The Soul Continuum - Psychic University

Do you meditate? It can be helpful to meditate, silence your mind and then observe how the soul continuum interacts with you. Fields interact with us energetically and subconsciously. Many things the field does for us cannot be perceived in clear thoughts or won’t show immediately in physical form in our 3D reality.

I find it helpful to tune into fields during meditation (I‘m far away from mastering this skill, still a Padawan myself haha).
Most important though, believe that it is working! Even if you don’t “see any results“ just yet. It‘s a very powerful field that works on many levels in your subconscious!


Thank you so so much from the bottom of my heart for your kind replies @Siria @igem @Bootcamp I will follow what you have said and work on it and meditate! :crossed_fingers:t5::crossed_fingers:t5::crossed_fingers:t5::crossed_fingers:t5: Hopefully I can see some results in next 60-90 days.


I will not list specifics here yet but since my last update my inner and outer life has improved drastically!! Miracle levels of improvement. :pray:

I do also have to give major credit to Negative and Entropic Triggers Dissolver and Sovereignty Over Your Mind.

The Soul Continuum has given me much more clarity about what I need and when. It’s always leading me to my next best decision.


It’s been almost a month since my last update.

My everyday life has been very busy with a lot of changes. I couldn’t fulfill many of my daily obligations, and mentally, I wasn’t fully present. Because of this, I didn’t notice much of what was going on and, as a result, recorded nothing in my journal.

It’s been one and a half months of listening. Around this time, I was supposed to decide whether to continue with this or move on. My intuition tells me to keep going. However, consciously, I haven’t been fully aware of what’s been happening, except for a profound insight I received one night, seemingly from another parallel self of mine. It’s truly remarkable, and I’ve taken notes and started practicing it. I prefer to keep it to myself for now, but I might share it with Dream or PU if they’re interested in developing a field from it.

Another decision I’ve made is to stop combining this audio with Malleable Ego (ME). While many people combine it with everything, I’ve found that combining it with Soul Continuum might not be ideal for me. I’m confident that within a week, I’ll have clarity on this. For some reason, I believe that combining it with ME makes it very subtle and passive. I’m not saying it doesn’t work, but it hasn’t yielded the results I experienced before, including several insights and some bold experiences during the day.

For now, I’ve decided to continue listening to this for another three weeks until the end of the month. I’ll probably provide another update then.

Update (five days later on 13th of February):
Maybe, not combining this audio with Malleable Ego was a bad idea. Whenever I now listen to it I feel some kind of resistance/heaviness which sometimes I feel even before I even listen (knowing that I will listen to it in a bit). This was not there before. I will re-introduce ME again today and until the next update will verify if this sensation is gone or not.

Update 2 (February 28th)
It is not Malleable ego which was making Soul Continuum’s listen smooth, it is SLR 3.0. It took me some more days to verify but I wanted to be sure and give out the right “data”. I stopped listening to ME with Soul Continuum, seems my first impression was right.


Sorry what’s SLR 3?

Here you go :slightly_smiling_face:


pairing with this with BPIL mandala and I’m learning so much recently its crazyyy, I feel like I’m just levelling up everyday but it comes with a lot of suffering first

still suffering right now but i just have this inner sense of knowing that everything is gonna be okay, its very comforting


Gotten this recently and meditated to this and I gotten some reassurance from a divine presence and I had to pause my meditation because that was wow. I have a hard time conceptually feeling the presence of a higher or divine being and I think I felt the presence for once.

It was like drinking the most delicious drink you ever had once in awhile and you want more but it’s a treat, and you shouldn’t spend too much on it everyday but the difference is with this field, you can have it everyday. :blush:


I’m posting my last update for now. It’s been 10 weeks of listening. This is a field I prioritized over others for a long time as it was promising.

Since I first listened, I knew something was up with this. I could feel a “shifting” energy, in which things are happening quickly. I have been given insights, I’ve had some nice spiritual experiences, and I can say I’ve experienced a part of the universe and the mechanics of creation of which I was not aware… on this level, I am now.

I am stopping listening to this because I need to free up time and energy for other fields. It might have been a good experience, but I am after solid results. There is a small possibility that results were and are manifesting but are too subtle to notice. And most probably, I will become aware of them after a few days or weeks, but either way, the results I am after are not that. I am after a buildup, momentum, and a huge impact. And I want to let go of Soul Continuum so that I can search for that other thing which will satisfy my desire.


Why don’t you use this and actively meditating to shifting toward the parallel reality where you have the results you want?


My answer will seem stupid. But it is what it is: I don’t know, I didn’t think of that.

At the same time, I was hoping it would just happen naturally, as if guided by some greater consciousness working together with me on another level (subconscious maybe?).


Instead of disregarding it, just add it to your daily or nightly stack and listen to it 1x. Can’t go wrong with that.


You have built a momentum and are stopping before the energy drops fully-formed into the physical only to move on to another catalyst. We all have done it, I suppose. I suggest tuning into your oracle abilities and communing with this field. Ask it to reveal its secrets, just like Severus Snape and the Marauders Map.



What a coincidence, I’m watching Harry Potter right now


lol that’s not a coincidence :joy:


Bro i got a dream, about being in harry potter i swear to god, and i was like maybe i should watch it. Hmmmm.

Lol i picked this back up yesterday and i got a dream of watching harry potter after picking this field back up. So strange i swear

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Listening to this twice a day since I bought this, there has been a noticeable shift in mindset wise and all the fields I have been listening to greatly expanded in terms of benefits.

There hasn’t been a reality change nor was I expecting drastic external change but the inner change it produces is incredible. I am being guided towards improving myself at all levels, and interestingly enough, there is a beautiful healing done to the mind/body/spirit complex which enhances perspective on myself and life.

This is truly a beautiful field, this is “Best Path in Life” on steroids but with the free will being respected, that too imo, still being guided by the higher self to work towards for your good.

@Psychic_University all I can say to you is this



I meditated to this field to shift to a reality where I received 2k to clear my 2k debt and 2 days ago I received $2k to clear my debt off.

It’s nice work here. Didn’t use any luck field, all I did was meditate with this.

Speaking of reality shifting, if all my parallel selves are carrying this field with them, that would mean bunch of wisdom can be accessed from ourselves from different realities.


Wonderful, thanks for the tip!

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