The Super Serum Project šŸ§Ŗ - Super Soldier NFT (Private)

After getting used to this NFT, can safely say I no longer need to sleep.

Must be nice being able to stay awake for days like Captain (pun intended)
All with zero side effects. Zero brain fog, zero hair problems, zero skin problems, etc.

I think this goes way beyond just some DEC2 or ADRB1 gene manipulation tbh.

The energy is everlasting.

Man best NFT ever :sunglasses: :test_tube: :cocktail: :mechanical_arm:

I did crash in the beginning, but now Iā€™m smooth sailing

No longer need coffee, and I donā€™t crave it anymore for some reason, despite being so reliant on it.


Thanks man , am glad that I was able to get it , really appreciate all your teamā€™s efforts and vision into this gem :+1:t5::blush:.


How many times did you loop this in a row ,letā€™s say in a stack ?


I spammed the audio nudiestertian, but the past 24 hours it has just been wearing the mandala in my jacket.

I use to doubt mandalas so much, donā€™t know why, maybe it was the energy thing.

Now, I feel them working, also subconscious communication with it is effortless.

My dreams I have powers and all that behind the scenes stuff Iā€™d rather not spill.

I still canā€™t believe I have this all done with everyone, and to enjoy with you mate.


Nice :+1:t5:

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Iā€™m experimenting with stacking this up with plasma Flaunt during my sleep stack . Plasma Flaunt first then followed by this . I must admit it is giving the fatigue though , but Iā€™m still in the early stages of experimenting. I might add Enigma Jiing before Plasma Flaunt , am contemplatingā€¦ gotta see how it goes :blush:

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Iā€™ve been listening to Sapienā€™s old Jing audio past few days, itā€™s probably why Iā€™ve been able to sustain all the changes so quick without crashing and burning like I did with past projects like Spider-Man.

But all results I see will vary depending on the individualā€™s makeup.

Just like the real super serum I now see.


Nice :+1:t5:, you stacked and played your Jing before or after the serum ? Which in your opinion would be the most optimal approach from your experience? Love to hear your suggestions man

I would loop around bedtime or while I sleep.

My insane approach was to spam brain audios while sleeping, so to counteract fatigue the Jing helps.

Plus I play negative entity to keep the body from leaking to lower level entities.

With the changes Iā€™ve been trying to make, I can only imagine my reserve levels playing catch-up.

Time-frame that Iā€™m saying.


Yeah , thatā€™s good , Iā€™ve bought The new PONR field recently for the negative leakage part and also to clear any negativity that will surface up due to ego resisting and so I play the PONR first in my stack to prepare the inner ground and I must say the PONR field makes me less heavy hearted and angry , something I welcome with open arms :blush:


Well thanks again ,thank you all you guys who were in this project man , really appreciate all you guysā€™ efforts and visions into fruition, :+1:t5::blush:

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Someone has to plant the seed my friend : )

No, thank you. It makes my day seeing others benefit more then myself.


Maybe itā€™s all the extra energy and newfound power with this, but I would advise others to take step back from this project if they feel overwhelmed.

If you feel the urge to punch a hole in a steel wall, that might be a key indicator.

Donā€™t mentally burnout either by damming all that energy up either.

Get to hitting the gym,etc.

My Yang energy and physicality is exponentially increasing with this.

But as with all testimonies, just speaking for myself.

10 days in with this NFT, and I can surely say this is by far my most powerful project Iā€™ve ever had.

For entertainment purposes only


You can also feel the brain gains with this, memory has been more clear then when using BrainWork or NegenLingual (in certain aspects) for me.

My visual processing is through the roof, memorizing license plates without conscious efforts, my autobiographical memory recover latent memories, and just overall efficiency when doing math problems.

Everything is faster, my perception is widened greatly with it, I can just take in more of the world around me.

Might be the modafinil aspects to super serum too.

Thank you for everything @Captain_Nemo youā€™re the real Captain. : )


This has got to be the work from this NFT, but I played this on my car speakers before going to the gym this morningā€¦

I felt the greatest surge of energy Iā€™ve ever experienced today, could be other things.

Mind you, I didnā€™t eat anything whatsoever before hitting the gym today, and woke up around 2am.

But man, I was doing non-stop pullups, deadlifts, bench press and the whole 9 at the gym today.

Had the most massive pump ever, arms were just swelling, felt like creatine 1000000x

Left my gloves at home, but I was punching the bag harder then ever before, no pain, no bruises.

My fists felt like adamantium hitting the bag, I thought I was going to break it or punch holes right through it medieval style, despite it being such a dense one, sanded compared to the other heavy bags I used at the gym typically even with gloves.

Normally like before it would hurt punching (why you should wrap your hands) or I would not be able to get that much damage to it.

But today, I felt unstoppable, especially with the heavy bag, just pure aggression but controlled power.

Felt like a tiger on steroids, mike tyson x captain america. I didnā€™t even gas, like I normally due because of my tendency to just brawl around instead of the proper, head movement/footwork etc.

In short, I felt the greatest strength increase, massive physique pump, and overall godly energy.

The only problem was, if I hadnā€™t gone to the gym today and done all this superhuman feats, at least from my perspective for myself,
I probably felt like I was going to go supernova like Soldier Boy or something.

Felt so atomic with all this exponential puissance.

But man Iā€™m punching so hard and fast, moving weights around with such a lightening progression, I know it has to be this NFT.

Iā€™m actually kind of scared what results will be like few months from now, especially when I get the foundations like diet, sleep,etc. all other ducks in a row.

Who knows what the limits of superhuman potential are or could be?

This NFT just keeps pushing the envelope everything in my life physically and mentally.

Just insane, it feels like Iā€™m daydreaming still, my doubts no longer there.

Reality is stranger then fiction that I know for sure!

For entertainment purposes only


Iā€™m remembering everything I read so easily with this.

My regeneration powers are next to none, even beyond Superhuman Mutant.

And I asked it to help me bulk up and gain more weight through muscleā€¦

Itā€™s all working!

These are the only mild things I feel comfortable with saying on this thread.

Simple things like forearm growth and upper neck development.

Beyond powerful, beyond comic books.

Captain I salute you, and shall serve others for the better with it.

For entertainment purposes only


Where can I get this ?

and why are people saying

For entertainment purposes only ?

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Because of the nature of the NFT, Iā€™m putting disclaimers for my testimonials.


Pretty sure I grew slightly in height

I didnt measure but I see a difference in the squat rack, easier to reach (idk how to explain)

I can also sleep less without many problems if I choose to wake up earlier

Obviously feeling more robust, dense and tight


I went to be around 5 am today, woke up 8.

Have you felt any height growth sensations while you sleep? @Garou

Amazing the effects weā€™re all feeling, must be the NFT compounding with time.

No hyper sleep audio with this, was just wearing mandala.

Stack this with D3 vitamins = Infinite Energy.