The Swords of Adipose Annihilation

It’s working for me but very slow. Though I’m not doing anything else than listen to this. If I’d put a bigger effort in diet or work out I’m sure it would go faster.
Got this for maintenance and to get rid of some flabbiness. See difference especially on thighs and upper arms.


thanks man :smiley:
Yeah Your emojis are some hieroglyph-level communiaction lol :smiley:
already lost 7/8kgs :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:


I have been using it for 15 days, and it seems to work … I will update …


Unfortunately, this seems to not be working for me. Although I work out hard for 4 days a week, doing 10k steps every day, I’m ‘clean’ eating and I really reduced my calorie intake when I started this like 2 months ago. My maintenance should be around 2500 kcal/day, and I’ve only be eating like 2000-2200 kcal daily.

I think I’m dealing with some kind of blockages, I’ve been having a really hard time losing weight in the last 3 years or so.

Anyone has any suggestion?

I used to drop weight pretty easily, to the point that I would see my six-pack in like 3 months of dieting.


well my maintenance would be like 3600kcal when I started, now its like 3350 :smiley:
I started by eating 2500kcal a day and did not count bike or any physical activity to my daily bilance.
meaning I would lose weight doing nothing all day but I would still go to my work and back home on a bike etc.
Maybe try lowering calorie intake even more and/or incerase physical activity.
I aslo reduced number of field I was using and RN weight loss related I only use 2 daily (Super Metabolism and Fat Burning Genetic)
Also Im doing IF whenever I can.
I heard in some documentary movie that after around 8hrs of not earing You begin to use fat for energy so I made sure to eat my last meal before going to work so thatk I could use fat storages when I’m going back to home after 8hours.
Those are things that helped me, good luck man You have it

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Yes, I think I should also slowly add a few weekly cardio sessions to my daily 10k steps. Although I don’t know I’m going to fit that in my schedule, that’s why I chose the easy way (swords xD). *not complaining

I did Intermittent Fasting for like 5 years (2015-2020) when it wasn’t as cool as now. I even did OMAD at some point, but got some digestive issues and had to stop.

I was a fat kid and got bullied for it, so I was always obsessed with looking shredded. Just never content with looking ‘normal’.


I admit that I put the field aside for almost a month. I have the impression that I have to remove my pendant and other energy fields and that I play sports for it to work.

I tested this playlist for 3 days:

  • the furnace x3
  • Automated Upper Body Workout x4
  • oxidized fat 8

I did not notice any visible change physically and on the scale.

I study a lot at the moment. I don’t have too much motivation to play sports yet. I just go for walks and contemplative meditation.

I don’t have much to lose for the fat. a little belly and on the sides.

I will do the test by leaving it oxidized fat all day.

I will keep you posted


<3 :* (Real emojis are too laborious on my current keyboard, sorry lol).

I was just checking like “what did our Dreamweaver write lately?” and saw those posts. All Sapien Medicine fields are helping at their own pace or when their time comes.

(The pretentious user lecturing the field creator about his own work :))))

No seriously, just stopped on this thread to give a virtual hug to you. That field is a stranger to me, since I’m rather in a case of negenadipose lol. So to speak (because I’m at least aware that the field is much more complicated than that).

And I’m already getting good results with more… “simple” (?!) muscle fields, etc. right now so I’m not yet in the more elaborate ones.

BUT I know some more people around me who’d greatly benefit from The Swords, so I really hope they won’t be discontinued.

Once again: all those gifts from you (and the intention behind them) are appreciated more than you can imagine <3


Thyroid healing?


Oh shoot, I just saw this.

If it works for even a few people, then I see no reason to discontinue it.

What you do is nothing short of amazing.

I shared just my honest experience so far. I meant no disrespect to your hard work!


Thanks. There’s a big chance I suffer from hypothyroidism. The symptoms are definitely there!

I’m on Thyroid Healing and Regeneration since it came up.

Also added the autoimmune field.

The weird thing to me is that my fat distribution changed, and I mainly hold most of the fat on my mid-section. (Belly + lower back)

Which could some kind of sign…


Maybe add an additional field that gives information to the subconscious to lose weight as for the album minds settings.


Anyone tried Oxidized Fat looped for a hot hour? :D Works miraculously every time!


for a hot hour? really?

Yeh :D

Works really well and keeps the fat off for the longest :)


thanks for the tip, i will try it…Oxidized Fat, right? only this one

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damn this was out of nowhere feels bad, i was planning to buy this field in a near future, well i guess i’ll stick to the old ones and some extra work at the gym. The old weight loss combo works decently so it surprises me hearing that this one has some mixed feedbacks


works for me and everybody else i know personally.
but it is what it is.


Maybe there is something in this working differently for men vs women as someone wrote above (?).

Here is my completely subjective experience.
I feel like in order for this to work well, for me personally, I need to drop most other audios.
When I was on holiday I basically only used this field because of lack of time (this + neg jing) - that was the only time I would notice the “bathroom effect”, I would see myself in the mirror getting slimmer day by day.
That is partly because I skipped meals and I didn’t feel like eating, I felt full and slightly nauseous, I had no appetite. If it wasnt for my friends I would have skipped even more meals.

When I added my normal fields again, I didnt notice this anymore.
Of course it is not a double blind tested study, but my hunch is that for me personally this field is quite energy intensive and I can only really listen to a few other audios if I want this to work well.

Now I have another physical focus (my hair), and now that I am using those audios and the spiritual ones (mainly blueprint, LVG, alchemical holy light), I don’t really feel/notice effects of this field much compared to older audios like the metabolism boost + thermogenic weight loss.

But again… this is really just my take based on my experience.


Important PSA about Weight.

Unless one is a competitive boxer, MMA artist, wrestler, etc., Ie someone who has to reach a definitive weight requirement, focusing on one’s weight loss is a marketing gimmick.

One needs to unlearn that antiquated mode of health measurements, and start focusing on inches/cm loss/gain.

Attempting to lose weight?
Stop stepping on a scale and buy some measuring tape and start keeping track of the various body parts measurements. Ie upper arm, under rib cage, waist, hips, upper legs…

Ladies: By now, you already know certain times of month can lead to hormonal changes that can lead to added water retention, etc.
So one needs to keep that in mind when averaging out the changes overtime.

Same goes for those focusing on “weight gain”.
Start focusing on measurements increases.
Eating a meal of salty carbs and drinking lots of water can add literal pounds of weight on a scale in a few hours. One neither put on that much fat and/or muscle in that time.
That’s all water weight and useless for determining anything.

So back to averaging… Unless one has 24 hours to fit into that special outfit (again if that’s the case, one should be focusing on loosing inches thru water loss), then one needs to get into the habit of measuring inches/cm in terms of averages from week to week.
Not from day to day.