The Star Being Experience (Dream Seeds)

There wasn’t a thread for this in the Audio section so I wanted to make one.

With this one, you get to experience what it is like (within human senses mostly) to be a star.
This one is for our own sun.
Let me know what you feel and think, the benefit other than pushing you to experience new things out the normal stream of human experiences but to understand what an expanded awareness is.


I’m gonna loop it tonight during my bedtime meditation and test it for the first time. Thanks for bumping it!

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Just discovered this, thanks @JAAJ

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I am listening to this field for the very first time and I feel a very strong physical vibration in my chest area.

Also some warmth going up my spine.

On my 8th loop now.

This has a strong a vibrational lift effect.

Feels like listening to Vibration of Creation for the very first time.

Seems to also have a lot of ego dissolution in it.

This is very addicting to listen to.
Like wearing the Ascension tag.
I don’t want this to ever stop!

“I live in the dark and yet I yearn for the light.”


Thank you @Captain_Nemo that this is also available on patreon!





Gaia needs to learn from Helios…


draws Sun Tarot card multiple times

JAAJ commenting on The Star Being Experience


i was addicted to it also back in 2018

it feels amazing and yes it has a lot of ego dissolution


your ego is just a collection of the world around you, you are experiencing life as another being that’s been around for MUCH longer… we aren’t even a nanosecond of it’s lifespan.

that surely has some weight on the ego’s illusion.


I listened to the Star Being experience audio, not having any clue what will happen out of it.

Now, I must say that audio was the most important audio I would have ever listened to.

I now understand the interconnectedness of humans with the sun, how we are originally a part of the sun, how we became beings from cosmic dust, I went into a spiritual journey that leads me down the Kybalion, The Emerald Tablet of Toth, Islamic prophets, ancient egyptian, The Gospel of Thomas.

Just so so so many things. I am truly mesmerized. How listening to an audio can change my mind and directly affect my destiny.


I listened to it a bunch for a while in order to really know what it does. I felt like I was the Sun, I had all strength and self-sufficiency, need of nothing, and was completely happy to give and meet others needs.

And then I went out into the real world. And was very kind and good to people. And they saw it as an opportunity to treat me very badly. (kindness was what they perceived as opportunity, not bowing down to them was what gave them motive)

And as soon as they did, I felt a little uncomfortable, and that feeling of discomfort grew. Before I knew it, my nature changed 180 degrees and I would hit those same people with an intense and quick wave of negative energy, paying them back for what they had done. And it worked, they never so much as look at me anymore. They’re ashamed because I exposed their guilt instead of buying in to their lie; their lie that goodness was not something to be thankful for but something weak.

That was a weird experience. And it only lasted one day because I didn’t want to repeat it. But long after that day, it occurred to me what that was all about:
“Solar Flare”.

And it makes me wonder how long our Sun and our Universe and even God, will shower humanity with love, and watch the unthankful and bitter response, before sending us a message about our error.

I don’t know how the above will come across to people, but if anyone reads the 1st chapter of this book, or even the 1st half of the 1st chapter, you’ll have a much better idea of where this is coming from. It’s all about thankfulness. It’s something I had to relearn for myself.

“The Breakthrough Experience” by John F DeMartini


How the sun ripens a grape just by being the sun. emanating energy. undisturbed by any occurrences around it, instead, be powerful enough to emanate positive energy for the benefit of our universe, allowing the planets to revolve around it, in return, providing huge movements that provide energy to the sun, so it acts like a battery.

Thats what we are meant to be. To understand. to act upon our mind in a positive way. constantly moving, upwards, to the right direction.

Sapien Medicine, as always, changing lives, for the positive changes.


i can confirm this part too i had to endure this too




Ana Macklis4 months ago (edited)

For people who has their ego center undefined (human design) try this, someone else commented this generates an expansive sense of self, specially through the heart :heart: :raised_hands:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Wences Q4 months ago

This stir up my stomach, maybe it’s remove the blockage.


Steeler’s8 months ago

I feel as i have a hole with light in my heart and in my body :star:


Marjorie Morgensterna year ago

Thank you. I feel sunnier


Lee Ravenscrofta year ago

I loved it! Felt drawn in with no anxiety about it, I was willing. It ended too soon!


Shepherd by the Seaa year ago (edited)

Do I feel like I know a bit of what it feels like to be shooting star now? Yes, thank you​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sunglasses::pray:


shanli jerome2 years ago



Inge H.2 years ago

My lower chakras responded very much. Felt like super-grounding


M. KODJO2 years ago

When listening to this, I wasn’t trying to visualize anything but to let this amazing creation sync into me.
First my crown started to pulse and i suddently feel light like a feather litterally.
Then, my belly start to move like boiling inside and the root, sacral and solar became hotter and hotter then calm and did it again at the end of the tube.
I wasn’t prepare to that and it was pretty interesting to experiment.


Courtney Harrington2 years ago

Very soothing.


Athira j2 years ago

I am calm now ,I was so anxious


Jodi Foreman2 years ago

This is the number of comments as I write 111. Divine timing as always :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Unholy Faith3 years ago

starts video
Gas bubbles shift in my stomach


wilsoncloudchamber3 years ago

The Sun keeps its’ promises.


Destroy Onyx3 years ago

I feel holy. God is speaking through me. We all can enjoy this.


B virtuallY3 years ago

꓄ꂦ꓄ꍏ꒒꒒ꌩ ꋪꏂꌚꂦꈤꍏ꓄ꏂꌚ ꅐꀤ꓄ꀍ ꎭꏂ. ꎇꀤꋪꌚ꓄ ꀤ ꎇꏂ꒒꓄ ꒒ꀤꀘꏂ ꀤ ꅐꍏꌚ ꎭꏂ, ꏂꍏꋪ꓄ꀍ ꌃꏂꀤꈤꁅ, ꁅꂦꀤꈤꁅ ꀤꈤ꓄ꂦ ꍏ ꓄ꀎꈤꈤꏂ꒒ ꂦꎇ ꒒ꀤꁅꀍ꓄. ꓄ꀍꏂꈤ ꀤ ꋪꏂꍏꀷ ꌩꂦꀎꋪ ꀷꏂꌚꏳꋪꀤᖘ, ꍏꈤꀷ ꎇꏂ꒒꓄ ꒒ꀤꀘꏂ ꀤ ꅐꍏꌚ ꍏ ꌚꀎꈤ ꋪꍏꌩ ꀍꏂꍏꀷꀤꈤꁅ ꀷꂦꅐꈤꅐꍏꋪꀷ ꓄ꀍꋪꂦꀎꁅꀍ ꍏ ꌚꀎꈤꋪꍏꌩ, ꍏꈤꀷ ꓄ꀍꏂꈤ ꀤ ꋪꏂꍏ꒒ꀤꁴꏂꀷ ꎇꋪꂦꎭ ꌚꀎꈤ’ꌚ ᖘꏂꋪꌚᖘꏂꏳ꓄ꀤ꒦ꏂ, ꓄ꀍꏂ ꌚꀎꈤ ꀤꌚ ꌚꏂ꒒ꎇ꒒ꏂꌚꌚ꒒ꌩ ꀍꏂ꒒ᖘꀤꈤꁅ ꌚꂦ ꎭꍏꈤꌩ ꌃꏂꀤꈤꁅꌚ ꎇꀎ꒒꒒ ꓄ꀤꎭꏂ!


Blank3 years ago

So, It’s like automated Star Experience Meditation🌟


young marcci3 years ago

When you finally feel like you belong >


Xo_A_Legend3 years ago

I’d buy this if this was a tag. It’s beautiful. Thank you for the experience.


mrskimkai3 years ago

Amazing feeling…like I am floating and I realized on a whole new level that I am not my body and the feeling of expansion is out of this world. Dream you are beyond words, incredible, thank you thank you thank you


Agung3 years ago

Is this how it feel to be high?


JS Info3 years ago

Man… this make me fell like I navigate on sky… that silence, expansion…


Kamla Ralhan3 years ago

Hi Dream, awesome… I meditated while I listened twice. I felt a tingling in my third eye area, I felt weightless, and like flying


Allen Michael Ubaldo3 years ago

This felt like it went on for 15 minutes. I forgot the video was just 5 min.

While listening, I actually had an understanding or inner knowing of flying through the air. It was like an inner feeling or ancient memory telling me I’ve been flying for a long time, longer than the years i have stayed on earth. That’s how I interpret it. I was in the present moment. We are star beings, currently living the human being experience…


Tyler Monsoon3 years ago

This one gave me HUGE amount of anxiety idk why… I took a nap while listening to it and it made me feel like shit and doubt everything. Can someone tell me why that is ?


A Jesus Encounter3 years ago

I felt expanded awareness,almost like I could picture myself in the middle of space as a source of light, of hope, in the empty expanses among other stars in the distance. Really big, man, idk how else to describe it :joy:


A Jesus Encounter3 years ago

Listening at 11:11 and I’ve been on YouTube today for 33 mins and 33 seconds. Woah


AlKiMisT11113 years ago (edited)

~11.1~ K Subscribers and I’m so glad I’m one of them❣️ So much gratitude to you❣️ Much Love and Many Blessings Always and Forever❣️


Sandra Floyd3 years ago

The sun is connected to Alcyone where the central sun is… thus you are picking up those vibrations. It’s part of the awakening and part of raising mass consciousness brought to you by the Pleiadians .


Kenn3 years ago

For a moment I felt ( I don’t know how to explain it)


Gala Qureshi3 years ago

Amazing!!! I am new to your channels. And just subscribed. What a gift you are. Thank you! Do you have one on effective communication? I feel that my communication has become forceful and lengthy and I have no control over it. Thank you again.


MR ENTERPRISE4 years ago

This is real life Psychedelics.


D.greene4 years ago

Sou brasileiro confesso que deu medo kk sair do corpo


Aleta4 years ago

I put this on a playlist w 3 different dream seed frequencies and rested but didn’t sleep, I feel shaky and like I’m not real and it felt like my body was expanding outside my own body


Baijanti Chapagai4 years ago

Can smell something really sweet.:rose:.


maxwell4 years ago

I don’t exactly know what it means.


bersamaa4 years ago

I experienced shivers nd goosebumps all over my body :)


Khrissie Valayadam4 years ago

why does this give me a metalic taste . do you think its removing some sort of metal.


lisa4 years ago

Pls someone help. Is there any frequency that can cure drug using and relapse?


x Active Xx Goldeneye 0074 years ago

Best music for this frecuency :heart_eyes::alien::rocket::rocket::rocket:


Marlena Sien4 years ago

Is this dangerous to use too much?
Also, has anyone else listened to this and Sapien Med’s DMT together?


Ethansunny4 years ago

This is super powerful! Feeling an expansive sense of self especially through the heart. Any chance you could make these for all the planets, and maybe some more stars like Polaris and Sirius?


MR ENTERPRISE4 years ago

What planets are you guys from ? I’m from Mars? How does your energy feel to you as well?! Thanks !


RISHABH DUTTA4 years ago

Hey sapien bro! Are them T-shirts are energetic ?


Schuyler4 years ago

:stars:For some reason this frequency seemed to bring me into a direct link with the timelessness video, in an Infiniti loop. :infinity::zap::infinity:


Health & Beauty Clinic4 years ago

i know this may sound odd.can you plz make one for curing speech delay?
it will be really appreciated.sorry for my bad english


jia malle4 years ago

This makes me feel a bit more grounded but more detached at the same time. Like how in mindfulness meditation you’re supposed to observe your thoughts as to not get caught up in them… or ancient greeks who said that philosophers / wise people were like men watching the agitated sea from a beach.


Francisco Sifuentes4 years ago

On fire lately, thank you for new videos


Gabriel Matys4 years ago

I experience both being surrounded by light, and emmiting light. both outside and insinde. Everything Is light and I am source and center of this light.
light is only thing I percieve, I dont ‘‘feel’’ there are any other stars, planets etc. I am the only ‘‘being’’- everything else is just light created by me. I am also light thus I created myself also.
I am the only being. Everything is light just like me, but only I am aware and I ‘‘know’’ It. I never move in any direction, for I can not navigate. My light is all around me everywhere I go.
Nothing ever changes, and here is the only ‘‘Me’’. Self aware Creator at the center of infinite, unconscious creations. Time does not exist, I am the only one truly existing, everything else is just echo of me. All I will ever experience is awareness, calmness and separation, maybe loneliness. I am not just the one and only Star. Only I am aware of existing. Its eternall light and calmness, but its kinda boring to, and I have no one to complain about it. :)


oly4 years ago

Amazing mate


sum one4 years ago

Got me feeling my best self


2Lit Bro4 years ago

I listen… Time is 21:21 and my Batterie charge is 21


GV4 years ago

You said it’s our very own Sun, so will this provide Vitamin D & Sunlight’s benefits in our body too?


moriiiiitz4 years ago

I think this might be good for people that are moon energy, from Chinese medicine , ying and yang represent sun and moon so this might be good for moon people that lack a bit of sun’s energy.


Minda Violetly4 years ago

My dearest Dream. I know that you are very busy and I try not to make requests. I am infinitely grateful for all you do, but I was wondering what it would feel like to be the universe. Perhaps you could make one like sometime, just an idea. Again thank you for this beautiful gift.


Paunta Afshar4 years ago

Feels like home :relaxed::heartpulse::pray:t3:


Michael Judge4 years ago

Wow this one is beautiful


Axillaris Thubten4 years ago

Next big thing: the super saiyan experience ;)


thelamb4 years ago

Felt I’m on my way to a place I’ve been wanting to go to. A feeling of anticipation and peacefulness at the same time. :milky_way::night_with_stars:


Erina Fujino4 years ago (edited)

I don’t know for how long I looped it, but that’s something I had to come back from. Squeeze my hands and just go back to being me.
Edit: theses consciousness expanding fields are the best. I don’t know how long I can take this one, my third eye was like a rock on my forehead. I’ll try to stay in longer


d654 years ago (edited)

I don’t know why I feel this , but I feel like my mother is me , when I try to imagine her I see me! ; + I think as star I don’t need material things… I just be , I sense childhood feelings of love and joy and freedom, I think it will effect my aura & third eye benefits from sun & beauty will shine , effect & brings summer happiness Thanks


Everardo Reveles4 years ago

Hey Dreamweaver!(= In your opinion what’s is the most beneficial thing that us humans may experience from this particular field?(=


Soothe Subliminal4 years ago

Well i fell warm underneath da skin, but my mind is calm, present and somehow at peace, even with that Mercury retrograde. That’s another good one, you’re a king Sapien|Dreamseeds :fire::sun_with_face:


Intuitively Magician4 years ago

this is cool


PSI PATH4 years ago

Stars have spirits also


Margarita N.4 years ago

Wow power, radiating yellow light, all knowing all seeing in the system, very high consciousness​:grinning::sun_with_face::star2::sun_with_face::sunny: :fireworks:


kpriya pp4 years ago

Sapien sir…:roll_eyes::roll_eyes:next time moon feeling plz …:dancer:


Icarus Wings4 years ago (edited)

My being feels a state of peace and abundance. My body is reminded to radiate love and high vibrations of peace. I feel like a foundation for which something is built on.


Youniverse4 years ago

I’m feeling like this is bringing me to a place/state where I belong to be.
My thoughts are clearer and sharper.
I’m simply feeling existing. Like a star. In the meanwhile I write these lines I also start to take consciousness of my own light. I think that could be a very great interesting one for bringing clarity in one’s life, reminding is cosmic nature and is own light. A good one for enlightment.


Billhaze674 years ago

Sapien i need to ask a important question dose the crown and 3rd eye chakra clearing v2.on gumroad also decalcify and activate the pineal gland ???i mean the nevest one called anja and crown i ask becauze you didnt include it in the discription ???


Roku4 years ago

Dream can you make one to connect with your inner spirit ? To know who you really are and why you’re here? I know Pietersite does that too but a field specifically for that would help alot of us.

As for this field here, feels similar to the quasicrystal.


Kabir Das4 years ago

Neil Tyrone… Lol


~Shell Shell’s Time Adventures!4 years ago

I felt connectedness.


Borisju4 years ago

Awesome Sapien :O
Your work is just incredible, since your christmas break.


Luka Panjavidze4 years ago

Can u make a energy that heals animals? Infections and ect


shinobi k4 years ago

Made me feel calmer, less anxious and abundant. Everything is there and I exist within everything.


Sun = HelioS = HS = Higher Self



Very Very underrated field, it literally grounds your self on the center of our being, it felt like a wholesome audio and powerful.