The Silver Thread (testimony)

Hey, take a break @anon65852628, enjoy, come back in a few days or week to share more :slight_smile:


True, come back when im turned up again lil tired

Was reading through the thread, found that funny, add my cut out image definitely first time I saw that to, it was glitching my phone and stuff. I downloaded other NFT through the app no problem. When I thought this NFT different, that was an understatement

I see the its sold out now, was gonna promote it when it was up for sale last 3 days but the silver thread told me it has someone in mind just give her time. By far the GOAT field of Manhattan. It even glitched while dream was trying mint it…even Dreamweaver said it has its own conscious. This field makes you the wave, the synchronous on this beast is mind fucking blowing. You always ride the wave with this one for real


I got this one when Dream released the extra copies the group members didnt buy.

I gotta say it was hard for me to pint point what field was doing waht since i also have the BluePrint of Psychic Mastery.

A month later or so, i was contemplating what tags to wear and which ones to put aside for a while (i had many on) when i grabbed this tag i was like “i dont really see whatchu doing for me”) its like i felt it buzzing in my brain but nothing tangible that i can say this and that.

i confirmed there and then about “having consciousness” because it felt like if someone had started talking to me like that inner voice telling me “oh you dont?, ha! Let me remind you, and then it proceeded to remind me of this and that time i was thinking what is this suation about, or what should i do or what really happened here etc” and i was like ohhh yeaaah i remember now. Then “it” said “well. That was all me” ok…

So yes! I confirmed what others have said here, it just connects the dots fast and clear and delivers the message or conclusion beautifully, and most important accurate.

Since noticing how it works, its been increasingly wiring my brain, my thought process and conclusions seem real, like im not bs*ting myself.

It removes the veil, its a constant strem of epiphanies, a beautiful creation this is.

Oh and last thing, i feel each mandala different i dont know how to explain it, like the one with more blue gives me that 6th sense enhancement, the one with more brown and orange wires stronger withing the brain like with more intelligence and discernment if you will.

I am very happy i could grab this gem. Thank you


100% accurate, doubt even capt can make the higher self connection this accurate again. I ask it everything and its ALWAYS accurate. Saw 333 all day, i but 3 $10 goldrush and won $30. This happened after i listed some NFTs, this ones worth 3trill for sure


Im obsessed with this NFT haha.

I dont know why it took me so long to see its beauty unfold, now i cant stop it.

Its like having a secretary inside of me given me the minutes of everything.

What ive paid attention today was that other NFTs messages would be put apart in tiny bits and spread out in a line of events or reasons why this NFT is working on whatever in Me. Do I make sense?

I think this way is better:

Before id understood the messages from the NFTs (including Deities) or smart fields, in a conceptual way, hard at times yes but i got around understanding the bottom line or lets say the general idea.

Now TST is translating all into words, words that i speak mentally like if they were my own words but i know they arent, and its making sense why the dreams after looping the Root Cause and Primal Urge (the new ones) the other day, were soo clear, it wasnt them, it was this NFT that is doing whatever you (Dr Manhattan and Dream) know better, to my brain that cannot be denied, its a whole new world that this field opened in my brain.

And im all here like… how did i live before it? Lol

How did i get to every single decision and conclusion before? blindly? I guess my sharp six sense and intuition, but to be honest i feel quite embarrassed now that i am witnessing how a proper chain of thoughts based on truth and real events come to a conclusion.

Felt quite intelligent before this field. Now i feel i was a fool before, i thought i was a rational person no no no. I think im close to consider that my life before this field was an emotional parade.

We know nothing for real… we dont really or very limited use our brain and its capacity.

I am incredibly thankful for all the Brain series. And i will get them all eventually.

Last thing for what is worth to those that have this field, get the Raven bones now that is on sale its like $29, if you want of course, but they pair super well.
Raven goes looking for what could happen if… then this field explain why yes or not with the info Raven brings.


I usually pair this one with blossom of the mind.

It’s a beautiful mix


Ahh i remember when the left copies were made available for the public that one was there too, but i could only afford one and i kept going back and forth reading the threads

I bought this one and went to check how many left of TBM were there and it was sold out.

That one seems super beautiful too!!


The user that has the alternative NFT version, can you please DM me.

Thank you :)

Just a quick stop to say this field still blows my mind every day, One of my favorite ever.

Its like watching a movie where you get to see the whole plot unfolding and you know what is happening every where and have all the information because you are the outside observer, so you understand everything, and could very accurately predict what will happen because you get to "see/understand/mentally follow the full “thread” of events, circumstances and reasons and all in between to get a spot on prediction, as well as understanding why or how something happened

Now, since using the eyes of 3 and Crown of the Blessed one from the new chakra series daily, this is being expanded, growing like zooming out more and more to get even higher wider understanding of what is what.



I just picked this NFT up as my first one (of likely many), the name of it was calling to me. Within seconds of it arriving in my wallet my head started to buzz strongly. I can already feel an increased awareness and calmness in my mind.

I am not sure how to download the NFT image from Phantom wallet so this is from just looking at the image from above for one minute. I made it my phone screen image and printed out a photo too.

I look forward to connecting with the image/energy later when I have more time and as time goes by.

Thanks for this cool project. How many of these got minted by the way (is there a way to check?)


I’ll show you how to do both with screenshots in messages

Anybody have the alt mint version?

There is no ALT mint version for this NFT.

Only once this NFT got minted and during the mint, there were 2 images got created and either of the images will work the same.

I want the ALT artwork version.

This one

So whoever has that message me, I’m ready to bid.

For the ALT artwork holder only.

If that wasn’t obvious enough already.

We all have both.

The NFT has 2 pics

No one group has the blue and the other group has the other color

Ohh i think i know what you mean now?

Like i know i can use both pics in fact i take turns with them but in my wallet is the brownish color i see, so maybe you want one from someone that sees it blue in their wallet?

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So everyone has that alternate artwork?

That’s perfect.

I’ll keep hunting the threads, see if anyone is selling.

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If someone feels like they would have loved to have this…


The Manhattan Method

plus the new one:

Crystal of Insight

That combo reminded me of this Silver Thread, one of the products that has blown my mind the most in all these years with SM.

The mentioned combo is like an upgrade, big leap from this concept

Strongly recommend it.