The Silver Thread (testimony)

Hey !
Has this ever happened to you ?

You turn around in your mind trying to find something that you know is there but can’t quite put your finger on?

Here you are, you have reached the frontier of your understanding, going down different thought avenues not quite knowing how to solve the puzzle has if you were leading an investigation. Feeling as if you were going in circle ?

It’s about following the silver thread that ties it all together 🪡

Alternative picture

The silver thread cuts through uncertainty, allows you to tap into the intelligent design of the universe, the essence and powers of divine truth and grants you the essence of the most ideal interpretation of pure rationalism.
It will ground your thinking and expectations, allow you to see through deeper layers of illusions, deceptions. Help you determine the relevance of items in specific context while pushing your mind to find new connections based on specific themes and common denominators.

Also included is a push to for your mind to formulate more detailed thought (inspired by journaling techniques), the objectivity to validate or invalidate your beliefs based on evidence, a realization as to the multi-dimensional nature of the problems you face and finally an enhanced ability to formulate beneficial life lessons.

This is a great tool for any worthy adventurer. Let the Silver Thread guide you on your journey.


I think this has become my favourite group project.

Short backstory, we had a first draft sitting there in the group for a while, it seemed as good as it could be. Then with all the things I had learned thanks to the fruit of knowledge, I felt a better way to make it. I feel a deep personal connection to the Silver Thread.

At the beginning there was more emphasis on navigating uncertainty efficiently, with laser guidance. This part was kept as one element in a vision of magical rationalism. The magical version of this philosophical concept of knowledge and reason applied to our being and minds.

With magic, we now have access to the highest and noblest form of rationalism that enlightenment philosophers could have wished for human minds. We coupled this with magical guidance from a more divine and objective form of truth and intelligent design of the universe.

A mind that sees truth, detect illusions and grounded enough that it won’t be touched by even the slightest delusion that human mind continually face in myriads of ways, the objectivity to look at things how they really are as best as possible without biases.

I have managed print it today and I feel this deep relaxed awareness, a form of flow that doesn’t take situations at face value and where you can feel the… I don’t want to say “control”, it’s not really control. I feels engaged and ready to see what’s in front of me with a sense of mental inner power and simplicity.

I knew what I expected from this and… it’s bit weird, it’s there, it’s working. This subtle energy flowing through my mind and thoughts, opening doors. I’m really excited about this NFT and to see all the changes it will create in a week, 6 months, 1 year and beyond.

I will keep posting my experience.


Also, we had this magical thing happening in the creation process, we have 2 official pictures, both work the same.

First time this has happened and its on this project :muscle:


I’m surprised there aren’t more reviews,
I removed it for a few hours and put it back, I could feel the energy flowing through my thought and untangling the situations with the divine truth and clarity.

I can also feel the slight pressure in my head and my third eye tingling when I wear it

I think this is a step in the right direction for future projects


I’m getting it printed today so will work with it and update.




So far, I LOVE this NFT!! I’ve just started connecting with it. It feels like I’m able to connect the dots ALOT faster than before.


My obervations and expirences so far - 1 week:

Prior to this NFT I was focussing on Deja Vue and finding it beyond my conscious capacity to observe - I mean that nano-split second observation of ((clear)-time-(lapse) that I wanted to experience as a sense of knowing the future…however it was too vast to observe consciously still…and then a day before the release of this NFT something shifted…and choices started to appear and say 2-3 level deep thoughts (in-the-moment conscious narrative in form of very clear inner voice + felt energy shift at physical level) while being consciouly aware – of my emotional and rational self — world view of those around me became more apparent…my distant colleagues (new and those beyond day-to-day interactions) being able to observe their emotional under-currents in personal and professional like and

[quote=“Starlight, post:116, topic:34756”]
It feels like I’m able to connect the dots ALOT faster than before.
[/quote] time perception/experience level shift…

It feels NOT-so- Overwhelming in terms of intuition information – validation in form of multi-sensory download…I personally have struggled with self-ego-talk v/s intuition download confusion syndrome…kept me confused…leading to inaction state…

feel elvated from that state of experience…very very strong experience of subconscious to conscious level communication

Shall continue my observations…thanks for such an experience @Dr_Manhattan and @Dreamweaver


Bro this one is awesome, I just feel like I can write forever, it subtle but ties together all of my thought process like a traffic policemen sending it all to its appropriate place. Its not too heavy on the head unlike way back machine was for me, I feel more connected to my mind and thoughts. Thanks for this one Philip


Awesome :sunglasses:

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Interesting, pm me! Architect phil, anything the arcttects design is fire’/
That itch is something I been needing, different…gas! this looks sounds different

So this ones, not going to lie but…does not disappoint…whew. its like conceptual realization on steroids
Its like embodyment of what sammy wrote, or capt, or rehashed of dale

But completely materialized. Probably the strongest I felt a field yet, the whole UNIVERSE connect, on your shoulder. Wow, Capt didn’t play with this one here
And i only have half the image to, for sure whenever I fully integrate it maybe I get the full hd, this one also super boost all fields, Iv noticed that but makes sence, your unconscious, whole being understanding the other fields, silver thread to it. I was expecting to be good but wow, this blew my mind. The super connected to Universal conscious and all.

Btw if anyone has the full hd image, im rdy for the whole experience, I think em fae playing games with me again( half image?

Phill you did it with this one!


@anon65852628 All original HD images can be found here

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Thanks guys, we lucky NFT exist, don’t think capt could release this to the public lol, maybe personal items but doubt he do all that work for one item…he could but na nvm he couldn’t, for public release that is…to strong, whole universes on you… the weight is heavy, connection overwhelming but adjusts tho

He didn’t hold back. Not even scratch the service yet. Still have to Fully intergrade it .will be God mode, or Cosmic being like dream, all knowing.? Aquarius number one word is *I know "too. Well we alrdy know it all and then this something scare people lol. Like “how you know my personal life” type shit
. Phil you not an air sign right?i think your a fire sign, or earth for guess num two. You got bite lol. My girl Aries, live em rams to, best deepest connection

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re-watch the movie “the tenet” with this NFT ON you and come back on this thread


Ooooh… GREAT idea! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Also materialized this article for sure

Its all the secrets of how fields are created, integration. Connected to conceptual information
That article explains it clearer

Definitely my favorite article, read it in 20’17, light bulb turned up

Its like the monky effect, everyone knows it not w but back 2017 before sapien crew released it? Idc how well versed in psychic, magic, energy, it was whole other information releasing, everyone learned something. So different from traditional hermetics, concepts abstract but made sence

The ancient from dale, his psychic guild site, stuff all down but maybe be found somewhere online

This one was heavy though, remote influence, telepathic connection. We shouldn’t touch that tho

Oh they rewrote dales article on the site lol

You’d think thats looked down on, in the wrong hands…

Hey, take a break @anon65852628, enjoy, come back in a few days or week to share more :slight_smile: