šŸ—¼ THE SKYSCRAPER NFT (Private Project made Public)

Looks like you have the ā€œdonā€™t ruin the wall and donā€™t spend a fortuneā€ version :grin:.

On the German Amazon it seems to come with a cute cuddly toy as well :rofl::


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Wellā€¦ which version can I afford though? I mean legally. I ainā€™t saying sheā€™s a gold digger but she ainā€™t hanging with no broke guy.


Itā€™s go a wall bumper to avoid bangups.

Picture does no justice lmao from my tablet.

Anways to growing more now.


How many inches did you exactly grow?

1 inch so far. Over 30 years old. Worn the nft 2 or 3 days total. Was kind of hit and miss about it. Listened to the audio 1 time.

Felt next to zero growing pains. Did get a couple of quick sharp pains (quick meaning non chronic non recurring), one in the hip, one in my hand for some reason. Experienced some uncharacteristic vertigo a few times within the span of an hour but did not reoccur wearing it the next day.

Iā€™m having a hard time believing Iā€™m measuring correctly. Will measure again later today. For results this fast I have to think itā€™s decompressed my spine so far. I canā€™t imagine even a teen growing that fast.

I didnā€™t even plan on measuring myself this morning. I have a spot on the bathroom door behind my bathroom mirror. I could fit my hand (while hand lying flat) between my head and the bottom of one of the door hinges. Thatā€™s the width or amount of space that was between the top of my head and the bottom of the hinge.

So I would just occasionally eye that, thinking I hope to someday reach the top of the hinge. Looking at it this morning, the space was no longer there. I reach all the way up to the bottom of the hinge. Not trusting my eyes I grabbed a tape measureā€¦ And the rest of the story you already know.



So quick, amazing! At this rate you will be done with this NFT soon and probably need to stash it for a trade or sale for a distant future.

How much you are targeting? 3 inches would be decent I think for people above 30s, others wouldnā€™t notice much, only close ones will ask and it is easy to cover it up.




I have some growing pains here and there and feel taller, probably decompression and posture

But I will measure myself in like 2 months


What is yā€™alls listening routine?

I listen 3x hgh and then loop it for about an hour before sleep

I guess since we grow while we sleep its the most efficient way?


@Dreamweaver do you think itā€™s wise to take a break from this field for a day or two every week to let the work be integrated? Or would it work better with no breaks?


Remember to measure the same time of day. Our spines decompress while we sleep and this can add around half an inch of height. So measuring at night will give different results compared to early in the morning


I think many underestimate how much the spine alone can play in quick height gains.

But great testimonial @Atreides, like I said with other projects, I can only imagine the results months from now.

Perhaps weeks.

And I know the second guessing feeling man, itā€™s a natural but donā€™t fall victim to it, play Ego dissolution or limits dissolver if you find yourself in retrograde.


I play it even if Iā€™m in a recumbent position, so laying down and doing math etc.

Sometimes even when I shower, but I would assume before or after sleep to be optimal times.

Yes, I stack with hgh as well, including endocrine,etc. other various hormonal fields for me personally, plust a couple NFTā€™s to help accelerate my progress.

I would also not measure everyday if you fret with your height goals, this can go with attracting money or anything, you just create the sense of lack or doubt much more, and it can quickly snowball.

But it looks like everyone here is having a positive experience, so thatā€™s great.


Terrific results in just a few days! So, there is no age limit to this NFT? I already plan to buy it this month.


No biological or chronological age limit for this NFT.


Mann I wanted to get this NFT because I always wanted to be atleast 6ā€™2 or 6ā€™3 because all the males in my family is are like 6ā€™3 upward to 6ā€™7 but l got the unfortunate gene draw in that department. I believe what keeps me from trying this is the alien tech :frowning: Iā€™m not entirely onboard with this yet so probably be in future I may still purchase it.

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But why?
They are much more advanced than any medical doctor you can find here on earthā€¦


Hey man whatā€™s a little probing? Gotta pay the price of admission.


And much less corrupt or corruptible.


Fr. I lost faith in doctors after one just dismissed a problem of mine as nothing more than eczema and literally asked me what I want and sent me away with moisturiser. Had like internal bleeding of sorts within the skin of my arm for months after that till I recovered with Sapienā€™s works and divine help. What more I only had the problem after the vaccine booster shot which was mandated by my government lolā€¦ they donā€™t really care about you as individuals.