🗼 THE SKYSCRAPER NFT (Private Project made Public)

This! :100:

Same principle applies to the Jawliner NFT by the way.
People expect to look like Chad after 2 months without realizing that bone changes take time and must be done at a very careful pace in order to not mess up or be exposed to pain.


I’m already experiencing uncomfortable pain, not the point where I’m screaming from pain, but I would imagine if I suddenly grew too fast, I would die from the excruciating amount of pain from fast development due to my bones changing at a rapid pace lol.


Sorry for spamming, but lastly, you need to take care of yourself.

  1. Get optimal amount of sleep

  2. Consume necessary vitamins like vitamin D.

  3. Stay away from added sugars, it’s everywhere and it’s a plague to your body.

  4. Eat well, include fruits and vegetables.

Do whatever you can, to speed up the process. Put in some work.





(BTW, welcome to the forum?)


ur wasting your time with that

this is a long term goal, looping fields aint gonna make you reach it quicker

a 30 min meditation session with the audio before heading to sleep would not only safe you lots of your time but most likely also work better, since active work aka meditating to the audio is far more effective than passive listening


This is a far more in depth project than most height growth fields on youtube

I have tried the one in youtube and it didnt really work for me, but this one does as I have already grown a bit and experience frequent unpleasent growing sensations.


So you already believe that you wont grow an single inch.
I recommend some self love fields and emotional release to release this tension which is coming up now. Will be easier in the long run.




So, what happened? Why giving up so soon? And what happened to the positive mindset?


I don’t own this NFT. Do you? You look like a troll my dude :joy:


How do you meditate, do you just affirm a height goal?

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I understand where you are coming from, you spent $300 and expected to get results because people hyped it up. Be patient my friend, you do not even have to loop this audio, there’s a mandala that comes with it, print out a wallet size card of this mandala and put in your wallet and keep it with you for 24/7 if you can.

Also, work on yourself mentally and emotionally, by incorporating self love, sometimes how we view ourselves, can either help us move forward or hinder us from receiving the results. You got this bro! I will be listening to this for 3 years or less depending if I reached my desired height.


I can understand your frustration and ya 5-6 hours a day of the same song can get hella tiring. But I think you might want to look into releasing limiting beliefs and emotions that’s restricting you. I think you were courageous in taking the dive and also smart to understand that something beyond what you know might be possible which opens up possibilities. I’d say don’t give up and stick with your plan of trying for longer. But when there are no results, it might be smart to look into it instead of just giving up and saying it doesn’t work. I don’t own this NFT yet but in I’ve gained many undeniable benefits from many other fields. One thing is, if this is an important goal for you, are you actively visualizing the result you want for at least 5 minutes a day? The field acts as support, and instead of spamming the audio, put in some active work, it’ll do wonders because consciousness is most powerful. Another thing is, let go of self doubt, self hate, and self denial, I noticed someone recommending self love, it’s definitely beneficial. If you look into science experiments with water, you can see how emotions can influence the molecular structure of elements. And your body is more than 70% water, it’ll help for sure. But one main thing is letting go of limiting beliefs. You manifest what you truly belief, for example, you want to grow taller, but you have a belief it will not work, or this is all crap. Then that’s another way of saying you don’t want it. You have conflicting desires. I recommend the limiting beliefs removal audio from youtube. Can also look into manifesting techniques and books by Esther Hicks (Abraham) and Neville Goddard, and you’ll see why emotions play a huge part. Lastly, there’s no need to spam audios, most of the time it’s actually counter productive, you’ll FEEL like you’re doing a lot and get frustrated quickly whereas with nfts you can just print out the image and have it on you. Know your true power, anything you want is possible, all of these fields are just support (Great support though :smiley: ) Looking forward to seeing your comeback with great results. You got this :+1:
(Personal experiences with physical fields, it doesn’t take years or months, can literally happen within couple of weeks, usually the results are delayed for most people due to limiting beliefs, conflicting desires, and density of emotions that’s hindering the changes, learn methods of releasing like I Light Love or something)(and obviously you took the dive for 275 because you probably had some results from the free fields on youtube, if not, you’re real brave. :+1:)
ps: if you really give up, i’ll take the nft off your hands, no charge, I got you.

ps: lmao jk :rofl: you got this, dont give up


No intention, I just meditate on it

Say man…why not just use the mandala instead of spamming the audio. Write down what your height goals are and also visualize yourself at the height you want to be. Usually before any big breakthrough, there is resistance, but if you’re adding additional resistance through your disbelief, you could be creating static between you and your desires.

Dreams fields do work, but there is effort required on your part for the best results to materialize in your life. Have you looked at stretching exercises? Put in the work for what you want. The fields serve the effort you put in to bring what you want into fruition. This forum wouldn’t be what it is if everyone was full of it. Since you paid the money, put the work in to extract the value from your investment.


Update: Guys I’m crying right now, height has always been my biggest insecurity and later on the day today, I was standing next to my sister, cooking some food and my sister told me “when did you get taller?” I was so confused because we are literally the SAME height, and as I compared, it was OBVIOUS that I grew taller. Even during the morning (which we are at our tallest) me and her are at the same height regardless and throughout the day, but today was so shocking.

It wasn’t significant like growing 5 inches, but it was noticeable that I was taller than her. Even my brother who is the tallest in the family, noticed it too. I am male, age 21, growth plate closed and let me cry all day today because I deserve the progress I got!

Looped the audio 5-8 hours everyday!!! I will listen for the next 3 years.


So my part in enhancing the field.

  1. I avoid phytates that are in grains such as rice because they have vitamin deficiency.

  2. I eat meat, vegetables and fruits to give my body the nutrients it needs

  3. I consume 10,000 IOUs of vitamin D3 along with K2

  4. Consume vitamin A, C and zinc

  5. Try my best to get 8-9 hours of sleep to boost my growth hormone

  6. Avoid coffee because they drain out the vitamins

  7. I don’t like doing intense exercise so I do the saitama workout regimen (50 push-ups, sit-ups, 50 squats and no running because I hate it)

And interestingly enough I am experiencing lots of pain than ever ever since I starting following my plan vs before, my habit was trash and pain wasn’t happening all the time. Biggest factor I think is not eating rice anymore. I feel so much better without eating rice anyways.

Also look up tips and medical advices on YouTube that discuss how to grow taller, gather knowledge to enhance the field. Using this field alone with no work on your part is gonna take a little bit longer than usual.


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