The Swords of Adipose Annihilation

Game changer indeed

Every work out induces lots of growth strength and muscle wise, every work out i hit personal records, i love it haha

Endurance strength and mass gains are through the roof bro

I’ve been eating lots and lots and lots of carbs since release and i haven’t gained fat lol on the contrary, I’m leaner (maybe i have the same amount of fat but the added muscle makes me look leaner idk lol)


Just weighed myself, im weighing 203 lbs, most I’ve ever weighed, however i did drink like 16 oz of some meal replacement drink so i guess I’m 202 lbs, I’ve gained like 8 or so lbs lol

My goal is to weigh 240 lbs shredded and 250-260 lbs lean(ish), I’d like to start competing when I’m 220 (leanish) though



Damn that sounds real good :muscle:


@Captain_Nemo @SammyG if you can consider it, it will be lovely to have this amazing field on Patreon :pray:


Hi @MonkeyOwl I am working with my nephew to get him fit and this is good a tip.

Do you not use any Woven World series (non-physical) audios in addition? Thanks


I don’t have them yet, so no :)
Gumroad sometimes decides to not accept my card (then will accept it once again in a few weeks), and I was too lazy to follow up with Sammy because with the shop open as well, I’m not sure what to get first lol :laughing: first world problems

I don’t know your nephew’s possible issues, but maybe the become whole audio helps too, if he is a bit of an emotional eater.
Another tip from someone else for weight loss help was the neuro album, dopamine, endorphins etc.
But Im not using that either now to keep the stack short.
It also depends on how fit he needs to get :thinking:

I don’t have the metabolism audio in the above stack which is on purpose - i was using it before, but it doesn’t feel right to me.

I actually had to stop the stack for now because I got a bad sore throat/ear pain and painful/swollen lymph nodes (I had the flu before with a sinus infection not yet completely healed so I guess it’s related), just focusing on clearing that first and then back to the above stack.
I have a suspicion that the stack contributed to it because of the role of the lymphatic system in this kind of weight loss.
So I’m taking it easy. :sweat_smile:


Hi there @MonkeyOwl thanks for your thoughtful reply.

The kid needs to lose like 30 pounds. He does not eat healthy, so trying to get him to do that before anything else. I’ve been dragging him to the gym as well (let’s see how long that goes haha)…

He is new to Morphic Fields and seems to have numerous blockages and physical fields do not seem to work too well for him. For now, I have put him on two stacks:


  • Blueprint of Life X 2
  • PoNR X 2
  • Jing X 1
  • Chi X 1
  • Shen X 1
  • Ojas Marrowed X 1
  • Grounding X 2

As you pointed out, the newer complex, comprehensive fields work a bit slowly for him compared to older fields which are more pointed in terms of what they do - this flashed in my mind when I read your post, that I was probably overloading him with too many complex fields for a total beginner (basically made him listen to my stack which has all the new workout fields) - so re-designed the below stack for him to use twice a day:

  • KQC X 1
  • Furnace X 2
  • BAM15 X 3
  • 20E Pepper X 2
  • Stomach Shrinking X 2
  • Enhanced Fat Metabolism X 2
  • Automated Cardio X 2

I did have Super Metabolism Boost in his stack, but he would get more hungry and eat crap, so for now, I removed it from the list. The good thing is - this field convinced him that morphic fields are not just woo-woo and they work!

Now that I have the new Eternal, I was hoping to give him my old Eternity tag, but for now, not going to do it, till I get a sense of how many fields he can handle so he gets quick results - and currently, does not seem like this list can be big. In fact, I probably need to further cut his stack down. Adding another complex field like Eternity may be counterproductive (perhaps?)

I am tempted to add Lymphatic Effusion to the stack, but let’s see…

Thermogenesis audio works amazingly well and much better than Weight Loss Combo IMO too, so probably will have him listen to a few rounds of it on YT.


Yeah I know what you mean.

There are so many great fields, it’s hard to create a small stack :sweat_smile:

Yes, being more hungry was one of my issues.
My current view on diet is a bit contrary to the mainstream and also to logic lol
I feel like it just comes from within. Since I started doing a specific type of yoga (well… they are kriyas technically) I am almost on your level of one vegan meal a day, maybe other 2 meals are

  1. Fruit
  2. Light salad or just some cucumber or tomato cut up etc
    (I know I’m going to have to supplement protein more)
    But it’s because that feels right, not the other way around when eating restriction comes first.

It’s not something that is easy to explain… the yoga I’ve been doing has had a huge impact on my appetite.

Probably with more gym I’ll be more hungry too, then I’ll eat of course… My main point is eating being a compulsion is very common and in the west I don’t think we really wait until we are hungry to eat.
It’s very difficult to not eat when you feel really hungry :sweat_smile:


Now that he has smelled blood, he is all over the place haha… .He wants to use like a hundred fields all at once… Trying to keep him on a small and consistent stack has been a challenge lol


I did Kriya Yoga (the four Kriyas) for a decade. I found that my body was not craving food at all, I had infinite energy but I was losing weight and muscle mass rapidly. My teacher recommended adding Indian clarified butter, and lentils to my diet and that really helped.

I don’t do Kriyas much anymore as I focus on Neigong for the most part (where usually some meats are consumed, but I don’t)…


How’s the nephew?


Hey there @MonkeyOwl

Well, 4 days of forcing him to eat healthy, dragging him to the gym, and making him listen to fields, and the kid now caught COVID. Just mild symptoms, he is vaccinated, so should be ok. For this week, put him on the COVID stack and cut him slack. So far, I feel there is a little decrease in appetite but we barely began and then now paused this week.

I am also going to bump up his minerals - a lot of cravings for junk foods (if not occasional) seems to have something to do with mineral deficiency…

How are you doing?

Once back to schedule, and his fever breaks, I will swing him back onto the below stack:

  • Gila Drool + Hunger Inhibitor + Tesofensine (twice a day)
  • Fat Metabolism + Fat Release (new one) + Automated Cardio
  • Perhaps add Super Human RNA+ to get him energized to avoid crashes during the cutting phase

I also had Super Metabolism Boost there for a bit, but removed it. It is a fav of mine as it impacts metabolism directly, but in his case, it increased hunger (as expected) - but he keeps eating crap, so till he can develop healthy eating habits, removed it from the stack.

I personally prefer newer, more complex fields as you get many fields at once and save a LOT of time. As he is just starting out, simpler fields work faster for him, so will start with simpler, pointed fields for now…


I’m ok, still working on the lymphatic drainage and wake up with blocked nose (just on one side because sinus issues I think) every day… so it’s a slow improvement.
I started the stack again yesterday. So ill report back in a few weeks :)

I hope your nephew gets better soon, COVID is quite a hindrance when it comes to fitness… most of the people who had it recently reported issues like me (interestingly the swollen/painful lymph nodes were a common complaint around me in the past weeks among people who had COVID just now - though all my tests were negative this time around)…
and just mucus/cough that doesn’t seem to go away, significantly decreased endurance and strength. This can be an issue when it comes to going back to the gym…
No one likes doing things they’re bad at :sweat_smile:

Yeah that’s understandable.
But you have been working on and developing you “energies” for many years. So your experience may not translate so well when it comes to a newbie :sweat_smile:


Another cousin of mine had the same issue, though she was triple vaccinated - she still got pretty severe symptoms. She is over it now for the last 3-weeks but continues to cough and her senses of taste and smell are extremely weakened and have not returned to normalcy. I told her to listen to the Long Haul field, but she just laughed it away…So I just gave up haha


Greetings MonkeyOwl, have you put Bam15 before or after furnace?

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Hello Maoshan Wanderer, would you consider oxidize fat from this album after or before the new fat storage release?

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I don’t use furnace.
I experimented with adding it back to the stack for a few days, but it didn’t feel right

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So many to choose from…. !!! I must figure out soo soon… our reception is next month

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Against all odds I bought this combo, I removed all the other complex fields from my stack so there’s no “interference” and I’m following an hypocaloric diet. Two months in and I haven’t lost an ounce, I’ll keep trying and report back if there’s any result.


Thanks for reporting back :)