The Shield of Caliburn NFT

This is exactly the reason I asked Dream about this field. I can handle a lot of energy, but this one is something else.


What is the difference(s) in the 3 shields, except their color?


Nothing. Just the color




For example, can i charge my pendant using this?
I leave the digital image open and what do I do next?
Say ā€˜charge itemā€™ - name or?

It literally is explained in the OP.

Dont be lazy man!


I keep forgetting commenting here but now that i saw it being offered on the buy and sale thread i gotta say:

I shake my head every time i see it being offered.

This to me to this day its the strongest shield.

Its so tought i still have not been able to keep it on 24/7 for more than 3 - 4 weeks. I have to take it off let it settle for a few days and continue, at times i have actually put it away. For months. Cause i caaaant.

Theres so much about it that ive felt.

I feel it growing on my aura but almost like from the skin outwards, it feels like the armor material but at the same time like a rock.

You remember how NOBODY could pull out the sword from tha rock? Same. I feel i am the rock, the sword and Arthur lol all at the same time.

So you can translate that into how tough and impossible the protection is.

it keeps growing and like emanating a thick energy that i dont know what to compare it with, i feel it like pushing inside too thats why i feel it heavy, this time im gonna resist and go through the whole process until i have integrated it completely, i can only imagineā€¦

I also feel it expanding when i get outside or in contact with people. Impenetrable, untouchable.

I feel it embracing and thickening the energies of the tags i have on so they feel stronger.

I mean i am seriously not exaggerating, i just kept saying i gotta comment this in the forum because i cannot believe is not being mentioned left and right as the best protection we have access to, and yes we do a lot of us could, because i believe there are like 30 copies in total?

And we can create items with them, gift them, sell them etc, i have made only 3 šŸ«  one was for an ex coworkerā€™s daughter that apparently always gets in trouble or hangs out with weird people. And so far shes all good.

The other person (a sister) is zero energy sensitive so maybe thats why she doesnt feel the strenght as i do and has not been in situations where shes had been in inminent danger to test it. thank God butā€¦ the reason i made it was because she works with X Goverment office in our city, and she is part of a program where they have to go to a very remote area full of savage people once a month, to offer entertainment, concerts etc people is thankful to them etc but it goes all night and she has to walk around the place, while people getting ridiculously drunk and high, so that was my concern because she had already told me all kinds of stories that got me petrified scared for her. Basically every month she felt ā€œthat could be the last timeā€ šŸ«„

But she has not felt that way ever again, so its like it repells the situation altogether i guess. Its been 2 years. She doesnt wear it daily tho, and she has other protections too, so she cant tell me more of what she might have observed either.

I honestly have forgotten myself to create more and gift them away, because ive stopped wearing it for months at a time, i forget. But i will start creating more and as i said. Will wear it non stop :sweat_smile: or maybe gauge until i can keep it on.

I also feel all the Armor of Light or Knight Mindset offers in terms of the internal change of mind and heart for a more ā€œperson for the people virtuesā€ if you know what i mean and as if the people would become a kind of protection for me as well.

And that has been just with the longest maybe 4 weeks at a time. Then i always have to stop it. And i tell you it keeps growing. And that about like enhancing the other tags is mind blowing maybe that too is why i feel it so strong like all those energies pressing on my chest haha

All this to say to whoever owns it:

Dont sell it or trade it before having created enough to gift or sell why not, spread it around we are in tougher times nowā€¦

And i dare you to start wearing it non stop so we can share more experiences.

And lets try to create for forum members that live in our country or that it could be easier to ship etc.

I live in Mexico so if any one around here wants one or 2 PM me and ill ship them (at your cost of course) :raised_hands:


Finally someone who thinks similarly.
I had made only one and itā€™s very powerful


If someone who has this would be so kind to make an item for me and wouldnā€™t mind shipping to Ireland (ill pay of course and work out a price if needs be) I would be very grateful. Can never have too much protection these days.
Send me a PM if interested, I could post over a ring or chain or whatever would be needed first :slightly_smiling_face: :pray:t3:


You can also check the buy and sell thread. Ive seen it offered at not high price might as well get it if the price is close to what you would have to pay for sending the item and receiving it.

I hope you get through

Intuitively after putting it back on ive felt like i didnt need to wear/use other protections ive always had. So ive taken them off and feels great so far! I feel it expanding and exuding. Ill ask around as well in my Expat Groups here if anyone is travelling your way for Xmas im sure there are and id send it. Then local couriers would be easier. But still check who is selling it. I think @pranic_climber was one of them

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