The SEE System: The Sapien Medicine Edition (_OM Approved)

Vibes #1

-Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

I did 3 cycles, first cycle was my first time ever hearing this audio; I could feel the vibrations moving, I was just amazed by the audio so all I could feel at the moment was a “wow, I really like this” effect and it felt good. 2nd cycle was slow to start because I was not keeping my mind quiet, but eventually a few childhood memories popped up and took me on a trip down memory lane, sad feelings, I released on them between 2nd and 3rd cycle. 3rd cycle was to really get everything out and checking of the work. Overall really calm and relaxed. I feel like something lifted off in the 3rd cycle (would this audio help during the goal release?)

-Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?

The candle exercise was a little more challenging than I expected. At first I was thinking a lot, I had many thoughts just running thru my head about the exercise and how I was doing. Once I was able to silence my thoughts the flame seemed bigger and brighter; it started to move a lot almost as if it had a life of its own. Towards the end of the exercise I noticed I was dozing off but I kept trying to keep focus.

-Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

I chose security of all the three Goals. In the beginning of my 1st cycle it was hard to feel it or bring up feeling of “I Love You”. The “I’m sorry” and “please forgive me” steps did make a difference but I know with practice I will to learn hppv2 and I’ll get better. As I tried to dive into the feeling I got a lot of visuals and sounds very easily. As I settled into it more I got a lot of resistance, doubts, fear and anxiety. I kept working at it and and eventually I felt this line shoot up within me and a explosion within my chest area. Afterwards it was easier to bring up the feeling of I love you as well as feel the goal on command.

On my 2nd cycle I was feeling joy, good feelings overall and my mind was blank. As I got into the 3rd cycle to check my work I got emotional, I released it until I was no longer able to feel the negative feeling.

-Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

I forgot to end my tasks with giving my self love in the first few cycles of each task and I made sure to do it on the few last cycles. I did however give myself that feeling of love throughout the day and it felt amazing. I was being carried by the feeling all day like mini boosts of happiness. Everything seemed to flow thru the day with no effort. I also realized how many negative thoughts I feed into during the course of the day and now I’m able to stop them.

I’m still new to the audios and how they work. I did come across a brief explanation of how they work; that being said I tried the torsion field, plasma light and Schumann exercises. The torsion field was easy just thinking. Plasma Light was challenging as I kept losing focus on the feeling part and had to keep coming back to it. I really enjoyed the Schumann, I can see how each has its effects specially the Schumann for grounding.


Vibes Day 1

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

I listened to the audio and did the releasing. After the first release, I felt a lot of tightness in my heart chakra. I paused before moving on to the next release and felt the tightness around my heart expand and get much tighter. I struggled a lot to start the second release, but I managed to start the exercise again. After the exercise, I felt tired and even more so when compared to HPPV1.I had a tough time bringing up the love part after saying the arbitrary word, but I think I need more practice.

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it?

At first it was tough to hold my focus on the candle. My mind seemed to want to focus on other things but the flame on the candle. My focus got better the further I went into the exercise.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

Yes, I chose one on security and even if I struggled with the exercise at first the energy of the goal was felt a lot deeper. I struggle to start releasing again after the first release. Its as if my ego was trying to fight back and not wanting to change who I am. My entire body would vibrate to that given goal. It’s as if I had been listening to Abundance mindset audio for hours.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

Yes, I did this throughout the day. I thought I was more easily able to let the love energy engulf my entire body. Felt a lot calmer and happier.


HPPv2: Vibes #1

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

I looped Amygdala a couple of times, at first while in the shower and after I came out and went into a meditative position. I noticed I wasn’t getting much feeling at the beginning till a few mins in. I felt this sensation on my left hemisphere, and as I felt this fear of making grammatical errors hit me. I found the work that needed to be done. So I began focusing on that feeling and started saying, “I love you” I noticed everything I’m saying, the phrase I tend to inhale. As I’m inhaling, there’s the flow of massive energy coming into my body, starting at my head down to my spine every time I said, “I love you .”
Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?

I’ve been lighting the candle since a few days before HPPv1 started, and it’s at; first, I wasn’t able to sit there without many thoughts, but now I’m lightly gazing at the candle and notice after 7ish mins I leaning forward on my chair, I’m beginning to get sleepy the more I look at it. After my timer went off (15 mins), I felt SOOOO tired, as if I was ready to go to bed.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

For my goal cycles, I chose “relationship” and “security.”

For relationships focused on Communication development the moment I brought up a situation my throat felt heavy. I had found my feeling, I focused on it and began saying “I love you” (allllll the chills focused on that area) and my lord within 20 seconds? the tightness went away.

For security, I accepted money to come into my life, since young I adapted this “I don’t need/want money” mindset and as of lately it’s becoming a problem. I found the feeling and so i focused on it, it took a bit more than the communication for me to release the tightness near my naval area began clearing up.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

I didn’t give myself love after my task but before. After I came out of the shower, I stood looking at the mirror and telling myself, “I love You” (again with the chills every time I said it). It’s not often that I tell myself I love you. I felt good, and I notice I stood up straight began feeling more confident, and overall a bit of peace of mind.


Vibrations day 1

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Liberation? What did you experience?

Yes indeed, I even played a couple of times the audio while reading aaaalllllll the translation about the course lol, it was wonderfully interesting to watch the video and now yes go slowly with the learning, while I was doing my liberation with this audio, I started to sit down some not very strong emotions related to fear, it was not really prifund, neither did I strive to feel or internalize fear at a deep level, I just waited for it to come, and as it came, HPP #2 eliminated it and I was left in a state of deep peace and gratitude!

Did you cycle through your goal release? What did you experience?

I did what was indicated in the task, to go for a goal, “BODY” I felt comfortable with this goal and after that I will choose another one, however during all this week, 5 days, I will focus on this particular goal. I began to feel, I avoided at all costs to imagine and only focus on the feeling of my goal already accomplished, I felt powerful, I felt invincible, I felt solid as a rock, I felt with a body developed musculature in its totality, to that feeling I took it to the maximum, then I began with HPP V#2 “I love you” until feeling much, much love, for my goal, much, much love for that feeling of my goal already achieved, likewise the gratitude closed in a feeling of peace. (Please can you correct me if I am wrong, I am very happy to receive criticism and help in this regard).

**Angel I have only one question, and it is something I would like to understand better please, How can this exercise help me with the development and fulfillment of my goal? Please be so kind as to explain how does this work??**:pray::pray::pray::smiley::smiley::smiley:

? Did you do your exercise with candles? How did you find it?

It was a very interesting challenge, my house is not very big so in my focus with the candle, it was not difficult for me to concentrate and maintain that focus, on the other hand listening to me “The gasoline” from Daddy Yankee in my parents room, distracted me for a few seconds, LMAO :joy: but again I started to focus on the candle and go deeper into its details, for some moments I can recognize that I entered into full attention, time and space did not exist and there was only the present moment. Very interesting.

Did you finish your tasks by giving yourself Love? Did you get that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel in general?

To be honest, during the day I immersed myself in love, every time I remembered the assignment, then that feeling would disperse, actually during the day I had several stressful situations due to the complete translation of the course, the work and then the assignment, however all that did not interfere during the day that when I remembered the assignment, I could express love from within. It was all very interesting.

In general I feel more focused, when I did HPP #2, I really could realize that if I focus on my goal, then I have more desire to achieve that goal, but not from lack but from abundance, I will continue to deepen in this learning.


Vibes # 1

Did you do your Amygdala and releasing?what did you experience ?

Yes I did one cycle. I felt anxious and I started thinking randomly about having a lot to do and if it was ever going to get done. I was able to collapse these feelings with love. And the love feeling came from petting a dog or a hug from my daughter but the hug from my daughter made me think about my weight so I collapsed that as well with the love feeling. There were certain moments where I felt like I was going to cry but I was calm overall especially during the last few minutes where I just felt peaceful.

Did you do your candle exercise? Is it easier?

Yes I did the candle exercise. It wasn’t very easy because my mind would focus for a short period and go back into anxiousness and insecurity over getting things done and accomplishing task. I had to keep telling myself “not that thought” to get myself to focus back on the candle and keep my mind somewhat quiet.

Did you do cycles of goal releasing? What did you experience ?

Yes I did my cycles off goal releasing and I really just felt like a victim for the most part. It felt like a lot of excuses were coming up and words that would come out would be “alone” “pressure” “now” “please” and then I was able to collapse with love. I really can’t specifically point out any concept that I was able to release.

Maybe something else will pop up in the upcoming days.

Did you end your task giving yourself love?
Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day?

Since I started my session pretty late in the day I had already been practicing giving myself love since Saturday’s meeting. I would collapse things around me all day from how I reacted to a person who “looked funny” , comments I’d hear from others, weird little antics from my mom were some of the things I used.

How do you feel overall?
Overall I just feel ok. I don’t feel anxious or like I’m overthinking at the moment. I feel like I can sleep peacefully tonight and not feel the urge to get something done or plan out my day for tomorrow


HPPv2 Day 2

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

I did this with in total darkness, and boy did this make everything more sensitive. I realised that there were areas in my body that were still not filled with love. Most of where I felt love was in the chest area. So as I played the Amygdala audio, I could feel all the frozen, static, non-dynamic areas that were slow-moving, draggy, negative, almost like “plated armour”. They weren’t buzzing with bliss.

I sometimes knew what they were related to, sometimes I didn’t, but it didn’t matter because the kinaesthetic feelings were right there. Some of them was “invisible” at first but I did a full body scan and realised there was a lot of “frozen feelings” in the gut. Especially the gut, chest and throat.

I used the random word to shut the mind off (“it feels so stuck!!..nuggets”), and then the “Love Laser” to drill that love energy in more than 68 seconds (or longer). I felt those areas start to buzz. Soon as I worked on each bit, my entire body started to vibrate or tingle with blissfulness. My legs jerked and spasmed, and I can feel a soothing, blissful, open, loving sensation tingling at the chest area. My whole body is also vibrating.

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?

Yes. It became really easy! 10 minutes felt short - time seemed to fly by in an instant. I decided to focus on the Dark Zone of the flame instead.


Then i realised - it’s exactly like that Zen story about the flag.

Two monks were arguing about the temple flag waving in the wind.
One said, “The flag moves.”
The other said, “The wind moves.”
The Sixth Patriarch said, “Not the flag or the wind. It is your mind that moves.”

My mind was wavering, that’s why I was being disturbed by the moving flames or the thoughts. So I there was this kind of laser focus where I would see the stirring of a thought (just before they fully form) and I drop them before it develops.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

Did on Relationships today. The previous exercise on the Amygdala had made my entire body filled with bliss so it was difficult to try and generate a negative emotion from thoughts, but I tried anyway. I repeated the word “Relationship” and felt the blockages in the body. The feeling of “wanting” was lodged in the throat, past traumas blocking in the heart, stuck energy in the pit of the stomach, front and back of the heart, some in the head as well.

Then did the random word, plus the “Love hot poker” pressing onto the blockage, melting it away with laser-focus. Love, love, love - until it was nothing but joy, blissfulness and liveliness.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

I feel more energetic and positive. My entire body (even now) is feeling so much bliss, love and vibrating inside.

Anything else you wish to add…

Nothing for now, just feels like I could do this forever. And it does feel like there would be a lot more that I have stuck inside, hidden inside. For example, I faced a fear of ‘not doing anything’. That really seemed illogical but it had a legit kinesthetic sensation. Will work on it for the rest of the day. :v:



Did you do your cycles of amygdala and releasing? What did you experience?

I did what you said , let go of any thought/or intention of trying to bring something up, i just stayed neutral intill i felt something come up and i released. I felt a weird regurgatating darkness which took me a while to release fully but i did collapse it in the end. Before hand I felt really shitty and depressed, but now i feel light and joyful :slight_smile:!

Did you do your candle excercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?

Yes i did, i just relaxed into the flame and keep bringing back my attention. A little improvement but nothing to really report. I need to practice my focus muscle alot though thats for sure, tommorow i’m gonna step it up to 15 mintues in the morning and 20 minutes at night.

Did you run your cycles on your goal releasing? What did you experience?

Relationships again today,
It was definently hard to tune into the negative emotion cause i was vibrating warmly from the amygdala, but with that love in me already, it made the negative emotion collapse alot faster. I was struggling in bits though cause i’m still getting used to HPPv2 but i definently felt momentum when doing realses with it on relationships. On the first day i was forcing the random word, but today i just let it come up and i got words that definently was in regards to the feeling like isolation, alone, not careful ect…

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

Yes definently! Overall today though i felt really sensitive, i feel really diffrent in an uncomfortable way. I just feel diffrent overall. Idk if this is just my ego fighting back. But currently right this moment ( after a ‘i love you’ holding session I Feel really really peaceful, it feels like im watching the stars in a cozy blanket drinking a warm tea :)


HPP v2 Vibes Day 2

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?

I did two cycles of Amygdala releasing, morning and evening. In the morning session, not a lot of fears came up but I was able to release the ones that did. The rest of the time I felt peaceful. In the evening session some more fears came up, a couple really surprised me as they were things I hadn’t consciously thought about in many years. It still took my a little while to get into the love feeling before I could fully collapse the fears.

Did you do your Candle Exercise? Is it getting easier?

I did 15 minutes of the candle exercise. I felt I managed to hold my focus for slightly longer periods but I still had a lot of thoughts running through my mind and had to bring my focus back to the candle a lot. I’ll need to do a lot more practice on this one.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?

I let go of my specific goals and focused only on relationships in general. A lot more thoughts came up than yesterday that had nothing to do with what I thought my goal was. I just went with the flow and released all the thoughts coming up. I forgot to say the related word for the first couple of times but then remembered and I did it for the rest of them. I felt much lighter by the end.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?

I gave myself love a number of times throughout the day. I tested doing in more public places and it was harder to focus and get that inner feeling but I got there to some degree each time. It is getting a little easier with practice.


Video of the Day (Excuse the static):

Great level of awareness, that’s the point to all this. Great work! It doesn’t matter what it is, it’s none of your business, just let it all go. Keep practicing the focus exercise at that intensity and go deeper into it. If you need an extra challenge try to “feel the flame” and “be the flame”. Nothing but great practice on everything. You’re almost ready for Enlightenment, keep going.

Great work troubleshooting. Same goal for the whole week. Good saying something ABOUT IT.

Those are the releases that teach you what you’re capable of :slight_smile: Correct on the goal.

Stop dictating that it must look a certain way which will limit your session only to your idea of it. What will happen is dependent on how much you let go and go deep into the process. Silence your mind, Feel for anything that comes up, do the process.

Best done with just you, candle, and whatever your ambient has. Just keep bringing back your focus over and over.

“It doesn’t get easier, you get better” :wink:

Just release, don’t need to know. Good job on troubleshooting. Instead of being so focused on your own actions, you should choose to love instead. That’s the point.

:muscle:t4: Very good work.

Your writing pattern just pointed to you being an overall “whelmed” person so I thought that Anxiety might do you better. Lmao when feeling good is much better than work hours, I love it! You’re honestly at the point we need to take you to the next step but finish up the week, don’t let up.

Then you’re not going deep enough or paying attention to subtleties that pop up from the field. :upside_down_face:. As you wish.

Do not let things unresolved, how are you going to have a breakthrough by leaving messes?

Didn’t say you needed thoughts :slight_smile: I’m hoping you released the discomfort. Who said our mind was right? :joy: :wink:

No comments, you’re going at the proper pace but go even deeper. Good work.

You’re getting it :wink: Not much to say, you’re going at proper pace but do not ease off.

Great work course correcting. Keep practicing at this pace and push even more.

You didn’t get anything back, you just silenced your mind a bit more which is always the issue.
I will not entertain your situations anymore, you have your answers and you have the videos. When you wish to simplify, you’ll have an easy experience.

I know exactly what you mean by that. Keep going, you’re at proper pace now but go deeper. Do not let up.

“Time flies when you have a good time”, little mind = no perception of time. Yep, even the positive is baggage. Keep going, you’re at the peak.

Those are the good releases man, when you think you’re going to get lost in the abyss and then BOOM! you breakthrough. Good, the subtle ones are the ones that affect us the most, nothing of what I release now is heavy at all but I can tell you I change every 2-3 days completely. Great work overall, keep going.

You’re doing good Starlight, keep going.

Ha! It’s easier when every session feels like a vacation and your concept of time completely disappears also understand that I don’t really have “normal” goals so I have to put in more work than most. You’ll find your rhythm naturally especially after Enlightenment. Take your time, enjoy your process, don’t worry about anyone else but you. You’re the most important person in your experience.

You’re doing good bro, just keep going.

You’re doing good, no worries.

Maybe, the test will be this: your whole body is vibrating the field and you feel nothing but good feelings from it. If you’re not getting that then it means you’re still not going into full focus on your feelings. No audios. That exercise goes way past Alpha when done right. Release the stimulus as well. To learn to get out of your own way probably.

I like your style bro. Simple, straight to the point, getting results, and keeping to yourself. You’re doing good.

You’re doing good man. Keep going.

It’s even worse when you do an exchange of money for this work which is why if I ever do my rate is 5-figures for 4-6 of work with a person to make sure it’s worth it. Other than that, I rather tithe my talent and time and let the universe do what it does.

(More responses as they come in)


Vibes #2

Did you do your cycles of Amygdala and Releasing? What did you experience?
Again today I did the two cycles of Amygdala. I’m finding that I’m reaching a neutral state rather than feeling any big positive rush. Just a calm, steady, satisfied feeling. Happy but in a subtle relaxed way. I definitely slipped into it more easily today and managed to avoid anxiety from over-thinking :slight_smile:

Did you do your Candle Exercise? How did you find it/ Is it getting easier?
Yes. Candle exercise was a bit easier today compared to yesterday. I expect this to keep getting better through the week. The time went by faster.

Did you run cycles on your Goal Releasing? What did you experience?
Very similar to yesterday I just allowed important topics to rise up about security and HPP them one at a time. As I said above I’m feeling kind of neutral about it, and honestly there’s not a lot of strong emotion coming up about any of this, which I see as a good sign.

Did you end your tasks with giving yourself Love? Did you give yourself that feeling throughout the day? How do you feel overall?
Yes I finished off going into ‘love’ although the feeling was not strong and no overall body sensations. A slight tingling like goosebumps but nothing major. Overall feeling steady and a sort of happy-neutral.

Anything else you wish to add…
Not today.


Vibes #1-2

Did you do cycles of Amygdala and releasing? What did you experience?
I did two cycles of Amygdala and releasing on my school experience when I was younger. Specifically my relationship with school/learning and my relationship with the students. I experienced a deep yet gentle release on this during the first audio and checked my work during my second audio.

Did you do your candle exercise? How did you find it? Is it gotten easier?
I prefer to do this exercise with no music running. It challenges me to focus with all the ruckus outside my window and the people living in my house. I find that it is getting easier. Longer periods of focus time without interruptions.

I notice that when I do listen to music now, I can start to hear and focus on certain sounds/instruments alone and not just the whole song. Pretty cool.
I really enjoy this exercise. I’m going to do this once in the morning and once at night starting today.

Did you run cycles on goals? What did you experience?
Goal is Security. Week 1 had a lot of small energy connected to this specific topic so I have already been shedding layers on this one. I am releasing more and more every day.

Did you end your task with giving yourself love? Did you give yourself the feeling throughout the day?
How do you feel overall?
Yes. Normally I finish the session in silence giving myself love. Today I tried the The Schuman Resonance and for the first time in a long time, I was dancing in the shower :)


Bro why can’t I focus on love easily? After a total 2 hours of candle training, you would think I’d have enough focus to zero in on it and bring it up in an instant but I don’t.

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With detail what is exactly that you do step by step?

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Okay doing HPP v2 now on specifically the “fear of not being able to master the technique”. I feel the fear, intensify it. “F*** you I hate you”. “I love you”. Then nothing.

The times I’ve been able to bring up love are the times when “I love you” generates a tiny feeling. Even then it takes ages to focus it and spread it all over to collapse the negative emotion.

Love feeling is too subtle or none at all.


I must add that even when I collapse it, the relief gained is very “half hearted”. It’s not a full relief. I mean the negative emotion collapses but it’s scent is still there somewhere. Even though love envelops it completely. Which tells me my love isn’t strong enough.

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A few things, first is that comment a result of you focusing on the feeling and what comes naturally from it or are you forcing that comment?

While feeling that heaviness, you’re to say “I love you” as a trigger to feel the love feeling to come up and then you hold that until they both collapse. If you’re saying it the command and think it’s a Harry Potter spell, it’s not how it works. You have to use your consciousness and choose what feeling to focus on.

If in between any of this you’re using your mind for anything else but feeling in between the comment or command, you will not be able to do it.

This should have been very clear last week.


The comment comes naturally from me hating that I have that fear. So I think that’s alright?

The times when it works are when I get a slight feeling from the “love” word. The word “love” itself carries a very subtle feeling but this is very hit or miss. Sometimes it does nothing. Is this the right way?

The comment is not your opinion about it it’s something that should come from you relaxing into the discomfort and saying whatever comes up from you feeling that.

More often than not it will be a description of the feeling that naturally arises. If you’re creating a comment from your own idea on what you should say than no, that is not right.

You’re thinking too much about this. To feel the heaviness you need to relax into it not resist it.

As for love, that “subtle” feeling is what you should be feeling and focusing on which with focus grows into the physical manifestation.

In the lesson, you say you get the effect, outside of it you add your own ideas and commentary which is what complicates the experience. When in doubt, just review the video on what you need to work on. If it’s not as simple as I explain it and the same process others got the result with, review, and troubleshoot.


I’ll try this in the session tonight. Thank you.

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If I may, beyond Angel’s explanation and the fact that he couldn’t be clearer (as he said: review and troubleshoot), I have had the same issue towards Love.

What’s been working for me so far has been to investigate what Love is (on paper) and collapse some of my beliefs & stories around it.

Still not experiencing Love the way my Mind would expect it (mostly “empty energy”) but now this is going through more and more :blush:

Hope it helps

Ps: yep most likely you didn’t get enough Love as a kid, welcome it, release it, grow from it :heart: