My obervations and expirences so far - 1 week:
Prior to this NFT I was focussing on Deja Vue and finding it beyond my conscious capacity to observe - I mean that nano-split second observation of ((clear)-time-(lapse) that I wanted to experience as a sense of knowing the future…however it was too vast to observe consciously still…and then a day before the release of this NFT something shifted…and choices started to appear and say 2-3 level deep thoughts (in-the-moment conscious narrative in form of very clear inner voice + felt energy shift at physical level) while being consciouly aware – of my emotional and rational self — world view of those around me became more apparent…my distant colleagues (new and those beyond day-to-day interactions) being able to observe their emotional under-currents in personal and professional like and
[quote=“Starlight, post:116, topic:34756”]
It feels like I’m able to connect the dots ALOT faster than before.
[/quote] time perception/experience level shift…
It feels NOT-so- Overwhelming in terms of intuition information – validation in form of multi-sensory download…I personally have struggled with self-ego-talk v/s intuition download confusion syndrome…kept me confused…leading to inaction state…
feel elvated from that state of experience…very very strong experience of subconscious to conscious level communication
Shall continue my observations…thanks for such an experience @DR_MANHATTAN and @El_Capitan_Nemo