The Shield of Compassion

The Shield of Compassion image


In realms where light and shadows blend, Where heavens touch the earth’s soft end, A goddess rises, calm and pure, Her name: Kwan Yin, forever sure.

With grace she walks through time and space, A beacon of the gentlest grace, Her eyes hold depths of boundless seas, Her heart, a balm for those who plea.

Born from lotus, pure and bright, A symbol of compassion’s might, She donned the armor, radiant, grand, To shield her charges with guiding hand.

So, seek her in the twilight’s hue, In morning’s mist, and evening’s dew, For Kwan Yin watches, ever near, Infinite Protector, always here.

The Shield of Compassion - to Protect, Defend and Bless!

Built of the prayers of the devotees of the Bodhisattva, this shield is a gem to empaths and all who seek to stay centered and safe while out in the world, at work, or even at home in the midst of family.

Both a shield and a blessing, the Shield of Compassion sends out a precious, purifying aura of love and peace, calming those who are around you. It arches all around you to seal you in its cocoon of bliss.

It likewise serves as a Messenger of Love, drawing the attention of those who are like-minded and leaving a calling card of your interest.

Feel her radiance around you - perhaps you will hear messages of comfort and guidance as you go through your day.

Wear the Shield of Compassion and be blessed by the aura of the Infinite Protector!

  • Stay centered and safe from negativity
  • Be sealed in an aura of love, peace and bliss
  • Attractive to like-minded, compassionate people
  • Receive messages of comfort and guidance
  • Serves as a filter for the highly sensitive/empaths


This shields against people who are not compassionate?


It filters and purifies non-compassionate energies, yes


Beautiful concept

Was this your idea @Rosechalice ?


This would pair so well with Kwan Yin’s chalice. Lovely creation.


a suggestion, yes


This is a wonderful release, I do enjoy all linked to protections.
Does it protect from curses, bindings, and hexes done by others ?

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Kwan Yin has long been revered for her protection, as well as for her compassion, grace, and love… i can confirm that she wisely wields great power and has almost ultimate knowledge and ability… i’ve watched her, in vision, braid timelines and alter timelines… i heard, in vision, a young asian boy cry to her for help after falling down a shaft… i saw her guide others to the area until the young boy was found and rescued… it has long been said that she hears the cries of the whole world and compassionately offers her love and wise assistance… the Legend od Kwan Yin also depicts her with her dragons and she has long been considered a master of dragons and the goddess of protection and intervention… i’d say that curses, bindings, and hexes are like tiddlywinks to one such as Kwan Yin and quite easily handled! hehee!.. this field is such a wonderful offering!.. thank you!!!


In as much as its purpose is to keep you safe, yes.

p.s. I just noticed this is part of the description of The Major Elixir of Alchemical Effect

Mystical Protection : Creates a protective aura around the user, shielding them from negative energies, curses, and hexes, providing a sense of safety and security while pursuing mystical research.


I knew very little about Kwan Yin before getting this field and all I can say is that this is the loveliest way to get to know her firsthand. I’m not going to review the shielding aspects because Inner Armor already had me covered but the effects extend way beyond that.

Absolutely don’t overlook this field if you’re looking to enhance your interactions with others! This could be the field to get even before any charisma audio. I wasn’t exactly approachable due to being excessively guarded because of my shyness and insecurities. I still am but less so and people don’t seem to mistake it for coldness anymore. This has solved the main thing that stopped me from having fulfilling interactions while I keep working on developing confidence on my side.

This field has also inspired me to express my compassion more. Others’ pain tend to affect me deeply but I feel that sharing words that they have already heard many times is useless. Trying to rationalize suffering is often not enough to make it go away. So I would rather not show compassion this way but this field has reminded that lending an ear to the people around me is still a great way to do so and I’ve been practicing that.

This is such a beautiful and compassionate presence affecting you and through you the people around you as well so you can spread the love you receive. Also heard the messages of comfort and guidance, both internally and externally. With this field you are both the one receiving the protection and sending it!

Perhaps my favorite audio so far, of course they work on different things but this one has been the most life-changing for me!

Much love to Kwan Yin, our dear Captain and anyone reading this. :heartpulse:


:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


Just beautiful!