The SEE System: The Sapien Medicine Edition (_OM Approved)

Vibes Entry #2

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

  • Today I did three playthroughs of the Amygdala track. Fortunately, I had a really good night’s sleep, so I’m feeling energized and enthusiastic. The collapsing I did during the first and second listen were productive, and I felt great throughout, so I opted for a third listen.

  • The third listen is when I had responses similar to the past few days – specifically past difficult memories coming up somewhat randomly – but I already feel as if the past few days of releasing with the field has given me a thicker skin.

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/Is it getting easier?

  • I started the morning off with a little over ten minutes of the focus/candle exercise (as opposed to twenty or fifteen minutes like before), but the experience went smoother than the last two attempts. It was a great way to start off the day – letting the thoughts go rather than to be attached to them – and at the end of the ten minutes I felt like I could have continued focusing solely on the candle! I’m thinking of doing another ten-twenty minutes tonight to calm my thoughts and strengthen my focus before bed.

  • Much of the focus on the flame itself has been in the ways it subtly moves/dances, the color (parts that are transparent vs more opaque), and the ways the wax of the candle pools.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

  • So far today I’ve run five cycles on my ‘security’ goal, and I’m starting to pinpoint exactly where the bulk of the releasing needs to take place. I’ve been mentally keeping track of where the HPPv2 releasing takes me, but later today I intend to write down the specific trajectory the clearing has taken so far.

  • With HPPv2, engaging with the feeling of love is now near instantaneous. I can hold the feeling pretty consistently (at least in comparison to my focus during the candle experience) and I think that might be because I’m not using sight when I clear. I am excited to see how my focus enhances overall with both this exercise and the candle exercise, since they work through ultimately different modalities, despite both requiring directed attention. The physical sensations of HPPv2 so far have included warmth throughout my body and chest, relaxation of my shoulders, and a light-moderate buzzing, depending on how deep my focus is.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

  • I have ended all tasks with giving myself love, as well as throughout last night and today thus far. When out buying groceries, I noticed how much my confidence solidifies when I focus on love, and others appear to pick up on it as well. I’m far more likely to engage in conversation and crack jokes because ultimately I’m feeling more relaxed in those situations.

  • I’m feeling very grateful, very blessed, encouraged, and productive. Excited to see where the rest of the day takes me!


Amygdala cycle

Did it 2 times it released some stuff but couldn’t quite catch the issues? I just remembered that I had the ES and Fae servitor on me… maybe they cleared the things that came up for me. It does feel like it comes up and then just gets cleared. Maybe I’ll try it tommorrow without them

Goal cycle:

Did the same as yesterday in feeling where the issues may arise but used words… what I read from your conversation I did it wrong just used randome words and then focused on it with love. I’ll let it come up tomorrow and don’t force some words on it. I feel calmer and more relaxed still cold on some parts. Got many electric shivers from the spine upwards today or through the body The biggest learning experience comes from learning more about myself and why I act like I act. Gotta admit sometimes I get lost in that and then do half half. Maybe I’m progressing slower because of that but I like it that way.

Candle exercise

Was really cool today my 3rd eye was a bit more open today it seems because I saw green blue indigo etc. swirling around . Was lookin at a stone though but it was like he had some special effects with neon light lol. Mind still wanderes some times etc but It was better than yesterday

Did you end your day with giving yourself love?

I’m sorry I gotta write this on somewhere I forget this often.


Vibes #2

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

Yes, I did one 6 cycle session today. Put my expectations aside and listened to my body, like you told us to @anon22855873. Training with the candle exercise paid of, today was much, much easier to focus on the fields.

Round 1

  • field was working on the area around my stomach
  • then it moved up to my heart
  • near the end the field was working on my throat

(prob. working on my chakras …)

Round 2

  • again field working on my stomach, then moving up to heart and throat
  • but much quicker this time
  • at the end field was working on my third eye
    – then suddenly a rush of positivity from my stomach up my body

Round 3&4

  • field starting with my stomach, again
    – but this time it feels like it’s charging me with energy there
  • moves on to the heart, same sensation as before
    – then moves on charging the area around my throat
    -felt another rush of positivity

Was planning to end the session after the 4th round

  • but field started working on areas in my brain, so I continued
  • had to release 1 blockage there

Round 5 & 6

  • felt the field releasing in certain parts of my brain
  • hat to release blockages there three times
  • from time to time the field would work on my stomach
    – Again felt like it was charging a chakra, felt a lot of positivity

Was extremely enjoyable, felt super good after the session.

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?

  • did two 10 minute rounds
  • more focused, less drifting into
    – and it became easier, to catch myself drifting

I’m going to do 1-2 additional sessions later this day.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

Went back to work through Body. Didn’t work on it probably, as Angel pointed out.

  • started to listen to my body (like with the Amygdala cycles)
  • noticed sensations and blockages popping up
  • around halfway through a wave of positivity hit me
  • at the end of the session I felt a small surge of positivity after the last release
  • did 12 releases overall

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

  • didn’t give me love in the beginning of the day
    – started giving me some love in the afternoon

  • did give me love after the session
    – had to do a few releases to get going
    – but achieved a blissful state, meditated on it for a few minutes
    — felt like a small high

  • the love energy feels stronger, more intense than the days before

  • had a rough morning but feel much better since afternoon


Vibes Entry #2

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

Today I could feel how this is vibrating most of my body, this was actually pleasant.
Overall not much coming up with that field (which I have done quite a lot in the past), except the realization that most of my fear is repressed and polluting my overall consciousness.

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/Is it getting easier?

20min, today was harder and I noticed afterward I was wearing the Divine Balance pendant.
I am surprised how much I love this exercice, it channels my energy/anxiety and it feels like I am evading this reality for 20min - letting go of the responsibility of being a Human.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

Focusing on Security, and I have worked a lot on my Ego identification today.
I was surprised of the topic coming up for Security, I thought it’d be a lot around Fear of lacking and rejection, but safety things came up whereas I thought it was something solved since I was a teenager.

Realized as well how I am perpetually feeling unsecure emotionally & mentally for the last weeks.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

Trying to do it as much as possible during the day.
Experiences are changing every sec, often “empty-energy”, wave of ecstatic joy coming up (which seems to make the nervous system tired), sometimes a light feeling of love.

I am still “roller-coasting” a lot :neutral_face:
Today I was pulled to just be meditating in Silence, doing HPP v2 felt like a constraint as unease was coming back straight.


V2 #2
Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?
Yes, 2 rounds.
It was very nice, felt the buzz/high in waves throughout the “love” part.
I didn’t have any thoughts really, I just concentrated on the body sensations and let it lead me. In the end I felt the biggest blockage in the throat area - this one I didn’t manage to completely clear.

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?
I did 10 mins in the morning, flew by in a second :)

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?
I am still not entirely sure how this should go, but based on what some other people wrote I started with the word/concept of relationships and went from there just based on what I felt in my body.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?
Yes, I practiced during my morning walk/workout. Overall I was much more tired than the day before so some of the “bliss” was replaced by exhaustion today.

Anything else you wish to add…
Sometimes I do HPP release v1 because the “comment” word that comes up is “I’m sorry” (it’s one work in my language)… which then feels natural to be followed by the forgive me part.


HPPv2 #2

I listened to the Amygdala audio three times this morning but couldn’t seem to totally focus and tune in to it. This evening I looped it for quite a few rounds; there wasn’t any rush so I just let it play. Like I said my focus isn’t that fantastic so I figured if I played it over and over I could kill two birds with one stone (a) practice bringing my attention back inwards (b) allow the audio to work its magic on me while learning to focus and go within. I still haven’t had any thoughts pop up just mainly uncomfortable sensations in my throat and chest area. I was listening to the audio sitting crossed legged on my bed. It’s been drizzling throughout the day. On the fourth loop the heavens opened up and it just poured. My little cottage has a tin roof, so when it rains really hard you can’t hear a thing! I eventually gave up listening and put my laptop to the side of me and just concentrated on collapsing whatever came up. Found it interesting that I was still having tingles in various spots of my body even after the audio had stopped. There was one particular pain that took a long time to collapse. It was on the left hand side of my back closer to the edge, sort of in line with my bra strap. I even reached around with my right hand to see it there was something there. The comment I gave it was “back stab” Spent quite a while with my head to the side saying and feeling the “I love you”, it was like I was talking to and loving a child that was behind me.

I really want to get the hang of this so I did a quick Google search last night and one article mentioned that sitting in the dark while gazing at the candle would help you to zone in on the light and I must admit this did help. It’s a good thing I live alone, who in their right mind would set their clock to go off so early in the morning just so they could go to the lounge and sit in the dark while staring at a candle? :rofl:
On the second 10 minute round I started feeling hot, thought it was because I had my jersey on so I removed it and started over and again I started to feel myself getting hot.

Yesterday while working on my Goal I would say “Security” but then after that I would also say and feel “I want to be financial stable” and the negative comments that came up were mainly in response to to the second comment. Today all I said was “Security” and waited to see what would come up. I’m not sure if I’m doing this correctly as I didn’t get any comments to note down. However I did feel a tightness in my stomach and also a couple of aches and pains in my heart area that I lovingly collapsed.

Today I was able to just love myself with out any physical touch. It was a nice warm glowy feeling, I even had a big silly grin at one time. Felt myself pulsating and expanding outwards. I did collapse some pains in my heart area. I feel all tingly now.

While doing each exercise I would sometimes get distracted with thoughts like …ooh you should put that in your journal, make a note of that sensation and which part of the body, etc.
But today I tried my level best to just concentrate (not easy) on what I was feeling and at the same time collapsing what came up. And guess what? now that it is time to do my journal I can’t seem to remember the thoughts that were popping up so that I can type them out. Go figure right! :roll_eyes: :laughing:


Vibes Entry #2

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?

  • It’s getting a little easier. I had moments were I really felt empty minded, like I was a space of potentialities in which everything could be born. I was barely feeling it, but it was there. I could also stop my thoughts more easily. Now, it’s still very hard but those fleeting moments of success are very encouraging.

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

  • I got deeper today, experiencing feelings along with physical sensations. Releasing them came with a lot of gurgles and much yawning afterward, as well as with a sense of lightness and joy.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

  • I worked on relationship again. Like amygdala, there were more feelings and more deeper things today. They were related to a pressure in my throat. After the first release, the pressure became lighter but it was still there and the feeling morphed into something else. I released it also and it went on like that for 6 cycles of fear and anger.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

  • I did practice the “I love you” throughout the day, I am doing while writing this, and I had a releasing meditation during lunchtime regarding today’s discomforts. The feeling of peace, freedom and joy that they provide is such a blessing and really addictive ^^

Anything else you wish to add…

  • My lunchtime practice, during which I took time to explore the process, and the message of the day allowed me to better understand and feel the method, and it felt more natural this evening than yesterday.

Vibes Entry #2

  • Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

I felt good from the beginning being sending love to myself and reality around me all day long.
I felt deep phsycal release from the center of the body from base of the spine to top of the head, felt great stability and a deep deep sense of courage.
At the end of the 2nd cycle body started to release every sensation into love. I started feeling what I would describe like “being in the womb”, love felt like a warm liquid and I (not my body) was floating in it

  • Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/Is it getting easier?

Only 10min today. The most evident difference frome yesterday was a discernable flux of energy between me and the flame. Felt almost like a magnetic force. When me mind started wondering I’ve just have to relax into that flux again.
My mind become quite still effortlessly and 10minutes is a lot quicker that it usually take.

  • Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?***

Subtopic that come up yesterday “being rejected” seem to be a major one for me. A lot of memories (almost all from when I was a child) started to pop up vivdly in my mind.
It was quite easy to release them due to the feeling of love getting more and more common to me.
At the end of my session I found myself in a deep state, not so deep as the one described for amygdala above.

  • Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

Again, I feel great. I think it is starting to become an habit.

  • Anything else you wish to add…

I feel I’m reclaming a lot of power as a consequence of giving love to myself. I felt less neediness from relationship and that’s make them much more pleasurable.

I’ve released some events related two specific persons in the past days, and both have contacted me to spend some time toghether.
I’m experiencing a lot interest from unknown people in a lovely way, expecially from opposite sex.


Vibes # 2

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

Did two Amygdala cycles today. This round was much easier and I didn’t feel nearly as much head pressure as I did yesterday. Not as much feelings popped up this round either but I did feel one big release. When the feeling “loneliness” popped up, the release felt massive and the pressure just rushed up to the top of my head before it disappeared.

As an aside, a situation due to work happened that made me extremely mad. I ended up doing the HPPv2 twice and the anger disappeared like it was never there. It was gone extremely quick too as the cycles took almost no time at all.

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?
Candle exercise went much better today. I did 2 rounds of the exercise since I knew I need the extra practice. The first round went really well and I only had at to adjust my focus one or two times. I also had no loud mental resistance like I did yesterday and the time went by pretty quick.

The second round I did have to adjust my focus quite a bit more but again, no mental resistance. Still much easier than yesterday’s attempt at the exercise.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?
Still working on the Security topic and I’m noticing that there are many subtopics that this has. Like for me, it shifts into a new subtopic about new 1 to 2 cycles. The feelings that accompany this are also become somewhat more positive in tone. Yesterday, it was mostly nonsense and negative feelings, like sadness and anger. Those feelings still come up, but I also felt joy, happiness and hope as well.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?
This was easier than yesterday but I still have a bit of difficulty with it due to a bit of mind chatter. Definitely felt more peaceful and self-confidant overall.

This went much better than yesterday though I still feel like I need to work on the focusing a bit more.


Vibes #2

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

Yeah first session there was a mild pain that came up in the upper half of my right thigh. I said, “Omg, what is that? Pain in my right pubis?”. Then I proceeded to bring up love. It took a while for the love to spread to the leg because it always starts in the stomach and goes up to the chest first. Eventually I was able to clear it and said thank you.

In the second session, I felt very powerful full body vibrations (like the ones I feel in the deep aura cleanse video). It was a very pleasurable experience. I then gave myself some love (love combined with this aura felt like a hot and cold sensation).

Finished with schuman resonance which was also a full body vibration but with a faster frequency and a more “earthier” feel.

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?

Today I did the candle exercise for 30 min. I was in a hopeless situation where I couldn’t feel a single thing. And then 30 min of the exercise got my powers back!!! I would definitely say it’s getting easier.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

1 hour

I decided to start goal releasing all over again and not overthink it too much and try to FEEL everything.

The whole experience was like I was in a jacuzzi full of different vibrations. Honestly every single thing was pleasant. It was just a matter of collapsing one emotion (love) into another emotion.


“Batman”, “Black suit”, “What is that? Water droplets”, “Dark Spots”

Acne Scars:

“What is that? Tingling!”, “Cheeks”, “Strong” (Btw at this point I had started to get difficulties with love again. Then I stopped everything. Said I love you and it just filled my body like it was the easiest thing ever??!!!), “Asad”, “Nose tingling”, “Runaway”, “Anxiety”

(Will carry on tomorrow)

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day?

Yes, I did. Although the love feeling itself is extremely inconsistent. Sometimes it feels warm, sometimes it feels neutral, sometimes it’s a stomach vibration. Even my ability to feel love just doesn’t work sometimes. Not only that, but even when I feel it, how fast it intensifies or if it even intensifies is extremely inconsistent.

I think the key is to communicate “I love you” as a feeling itself (minus any loving memory with a relative) to the best of my ability and then focus on that feeling. This could possibly be easier than saying “I love you” and trying to focus on the incredibly miniscule feeling generated by the word “love” when there is a distracting negative emotion I am feeling. Although even this method fails sometimes. Maybe I just have to hone it.

Another key could be focusing on the feeling when I’m holding my breath, which gives me more concentration. Correct me if I’m wrong.

How do you feel overall?

I feel happy that I was able to collapse my goals without thinking this time. Still, I’m not happy about my inconsistent abilities. Sometimes, I can do wonders, sometimes I can’t do shit. Even my focus doesn’t work sometimes. Let’s hope my candle training coupled with my new love trick works.

Anything else you wish to add…

I used the Torsion field in the early hours of the morning to prevent a stye from getting too worse. I looped it three times while focusing intently on my eye in my phone camera (using the focus skill I had gained from the candle training). When I woke up, the pain was almost gone and the inflammation has also eased.

I was practising releasing the despair and hopelessness I felt after learning that I still had to master bringing up “love”. I tried to feel everything this time. When I got to thank you, it jolted my body involuntarily and literally scared the living daylights out of me. Whatever that was, it was fun.

@anon22855873 do let me know if I’m progressing okay or need to make some changes.


Vibes 2

Did you do your Amygdala and releasing?what did you experience ?

I did 2 cycles in the morning and 2 cycles this afternoon. The audio felt like I was a lava lamp and there was something we were around in my body give me a tingling sensation . I had some things come up about what people thought about me and not being able to succeed the words distracted, annoyed, scared, greed, selfish, no and smile all came up. When I Use the I love you phrase and feeing it felt like my stomach was in the elevator sensation. At the end I was comfortable like someone just gave me a hug.

Did you do your candle exercise? Is it easier?

I decided to do the candle exercise 2 times for 10 minutes each. It was a lot easier today. My mind was a lot more quiet and I was calm . The time went by really fast compared to yesterday.

Did you do cycles of goal releasing? What did you experience ?

I did 5 cycles for my goal releasing. Words such as trust, love, safe, funds and rush all came as a result of what I was feeling. I had a vision of my as a kid when my father wasn’t being so nice to my mom and it was like I was consoling my child self.

Did you end your task giving yourself love?

Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

I ended with giving myself love and worked on feeling that love throughout the day. Overall I felt more confident and in control of things that happened. Even things that I wasn’t so happy about weren’t such a big deal. They didn’t seem to alter my mood like what has happened in the past .
Today I spent roughly 4 hours going through the exercises and I feel that was the difference between yesterday and today was that I gave myself time for me and I feel like I was able to understand my feelings a little easier


Vibes # 2

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

Went for another 3 cycles for today. Since I was relaxed after meditating I could not feel anything with the first cycle, on the second one I get a few uncomfortable sensations and a bit of anxiety out of the sudden, could not make sense of it as there were no memories as far I could remember but went ahead and HPPv2, the tension went away, other than that not much happening with the last cycle… gave thanks and stay there for a bit.

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?

I have no idea why, but time seems to fly by so quick today when I did each round of the candle exercise, 3 times during the day, the last one I went for 25 minutes since the first two felt so short… 15 minutes each. Still takes around a couple of minutes to get in the state of just me and the candle focus but there are more moments of stillness, as soon “I think” oh no thoughts… it’s where I lose. The back and forth method is helping refining my awareness of the timing when I should keep attention in the flame, it’s helping a lot in my longer meditations as I get less distracted and I’m not getting urges of falling asleep in-between.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

I focused on Body and waited for anything that would come up, got a sense of being happy and could see myself with a clear skin without any problems… went ahead comment and released it, did a few cycles of it since there was a bit of resistance from my mind asking questions such as what if this and that…

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

End of the tasks yes… since I have stopped many times to just focus on giving myself Love, I even wrapped my arms around me, felt soooo good, an increase of happiness and safety was instantly felt. As well when anything surges as I keep reminding me to not forget either negative or positive situation I just use the comment word such as “don’t” or “shut it” or “that’s cool” etc… It made more sense today… HPPv2 and let go, it’s such a relief that we don’t have to hold them.

Anything else you wish to add

I’ve used the mass meditation twice today for around 30 minutes each and can say it was beyond my expectations, they are getting profound, I could feel the field… it seems to get stronger by the day an enormous serenity from it, my mind was so quiet enjoying every second and I cultivated as much Love I could feel, was so grateful for it. Again it felt so short the time…


For Those Keeping Strong, Keep Going

It’s not a coincidence that the group now is smaller than we started. It is human nature that when you’re provided a solution but in face of you having to confront all your weaknesses you shy away, but you guys are pushing through.

Most of you are going at proper pace, others have their own ideas on how to do this (good luck), and the rest is just watching.

When you gain the awareness of who you really are and your stories in this forum are nothing but success, you’ll appreciate the hardships you’ve had to face these past two weeks.

Guess what, there’s absolutely nothing of what you guys have experienced that I haven’t experienced including the stubbornness of getting out of my own way. The difference is that I didn’t have someone telling me how much I was fucking up so what you guys are doing in weeks I did in years.

I know what it is to uncover wounds and scars, I know what it is to be frustrated at the process, and I know what it is to go to sleep with things completely unresolved wondering if it will ever end.

Does it end? No but the things you’ll be working on will be easier.

There’s a difference between facing traumas and having to face the hesitation of taking action on a goal that weeks ago you didn’t believe you could do.

Do not let off. Do not comply with your weaknesses. Have the courage to realize who you really are.

That is all.


Vibes #2

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

Yes. Today it was intense. It started with a mild release, because I noticed some pressure in my chest and 3rd eye. And then it was just pain in my chest. It got stronger and stronger till it almost felt like somebody hit me with an hammer in my chest. More pain and more pain. I just said pain and started with I love you. It took all I had to be able to release this one. Took me a while and at some point I thought I am going to lose against this one. But at the end the love took over and I felt great afterwards. After the intense release there were milder ones in my 3rd eye area.
This exercise was really exhausting this time. After giving myself love I fell down on my bed and had to rest for while.

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?

Yes. Today I did this exercise twice, 15 minutes the first time in the midday and 10 the second time in the early evening. Today I started to enjoy the exercise, it didn’t bother me any more when the timer would go off. I just kept bringing back my focus to the flame. My mind still wanders a lot, but its getting better, even today I noticed a difference between the first and the second go. Planning to go for 15 and 15 tomorrow.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

Yes. As suggested I went back to just security. Did a lot of cycles. All the feelings were really subtle. Sometimes it was in the heart area but mostly in the guts. I just kept releasing and releasing. I am bit worried that I am doing something wrong because no “heavier” feelings come up. After the session I read all my comments about the feelings I released. Its all non sense to my rational mind, but I always go with what pops into my mind first.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

Yes I did. Woke up and gave me some love. Great way to start the day!! After the Amygdala releasing I actually struggled to bring up the Loving feeling a bit, but at the end it worked. Throughout the day I brought up the feeling of love. Actually I just did it again, because writing this reminded me of doing it. I am generally feeling relaxed and good, even though this quarantine is starting to get to me, at least I now have a tool to release it, but it does come back.

Anything else you wish to add…

Tomorrow I will do the amygdala releasing towards the end of the day and not in the morning, in case I will be as tired as today again.
Doing the releasing with the amygdala audio I feel like I am now changing from Sapien beginner to pro, or lets better say intermediate, not knowing what else is possible. A whole new world opening up.


Vibes Entry #2

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?
Did 2 rounds today. More feelings of fear were bubbling up. Felt tightness in my heart area which I released with HPPv2.

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?
I decided to do this exercise last night again and figured out what wasn’t working for me. I brought up the candle to eye level and did this in the darkness which helped me to focus more. I was able to really hone in and at one point it felt like I was inside the flame. This morning I tried it again by bringing the candle to eye level and it was much better. I was able to focus on it for 10 mins even with all the noise around me. I’m going to do this again tonight to see how long I can do this.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?
Yes, kept releasing on my Security goal throughout the day. There were some points where I had emotional releases and feelings of sadness which I released and then felt lightness.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?
Yes, I’ve been practicing this throughout the day. It brings a sudden calmness and warmth to me when I do this.


@anon22855873, think I’ve finally understood the concept. Focus is not putting my mind to it but rather just placing sensory attention to where the feeling is.

I kinda just threw my mind away for a little bit and became purely sensory and every step works fine.

But it feels so strange. Like some other entity has taken control of the process. It’s as if my personality disappeared while I was doing it.


Scribe’s Vibes #2
Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

  • Yes, did the cycles before work today. I had a lot of anxiety popping up about stuff to do for work again and I collapsed a bunch. Wound up being a good, productive day at work as a result.

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?

  • I did 10:30 this morning, and I actually felt it was easier, yesterday, than today. I opened my day with this, after getting the kids ready for school, and I think I just had too much going on in my head about work to maintain focus more than a few seconds before slipping, since I did this before the Amygdala release. Tomorrow I will switch the order. I just thought the focus would help with my releasing which is why I did the candle first.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

  • Yes, I worked through the topic of Security again, and I found that I actually have conflicting concerns that are driving me up a wall. For example, I have anxiety over keeping my secure job, but it’s not really a secure job, and I’d rather be doing something else but I need to keep my job because I need the health insurance for my wife and kids, so I feel trapped…I worked on collapsing all of this and it is getting better but it still comes up. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

  • Yes, loving myself whenever the thought arises. I play through my Sapien stack throughout the day as well.

Hearing Angel talking about how he will still spend eight hours doing this stuff if he has a day off work, with nothing pressing to do, makes me realize that this is the new way of life. I shouldn’t be resisting that…afterall I feel great after doing this work, but there’s a part of me that wonders whether I can keep this up? or will I lose momentum like I have with other things in my life. I hope I stick to this…it does feel different this time.


-Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

When I started the cycle I got anxiety, I released that anxiety and it turned into a knot in my stomach. I only got to do 2 cycles, on my 2nd cycle I felt this force flow thru me and vacuum everything out. I followed trajease this with the extra exercises angel

-Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?

Today on the candle exercise I immediately went blank and was able to focus for a lot longer. I zoned out a few times still focused on the flame, I don’t know how to explain it; my eyes were open looking at the flame but I wasn’t there. I also found myself thinking of focusing on the flame at times. I would say it’s getting easier as well a helping me keep focus during my cycles.

-Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

I did 4 cycles of of goal releasing on security and also practiced thru the day. On my first cycle I felt anger, after I collapsed that feeling it led me to insecurity. Every cycle led me into feelings that felt like a blockage and with each collapse like a took a step upward. I enjoyed each cyclesas I felt more at peace and aligned.

-Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

This is becoming a favorite part of my day, at anytime any moment. Giving myself love randomly, the complete opposite of being bothered by the little things or letting things ruin your day. The day flowed and things fell into place. Thru the day I felt good and like I was radiating.


Entrance Vibes # 2

Did you do your Amygdala and Release cycles? What to experience?

I performed 2 cycles while listening to this powerful audio, there were physiological responses to it, such as some tension in my head and arms, financially, some emotions related to fear and shyness arose, however I got rid of them, through HPP2, I felt deep calm, peace and gratitude, I realize that staying in the emotions of love and gratitude becomes more and more subtle and much easier to enter.

Did you do your exercise with candles? How did you find? Is it getting easier?

Yes I did it with noises and everything, I tried to focus on the flame of the candle, I was only uncomfortable a few times because the candle was a little below my normal gaze, so you felt lumps in my back due to bad posture, but try to push myself to keep going, today I did 11 minutes, yesterday 10, tomorrow it will be 12.
It feels very good although today due to distractions I lost focus, I will move on.

Did you cycle through your Goal Launch? What to experience?

Yes, I did two about it, feeling the feeling that I was already the strong and muscular man that I want to be, without absolutely everything related to it, there were feelings of ambition too, courage, strength, a goal was felt that hit me inside , like something wanting to manifest. I did HPP2 and immersed myself in those unconditional feelings of love that fill my soul, my heart, fill my life, I really felt super good at the end of the process.

Did you finish your tasks by giving yourself Love? Did you get that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel in general?

I’ve been giving myself love, throughout the day, I use the command “I love you” and immediately my insides start to feel love for no reason. I really feel very happy, thank you very much Angel for your attention brother!

Anything else you want to add …

Please, I know that reading all the comments can be tiring lol but if you see me here correct me, I am very willing to learn Angel, thank you very much for everything, I am going to rest exhausted, but with a very sweet feeling full of love.


Hppv2: Vibes # 2

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

I’ve been looping Amygdala for a few (5 times?) and didn’t feel any feelings coming up or past situations. Perhaps I’ve been looping all-purpose anxiety removal overnight too much.

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?

Bumped up my time in regards to focus without getting sleepy. Yesterday I was at around 7 minutes before I started to lean forward today I checked my timer and it was 10:04. I was playing the Alpha brainwave audio while doing this.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

I worked on Security, I’ll like to produce an extra $5,000 this month apart from my regular income (so far $1k) I found the feeling and focused on it. i got as happy as a baby, almost felt like it was a joke in how “easy” it was to “obtain” the extra money.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

I practiced giving myself love here and there throughout the day and it’s been a good day. Felt like a ray of light was shining on me.