🗼 THE SKYSCRAPER NFT (Private Project made Public)

Ya think.


This goes for every industry in every system in every nation at this point.

In all serious, this echoes what we all feel deep down, but would be marginalized for if we chose to say something.

But here at Sapien, none of that matters.

Continue to fight the good fight.


Yeah I know. I really don’t have anything to do with doctors or medicine in general because of all the side effects and being overcharged just for them to say,” we aren’t entirely sure what’s wrong.” Then you get a $3000 bill for 25 minute session.

But again I’m gonna give it some thought and possibly get this NFT because I really want to be 6’3 :sob:.


Measure at night bro.
Wow this is huge and fast, I hope it’s not spine decompression.


I have gained half a inch so far with this field

measured from wall, and I measured both times at night at like 8pm

the growing pains have also been getting more intense so I think be noticing even faster growth soon


It happened to me to what browser did you use

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Chrome and Firefox didnt work

but Microsoft Edge :joy:

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im going to buy this, I am 18 years old, how long will it take me to gain 2 inches, I want it by at least may or June is that possible

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I think results are faster if you actively engage with the audio/nft


True. I’m yet to buy this one.
I have previously used other frequencies, subliminals and sapien audios.
169-170 was initial height. Age 26-27,
After few years of playing different height stacks. ,
174-175 cm now.
I should say even 3 cm increase in height can be just attributed to spine alone.
I still wonder did I grow and just got my spine erect.


I unsubscribed from mainstream beliefs and “evidences” a long time ago man.

It’s on you what you want to accomplish.


Does anyone here meditate with the NFT and notice anything?

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Just passively listening.

Tingling and sensations in joints around knees and legs persist.

Growing fast keeping you all posted.


Growing taller in 1 month will post before after pictures.


So like you know you’re growing taller in one month?

Dm me @Troglodyte369

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I’m going to measure again next week, but I feel taller everyday


I’m so close to buying this, I just need a few more testimonies and I’m going for it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


How do you use so many different often contradicting fields at the same time? You appear to be using almost every field

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Do u use quadible height right?


Day 1 (10-28-22)

Today (11-18-22)

Will update this post later, gonna crash :sleeping:

But I guarantee once I fix my sleep tonight, and stop over training lol results are gonna be through the roof

Just have to recalibrate. :t_rex:

*please note I’ve been pulling all nighters past couple of days so poor sleep diet posture may have short term effects but otherwise positive results so far!!