The Soul Continuum - Psychic University

Any updates from this one buddie?

Looking forward to reading it

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After a month of using, I feel like the boundaries between myself and my alternate selves are dropping.

There’s this sense now of a support network around me that’s continually growing and strengthening.

And instead of taking everything on myself, I feel that certain problems are being off-loaded/distributed across timelines making it far easier to learn lessons and navigate challenges from an individual perspective.

Like some have mentioned above, I’ve also noticed having thoughts that don’t seem to belong to me.

I’ll be thinking about something, then I’ll suddenly get a new angle that I’m unable to trace back to my own thought process, as if someone else (an alternate self?) temporarily embodied me for a second and implanted this idea in my mind.

I definitely get the feeling that my alternate selves and myself are embodying each other somehow, crossing over into each other’s realities in a fluid manner.

In fact I get the impression this happens all the time, we just don’t notice it as our perception and identity is tied so closely to our patterns of thought, we create the illusion of a coherent individual who’s anchored to and travelling on one specific timeline.

I think I’m beginning to understand what it means, what it feels like, to be a multidimensional being, at least from a limited human perspective.


I have been listening for five days and increasing my listening time every day. Today is the first day I reached 30 minutes of listen (~8 loops). Not sure if I will increase any time soon.

The reason of posting is to share my today’s experience. Not so profound as others mentioned but I did notice couple of things going on. I feel like I am not alone. I feel a group of my selves are working together now. At moments I felt power, safety, security, and a glimpse of empowerment. And the last bits of safety and security… I believe this is personal to me as all my life I felt several times I only have myself to count on and felt unsafe and unprotected.

And suddenly I still only have myself but its like is copied another 5-10 times and all these copies cooperate with each other for the main me. For my challenges, for my problems, for my success, and so on. I am wondering if this was always going on which I believe it is / it was, however I don’t believe this fine cooperation always existed. If it did, well, this field just made me aware of it.

I notice that some experiences shared are similar and it would be really awesome if PU at some point chimes in and explains to us couple of the things going on. Clarity would be great.

I am planning to stay on this field for at least another month or two and increase my listening time before I decide moving on from it or staying with it longer. Hopefully it will be a precious gem to transform all of our lives. Either way I will be reporting back so everyone lurking this thread and thinking about getting this… know I will be back with more.



The story unfolds further everytime I listen and picks up right where I left off.

I was taking a bath and all of a sudden I saw money/abundance flowing all around me. There was this crown placed on my head, my third eye went purple and I felt my higher self presence again co-existing with me. My current self and she had a spat because my ego was afraid. I told her I liked my current life and didn’t know if I Could trust her not to ruin my life’s plans.
I told her that my family needs me… do you promise you’ll look out for their interests? This “me”has plans for a simple life- you’re scaring me with all that you’re asking me. I was afraid because sometimes I’d shift to her POV and my kids didn’t seem like my kids. This me had already transcended this reality and this incarnation and she wasn’t tied to this ego identity. But I put my foot down and told her staying tied to this part of my ego and reality is very important for this version of me. She eventually showed me and helped me understand that she’s the me that healed all the trauma, any pieces of victim mentality etc and all she wanted to do was Join with me and make the current me like her, because she loves me, and she made sure to make me understand that my simple earthly life as a wife and mom was included in that.
It’s both scary and comforting all at the same time. To learn to let go and to grow. To not cling so tightly to control. To not cling so tightly to identity. It’s a learning experience seeing he powerful I am. I learn from her that I’m not as small as my ego makes me in this reality.

I love playing this at the end of my day and spending time with this other version of me :purple_heart:


I’m curious, has anyone of you combines this with PU’s field " The Best Version of You" ?
If yes, how does it feel? How does it differ from each other?


I do not know why but I feel almost nothing playing this


Maybe you are already living your best :partying_face: :grinning:


Yes, please :pray: :blue_heart:

PU - can you think of creating a field with only this part so that we can utilise any other fields that we would like to layer on top of it. Or
Pls let me know If I can already do that.
Let’s say I wanna apply Shat chandi yagna on to my multi dimensional being.
I’m listening to TSC first time and Ive got this suggestion :slight_smile:

Reading the description of TSC is so unique, feeling a lot of distinct emotions inside it. Thank you :sunflower:


I have been experimenting with the field and as I have been doing so, insights and thoughts started pouring in. I’m sharing below, maybe some would like to play around.

Increased listening time and observed some experiences as others reported as well.
The one time I listened for 30 minutes I had a good experience/insight. The one time I listened for 45 minutes I had anger coming up, a little bit of frustration and I was kind of told (don’t know how else to describe this) by my other selves or higher self to slow down, to listen to max 20-25 minutes and is enough (for me and for now).

When I listen to malleable ego before this, I find myself resisting very little even at greater listening time. Its smoother.

I usually listen to this midday. One day I listened early in the morning and afterwards I had the thought to switch my listening in the evenings or even before sleep instead. The thought’s origin was that it would be beneficial to listen then as sleep time will be used for “work” to be done.
I haven’t done this yet. I am every day eager to listen to this audio as quickly as possible :expressionless: Noted though and will experiment with this soon.

Lastly, today, I had the insight to use it in two different occasions splitting the total listen time. It was a good insight. I felt it more gentle and subtle but still giving full effect.


I listened 2 nights and both times I woke up during the same dream where I was interviewing for a job
I think I should search for a new job lol
it has to mean something

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Is this your wish?

yes. I’ve been thinking I want to do something else for a while.
and I want that wealthy lifestyle which until recently I thought was impossible for me. but I’m starting to see some paths to it
on the other hand it’s not a good idea to leave my job right now. it’s recession and other companies in my field are actually laying off people

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yeah… find a new job first and then you can quit the first one.

Without going into details, did what you experienced during the dream equate to your skills
or your desires?

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I say yes. it wasn’t random dreams


Ask her?
(or use NFT’s, they can do it too)


Do you mean it was about both your skills and your desires?

I understand but that was just an example.

My actual suggestion was something to speed up the results using that specific logic. It’s a unique blend and I’d like to use it with different fields to that effect.

Preferring direct programming instead of nft’s or servitors for this as this is a bit complicated imo.

Having said that will give a try:)