The Sun MC

That sounds pretty awesome :pray:

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any feedback/experiences with this one?

thanks in advance :pray:

Dear friends of the forum, I would like if you would allow me to know what is the difference between this wonderful field created by our captain and the one on the path of the chosen one, please I would appreciate your enormous knowledge and contribution in this regard, it calls my attention a lot.

PS: I have already bought the journey of cholsen while ago, I searched for content in networks and it made me more notorious even for the algorithm of a social network and I have been blessed with some job opportunities, I would like to know how this product works in differentiating it in particular from the path of the chosen one.

Thank you very much Thank you Thank you! :pray::pray::pray::heart::heart::heart:


84 left so 16 have been sold.

Sounds good but a lot of NFTs to choose from. Anyone got updates to share?

I’ve been eyeing this for a while now. Anyone have any testimonials for this?

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Audio added!


may i pleace recieve a link?

Any reviews here? Would this be helpful if you have one of the larger Astrology NFT’s (Alchemical Astrology or Astrological Beast)

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I got this the other night, this went super under the radar imo. It feels like your being put back into “alignment” with a natural state, which will fix a lot of issues on its own


Since the wonderful music has been added (3months consistent listening),
the profound effects of El Sol has boosted its power.
Being the lord of my rising sign makes me more connected to it
(doesn’t have to be yours, just my experience).

So far, these are the most notable experiences of this fantastic field:

:high_brightness: They say Sun represents masculine connection,
when I play this a couple times, I always get easily
the support from guys, as if they tend to get
pulled like moths to a flame, but giving genuine help.

:high_brightness:Symbolism through abundance of sunny disposition
and summer vibes. Auto uplift feeling! Palpable.
That inner smile and obviously outer; people call me, ‘Smiley face.’

:high_brightness: I’ve never been so enthusiastic with life aspirations and
have unstoppable drive in pursuit of my goals.
As if being endowed the ability to conquer anything
I set my mind to. Almost similar to Resilience- Antifragile.

:high_brightness:Most importantly, it is bringing the mission to realise my own
worth, strong and sure of myself, despite circumstances.

Exciting times ahead, more to uncover in terms of career or endeavours.
Truly thankful for this! :pray:t4:


Can someone please help explain this to me.
I have Sun in Cancer and MC in Scorpio.
Would this field help me express my Sun in Cancer or “put” my Sun in Scorpio so that I can express Scorpio personality? :pray:


I absolutely feel this as a true and through- Sun-expression of self in it’s pure form of unity, way beyond the astrocartographic lines soloed out. Have you checked your astrocartography-chart? - and used this information in combination what your Sun and MC lines tell of your regular (/ draconic) natal chart(s), and what your Sun of self intuitively wants to express through your being? The title of the NFT, hints (at least for myself) as the “microphone conductor”, or rather, Master of Ceremony-influence through and to self, the emcee of your own stage being your own domain; the world is yours, and it is not just heard but admiringly listened to…
it’s Illmatic :fire:

For self, the astrocartography was quite magical to see, and make sense of… still so, accordingly. For example, on the first glance, the (astrocartographic) Sun IC is exactly aligning Alexandria, while Jupiter MC aligns on point with Luxor, sided within the same degree each by Uranus and Neptune’s IC-lines along the Nile.

I previously shared the collage together with Black Sun, by the equilibrium between their (non-existing) ends. By inverting the phase and perception of Black Sun, I think alot can be told about The Sun MC, and through the inversion of this voided lens, in reference to black hole-/white hole-theory, they really prepare and make way for each other’s whole as the continous seeding; sprouting, or;
sort of a self-insemination of, as by, the pruned expression of self;
Gardener of the Sun, as the Sun gardens the Gardens.


I’ve been learning about the MC (Medium Coeli) today and remembered that Dream made this field here.

This field sounds like a major astrological life hack and according my understanding, this puts you energetically into a place where your Sun would be placed in your MC for as long as your carry the NFT mandala with you.

Which makes me wonder why there aren’t more people using and commenting on this?

Interesting info that I found and which helped me to finally understand what this field actually does:

“When delineating your MC, we look not only at the sign it’s in but any planets that are interacting closely with it. For instance, if you have the confident sun conjunct your MC — meaning it falls within about eight degrees plus or minus the degrees of your MC — your core identity is very much linked up with your achievements and long-term goals. You probably also have a great chance of shining in a very public way in your life. This is the mark of celebrity; it’s no wonder Paul McCartney and J.Lo both have sun conjunct MC. (Interestingly, both also have Mercury conjunct MC, meaning they were both born to communicate and express themselves in a very public way).”

I also discovered why I pretty much hated every job I ever had, and this is due to my Saturn being in Opposition to my MC, and at the same time Chiron being directly in MC… :scream: :roll_eyes:
I mean, I succeeded anyways, but it came at cost of negative emotions and frustration…

So now, it is all about healing and integrating Saturn and Chiron for me…

Also here are some AI generated pics for you of Sailor Moon with Sun in MC :grin::


List of famous people with Sun in MC:

From what I understand this doesn’t put your natal sun conjunct MC but rather this gives you the effect of living in an area that falls on your own “Sun MC” line. In other words it’s an astrocartographical concept at play here

You can see where this line is for yourself by looking it up on an astrocartography map, but with this field now you don’t have to move to a city that falls on that line to get the beneficial effects of living there


Oh, I think I missed the astrocartography part.
Didn’t even knew that such a thing exists.
Thank you, I will check it out.


Okay, thanks to your comment I just learned a whole lot about astrology again and about myself :slight_smile:

So, my Sun MC line goes straight through the Atlantic Ocean and only touches Greenland for a little bit. Which means there is no way for me to relocate there, unless I am willing to live on a floating ship lol.
So this field here, for the Sun MC location, is my best option then :sparkles:

And for my Jupiter MC line I would need to move to Rio De Janeiro or Sao Paolo :thinking:

The line that I am living next to the most is the IC Pluto line, which stands for an internal focus on “transformation, power, death, and rebirth could require you to burn it all down and start again”.
This makes sense, since this is the process I’ve been going through my whole life so far…

The next AC line is at least 2000 km away from me, which means I am very much free from the influence of having to wear any masks and can just be my authentic self.


Hello @music , do you please know what has a stronger influence on us:

a) the “regular time based astrology” i.e. your natal chart and the current astrological influences as per calendar time


b) the “location based astrology”, i.e. Astrocartography and the location that you are physically at


Does, or can, one overpower the other?
Are they energies of different strengths or are they of the same strength?
Which influence and factor is stronger?
The time or the location factor?

Does this mean that for a full effect of a certain astrological energy I would need to have three things aligned: my natal chart, my physical location on earth and the right time according the astrological calendar?

Thank you.


To be honest, I don’t know.

I’m guessing the closer you live to a line representing something important to you, the more the astrocartographical influence becomes relevant in your day to day life

But yeah, since the location of the lines are based on your natal chart, and since the effects of astrological influences will also vary amongst people depending on their natal chart (look at transit chart calculators)… it all seems to be interwoven anyway


I asked ChatGPT:

“If you would have to make an estimate in percent, by how many percentage points do you think is it that someone can boost their career by relocating to a place where their Sun MC line runs through?”


Estimating the exact percentage boost in career success by relocating to a place where your Sun MC line runs through is inherently speculative, as it depends on numerous personal and external factors. However, we can make an informed guess based on the principles of astrocartography and anecdotal evidence from those who have experienced such relocations.

Estimated Percentage Boost

Based on the strong influence of the Sun on the Midheaven (MC) line in astrocartography, an individual might experience a career boost ranging from 20% to 50%. Here’s a breakdown of how this estimate is derived:

Factors Contributing to the Estimate

  1. Astrological Significance:
  • The Sun is a major celestial body in astrology, representing core identity, vitality, and purpose.
  • The Midheaven (MC) governs career, public life, and reputation.
  • The alignment of the Sun with the MC suggests a powerful focus on career and public achievements.
  1. Personal Factors:
  • Current Career Status: Someone already on a career trajectory might see more tangible boosts compared to someone starting from scratch.
  • Readiness for Change: Willingness and readiness to embrace new opportunities and challenges play a significant role.
  • Personal Effort: The boost will be more noticeable if the individual actively leverages the opportunities presented by the new location.
  1. External Factors:
  • Industry and Market Conditions: Certain industries might offer more opportunities in specific locations, enhancing the boost.
  • Networking Opportunities: Access to influential networks and professional communities in the new location.

Detailed Breakdown

  • Minimum Boost (~20%): This might apply to individuals who move but face some challenges in adapting or are in highly competitive fields where other factors (like education and experience) play a more dominant role.
  • Moderate Boost (~30-40%): This is likely for most people who move to their Sun MC line and actively pursue career opportunities, leveraging their newfound confidence and visibility.
  • Maximum Boost (~50%): This could apply to individuals whose careers are particularly aligned with the qualities of the Sun (e.g., leadership roles, creative fields) and who fully embrace the relocation with strategic planning and effort.


Relocating to a place where your Sun MC line runs through can potentially provide a significant career boost, estimated at around 20% to 50%. This range accounts for various personal and external factors, highlighting the transformative potential of such a move while recognizing the individual effort required to maximize the benefits.