, but clearly something was felt there, so I worked with it - said a nonsensical word (“tetris”, “oil spills”, “bikes”, etc) and then collapsed the polarity with love, love, love without distraction.

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?

Yes, I did full 10 minutes but I must admit I got distracted at 6 minutes trying to figure out how much time has past. If I were to describe it, it was a little like focusing on someone in the middle of a moving crowd. And these people (or thoughts) were all around but not the center of focus, eventually they all walk away.

Over time, the crowd dispersed and it became much easier to steady my mind. At the beginning, there were some amusing thoughts like “why is that flame moving around??? Keep still!!!” But eventually my mind rested… felt like this:


Clear, one-pointed mind by the end of the 10 minutes. I wonder if I can bring this exercise at the start of all of these exercises, because it seems to augment that focus.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

Yes. I chose “Body” and worked with my image of it, my goals of wanting it to be a certain way, and the deep motivations why. I didn’t consciously think of them, I just worked on Body → Let it collapse and surface deeper motivations → Collapse again into deeper ones… etc.

Also that component of “wanting”. Like you mentioned, the frequency of “wanting” is exactly scarcity and lack. So I collapsed that into “having”, love, abundance, restfulness.

That random-word trick was so nifty that I also used it when I was ‘distracted’. Whenever I was distracted, or even feeling I was “stuck”, I just threw out a random word and suddenly the stuckness vanished. Evaporated.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

Yes, there’s a lot of joy and bliss, and a deeper sublime sense of peacefulness/tranquility. It is soothing and refreshing. I realised… why even stop? So I’ll keep this going 24/7. Feels good anyway.

Anything else you wish to add…

Absolutely love HPPv2. It’s so much easier I must say. And quicker. Also, I love the added training on focus, it really brings it up a notch.


Sorry I’m a bit late for the journal entries on HPPv1, I had a really busy week and was out of town helping my sisters with out my laptop. I did journal on my note pad and kept up with the posts and daily videos. I focused on 4 topics a day and did my journaling on my notepad on night.

HPP day 1

On my first day it was related towards my body and diet, which then extended to motivation. The beginning of january I had taken a body scan at the gym. I’m pretty built guy and thought I was healthy, I was at 30 percent body fat, which surprised me cause I’m not fat. My friend is fatter then me and he’s at 20 percent haha. With that being said I know where I need to work on and my problem usually stems from not being motivated enough and being lazy. So my releases targeted body, diet, lazyness, and motivation.

How did you feel before the session?
At first I was a little bit confused about the process, just like anything new that I try. But went ahead and went at it. There was a bit of a resistance going at it.

How did you feel after?
I felt a little bit more motivated, kinda hard to explain but that feeling where you just get up and do it without thinking about it, and felt a little bit loose. I was able to do cardio at my sisters apartment, which is something I never do (lack of motivation).

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?
Still being new to this I knew I have work to do but I did feel a sense of motivation. the process does seem easy and effortlessly. So I will continue to practice.

HPP day 2
Since moving can be fustrating and annoying I decided to focus on releasing those topics which also stemmed with short temperament.

How did you feel before release?
I was annoyed that I had a lot of work to do helping my sisters.

How did you feel after the release?
It felt a lot easier then yesterdays, I was able to trigger my emotions a lot easier, especially on the “I love you”. I felt a little more loose and less tense and stressed out. It put a smile on me that even my sisters noticed.

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?
I definitely felt relief, the action of helping my sisters move furniture felt more effortlesly without putting much thought. I was more upbeat in my steps. So far it’s an improvement from yesterday.

HPP day 3

I was feeling worried about my finances since I’m currently unemployed, have enough for months but the feeling just popped iin my mind. So I was focusing on my relationship with money, and self worth that was on my list. I did my releases in the shower.

How did you feel before?
I was feeling worried and depressed, lack of hope. Which the thoughts came out of nowhere.

How did you feel after?
I felt amazing! As I was repeating I love you I felt goosebumbs all over my scalp down to my neck and spine. All my worries went away and I was feeling very good and happy.

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?
Absolutely it has been the biggest release yet. I’m becoming more sensitive to feeling emotions and invoking the feeling of I’m sorry, please fogive me, I love you, and thank you.

(update: following day I got a phone call from a big company, with great pay, and went to an interview the day after on friday. Only to get home and 20 min later calling me to tell me I got the job)

HPP day 4

For this release I focused on my nervousness, confidence, exitement when I “win”, Shyness.

How did you feel before?
Clear minded, relaxed… I had just gotten back home from Austin so I felt relieved to finally be back.

How did you feel after?
I was able to bring the feelings I get when I get nervous when I play good dart players, and felt a knot in my chest. Went through the process and felt that pressure go away after doing the release.

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?
I absolutely believe I had a very successful release. The process keeps getting easier and easier. Definitely been having random instances of joy and goosebumps.

(following day in the job interview, I didn’t feel shy or nervous, I was able to answer the questions without out choking or having akward embarassing moments when I cant say a word lol)

HPP day 5

I had a very busy day with the job interview, then getting home only to call me back and had to drive all the way back to pick up paper work to do the physical. Normally I would of been slow at it so worked on procrastinating and also went back and did another cycle of shyness and confidence.

How did you feel before?
I had just woken up and felt like I had a good sleep, and thats cause I sleep very little where normally I still feel pretty tired. I meditated for 10 min before diving in.

How did you feel after?
I had a feeling of confidence and lightness. I felt like I was walking in faith.

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?
Hell yeah! I got everything I needed done for the day, and felt a huge sense of releaf. Old me would of pushed it to do it all on monday, so now I got monday to myself.

Overall summary for day 1-day 5… Im definitely seeing improvements and manifestations the big one being getting a really good job and I have been doing more cardio and implementing a OMAD carnivore keto diet. The goosebumps have been easy to trigger when I do the I love you phase of the release.

I will be working on HPPv2 and will have my journal available later tonight now that I have more time. Thanks Angel for this method it’s brought change when I was hopeless and worried about my future! So sorry I wasn’t able to post last week


So, if I get it correctly after writing down the choosen main goal we just think to the word (inner hearing) and see what arises. Than HPP2 it and go on with other eventual subtopics till it is completely collapsed into love.

We dont have to think to specific situations, issues or goals related to the main ones when starting the work? (e.g. having giant biceps, having quadrilions of bitcoins ecc lol)


DAY 1 of HPPV2

Did you do your cycle of amygdala and releaseing? What did you experience?

Yes i did, i set my intention of ‘bring something up that i need to work on regarding this field’ and stuff did come up but it took me a long time to release it so i didnt get to do enough during the amydala field (played twice). it was hard to tap into my emotions today for some reason, quieting my mind was a challenge

Did you do your Candle Exercise? Howdid you find it/Is it getting easier?

Yes i did, i did 10 minutes of soft gazing. I think i did actually well for my first time, i did loose focus first half a bit but the rest it was easy to bring my focus back to it. I noticed my eyes were starting to hurt from looking at it though but nothing painful.

Did you run cycle on your Goal releasing? What did you experience?

I focused on relationships.
I experienced a feeling of lightness and hope in my goals. Alot of it is connected to my anxiety also so i was doing work on those feelings.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

Yes i did.
Been doing this all day, i feel such a high from it! Yesterday i felt more then today. Yesterday i had a shower with plasma flower and just got really into the love emotion and then kept focusing on it and saying i love you in my head and when i got to work i could feel my ego fighting back so hard making me feel super uncomfortable that i could enjoy not caring about anything. It was the most bliss i’ve ever experienced. It did fade about 2 hours into work though, my work is really toxic so it was hard to keep the feeling in a fast paced thinking enviroment, im not good at multi tasking haha
But today i did feel bits of it but at work it would fade away as soon as i got reminded of some of my insecurities.


HPPv2 Day 1

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

I did two cycles of Amygdala and releasing. The first cycle I did this morning right after the candle exercise. I worked on the first thought that came up. I found it a bit harder to get into the love feeling and it took me a little while to do so. When using the phrases in HHPv1 last week I guess my mind got primed for the love feeling after the Please Forgive Me phrase. This time it felt like I was trying to pull the love feeling out of thin air so it took a little while to do so. It was a little easier by the evening session after randomly giving myself Love during the day.

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it?

I really enjoyed doing this exercise. It felt calming and relaxing. My mind was definitely all over the place and it was interesting to observe and then pull it back to the candle. In the evening’s exercise, I felt like I could hold my focus for slightly longer already. Neither time felt like 10 minutes so I might try to go a little longer tomorrow.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

I chose the goal Relationships. Wanting to be more aware about what sort of people I spend time with and would like to meet some more like minded people. I found the random word really helpful as just saying helped take get me out of the feeling a bit and made it easier to give it love. Still found it a bit more difficult to get into the love state straight away so will need to do more practice on this. The issues seemed to collapse pretty easily though once I got to the love state.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

Yes I did this several times throughout the day. It was already getting easier as the day went on. Felt very calming, like I was in my happy, safe space.