The Silent Mind


Remember Enhanced Visual Processing.


So this just happened and I’m not sure what to make of it. The moment I bought this NFT and printed a physical copy, my heart started beating really quickly but I could tell I was getting calmer, then out of nowhere I feel this sharp pain in my solar plexus/heart area to the point where I had to stop what I was doing and deal with the pain, also felt the pain on the left side of my face. it has subsided somewhat but it still feels like there is something going on there, like the NFT is fighting hard to keep whatever is going on from re-surfacing again


where exactly can I find the picture with the most quality? and that does not disrupt the field of course. I saw the picture everywhere while I was buying it but idk which one works or not lol, second NFT :sunglasses::+1:

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After you transfer the NFT to your wallet, there’s a download button to get the full-sized image.

Here’s the picture for the sake of convenience, only works for legal owners.


im on iphone and the button wasnt doing anything lol

Thank you


So an update after my situation, I feel fine now,still not sure what it was exactly but I’m glad it’s over with. Now to the things I noticed since I bought it

  1. Completely relaxed in public not worrying or having thoughts about what people think of me which is a big one, normally I couldn’t stay in a place like Starbucks and just focus on my work but now it’s like I’m in my own zone
  2. I move much slower, I guess I was in a continuous state of rush which made me always on edge
  3. I’m self-conscious about my body and how people perceive me, yesterday I just put on what I thought looked good regardless of what others might think and not one insecure thought came up as I went out and even if it did, it would dissipate within seconds
  4. I can connect with people much better without being in my head all time worried about the negative thoughts that pop up.

nice, keep going
re-training those neurons, literally become that new you.
Positive rewards (mental and socially) to wire in the new patterns.


So I want to buy this NFT, what’s the process of buying it? Do I need to open a wallet or something?

If so can somebody help me! Like a PM or something!

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Would really appreciate it!

I’m specifically trying to get this NFT on my phone so any wallet that supports IOS (any recs?)


So I just buy the NFT on my phone and how do I transfer it exactly?


Thank you very much by the way @Atreides


Once you purchase an NFT from the store you’ll get an email to claim it. Just put in your phantom wallet address or click the Phantom button and it should upload to your wallet.

Make sure you double check your wallet code btw. If you don’t you could risk losing your NFT forever.


Got it thanks man!


Oh damn
I never did anything post purchasing them lol
Whoops :sweat_smile:


Lol yes, thank you Zen!

So this is meant to be worn as a tag? Can I just have a pic of it and it would work (after I buy it and have it in my phantom wallet)

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Yes, and the more you interact with it, the better, such as have it in your pocket.


Got it, thanks!

Thanks for this creation dream.