The Solidifier

Yeah I think it’s a shedding of the old and rebirth into the frontiers of the new.

With brutally honesty, most of my past feels like dead weight, and coming out of that lie, trying to actually live on my own terms now, it always rears its ugly head and creeps up whenever I’m about to make a greater change in life.

But that being said, I really want to experience the multi-dimensional or multi aspect of what we call time with this.

I want to see if things were preordained like what most religions have you to believe, or if free will does really exist, and that our choices in the here and now really do effect both past present and future.


Do you have $600?

@BabyBilly More than 600.


Let’s say I’m looking to buy this NFT (now)

Would I want to buy it from you who is selling it for 600 USD or at the regular price of 300 USD?

Why would I buy it at 600 when I can buy 2 for 600 at original price.

Hope this clears your understanding.


I’m not throwing shade. Just wondering why peeps are paying double. Cheers.


Sorry man I just can’t tell if people are being sarcastic, serious, or silly.

I’m just going to morb the rest of the copies.


yall tweaking


But didnt Dream set it up that the number that u got after buying a copy (your copy #)…was just a random number? (he did it for fun.)

Thats how it was recently, unless it was changed.


Well let’s see what he has to say with how many copies are left.

Hopefully I will be able to buy more soon, I think I should play me some Financial Protector.

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Whatever “floats your boat”.


You mean my yacht?


You are correct.

I was just quoting the first person to report the run total (because each “print” is labeled “random number”/total run, in this case 1,100 copies) and then @Zen’s “latest” number (at the time he posted 4 days ago in this thread). He seems to have some sort of super-secret inside track/methodology to calculate inventory remaining.

I was just taking other’s comments from upthread. I’m hoping they had some basis for posting what they posted.

In any event, you are correct in your understanding. I’ve not heard anything to change your (and my) understanding.


So are there basically 1,000 copies left to be purchased before it becomes out of stock?

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So, am I understanding this correctly? You’re trying to corner the market of this field by buying up as many as you can so that you can then resell them at a profit?


From Zen’s “inside track”/“super-secret methodology”/“Magic 8 ball” of 4 hours ago:

Not really, Rijan insinuated that I was doing so all because I chose to sell at a higher price.

So I sarcastically responded to his flippant comment buy telling him to buy more copies if he can.

Personally, I just want to buy more copies just because I want to buy them.

Like may NFT whales who buy NFT’s for the sole purpose of buying them?

Hopefully this makes sense my friend.


Who knows?!
Maybe he’s just trying to yank peoples chains.
To get a reaction.

Maybe he is, maybe he’s not.
Who cares.

Some people just like to kick up dust.
Dont go into fear or anxiety mode people.


Thank you for clarifying that for me.

Not really?

I already told many people on this forum that I’m trying to get high profile people involved with Sapien Medicine.

This community alone for NFT’s is one of a kind.

But people are acting as if I’m drying up the world’s fresh water supply just so I can shower in it.

Exactly, people are just projecting their own fears unto my own proposals, I never asked for them.


(ETA: for clarity’s sake, in case people are wondering what I’m talking about, there was a post, now deleted, that said the number of copies left for sale can be found on the blockchain.)

Ahhhh, got it. (And here I was all super-impressed at @Zen’s precise knowledge and reporting. haha)

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Can you send me the link?