The Solidifier

One of them😊
I can’t afford those, actually I will in future but which one should I buy first?

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Then Solidifier.


What’s your experience from solidifier?

I don’t have it yet. But I have Millions for months now.


so how’s your experience with millions?

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Well, I’m nowhere near being a millionaire so… :man_shrugging:


Same… Waiting for someone achieve it from the million though


I’m using this for college stuff, then once I get that milestone…

Millions…then billions… maybe even trillions… A very insatiable black hole hmm…:hole:


You are closer to millionaire status then most billionaires remember that. : )

Definitely much closer to becoming a millionaire then Jeff Bezos.

Get this Woven World Millions, and the Cone Of Power.
Sleep to Million Dollar Empire on loop, you will get deals the very morning you wake up, etc.
List your goals and then execute.

He who is fixed to a star does not change his course.

Besides even most billionaires were “self-made”.

Wealth creation today is level playing field for all, don’t want anymore conspiracy theories or layman excuses. Please don’t @ me for debate.


Bro this is getting strange now.

I had this thought this morning

Say if we set this soldier to a million dollars? Would it work in the same way?

But then I said to my self? Wouldn’t woven words millions have some secrets. Like making people pay u the money the own.

But then the solider can also do that because it’s goal is to make u get to a million So it could also make people pay u back.

@SammyG @Dreamweaver what u think? Is this the wrong idea to think about both audios

Would it be best to set the solider to a be a millionaire or use the woven words millions?


When did you decide or realize that one task was completed next moved on to the next? Was it a gradual process or did you suddenly feel the change?


Does this need printed out or can u just touch your phone screen? From what ive read in this thread is that u dont have to carry this field around, correct?


You can just touch the image on your phone.


Yes from what I’ve gathered it’s more something you only use when you want to and it can stay wherever you leave it in the meanwhile


I keep on the Solidifier on my lockscreen for this reason too.

Hey for those of you well versed in manifestation, why is it that when we are at a great turning point in our lives, we end up manifesting many people from our past? Or is this just an isolated occurrence for me personally?

The past couple of days I have been full of energy,etc. but not really desiring this, I have been running into people non stop from my past, not even unconsciously wanting this to happen.
Unwittingly maybe signaling to my subconscious to keep this happening consistently?

I’ve noticed this too with energy and subliminal work, that as I get ascend or keep getting more results, or what not, my dreams still wander to the distant past as well about different people, events.etc.

Would love anyone’s input on this.


I dunno… I can’t say that I’ve specifically had people from my past showing up. I’ve had to change geography a few times, so it’s a bit difficult for people to show up lol.

I’d guess that there could be two things at work: if you’re planning on making a change but still have Karma with people, they might show up to exact a price before you move ahead.

Or, from a more equanimous perspective: When you move forward in one way, elements of your life will move backwards to counterbalance things. The yin and the yang :yin_yang: .

Or it could be something else. I’ve had resonance with the past—usually places rather than people. I get a sort of holographic memory that seems to circulate back to me. Something that some people might call a time-loop. I think it’s related to some of the larger orbits in the aura (more noticeable when the energy body is more open in the central channel).

But it could be anything. I’d bet there’s some astrological conditions that connect to it too.


Yeah I mean I never forget a face man and a voice, and I’m very keen to picking up on it, so maybe my RAS overfiring now that people are home from summer,etc. at public venues or what not.

But yeah man it is just a one final speed bump before I can begin my new journey hopefully somewhat smooth sailing for the rest of the year, as I intend to materialize quiet some new changes.

Speaking of time loop it’s weird how some circumstances keep you in a vicious cycle even when you try to implement new behaviors/habits,etc. This was key into myself cancelling my commercial gym membership, trying to that shedding old skin thing, and it feels like dead weight with environmental influences,etc.

Albeit, it gives me more reason to believe that this world we inhabit is nothing more then a mere simulation. My viewpoint of this just keeps congealing day by day, even outside with these “synchornicities” for the better or worse.

With the recrudescence of some but not all, matrix bots coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden.

Was reading the book Gene Keys today too, and they explained also about this whole evolution of yin and yang thing with the acceptance of life’s absurdities, that give it more value etc.
your own definition of destiny and all that.


It’s a phenomenon. Kind of like when you’re releasing old beliefs, they’ll pop up one more time like a kiss goodbye -

Like a last call at the bar. “You sure you want to let this go?”

So people from the past, coming up one more time as like a, “you sure you’re ready to let the old self concept go?”

I would tell you you’re about to level up but you already knew


Yeah really it’s a weird game being played with the ego and illusion of oneself.

It’s awesome that we talk about this, as I’m a firm believe in what happens happens to us all, not in our own reality vacuum, and so forth.

Yeah the whole letting go thing, makes me want to read Life of Pi again, but maybe also because I was so attached to this illusory identity, but hopefully yeah I want to move on to the next stage of my life.

No more tutorial mode.


I think if your goal is only to manifest million dollars then woven worlds millions is great, but as we have too many goals including million dollars, solidifier can help manifest anything like you can also manifest dream house, dream car, anything.
I wanna go with solidifier for now
But If I had budget I would buy both.
I’m collecting money to buy solidifier, I will surely buy millions in future.