The Tapasya of Savitur

but… its for sale no?


I just purchased this. I’m new to NFTs so will start with the audio. I’ll try figure out creating a wallet or whatever I need to get the NFT but is the audio equivalent for now?


Yep, that should be enough for u to experience it.


Well no, right? The audio will not work without having the NFT in your wallet


@Rodj6 congratulations on acquiring your very first NFT! :clap:
You have chosen a very, very special NFT to be your first. Great choice!!

Eventually you will have to create a wallet but in the meantime yes, listening to the audio will help you connect and work with this beautiful gem. There have been times when I have bought NFTs and not claimed them, as in they were not in my wallet for a month or two and I was still able to reap all the benefits and feel the NFT very strongly. As long as your subconscious knows you own it you are good to go! Enjoy, and let us know how The Tapasya of Savitur is changing you for the better. One day I hope to get myself this treasure.


This field is like a vacuum that cleansed my soul and consciousness from negativity,darkness,greif and sadness

after three days of using it for 5-6 hours daily while sleeping i can feel great shift at all levels.This is now my favorate NFT.

i wish my English is better to describe more what i feel i cannot find the right words to describe.

thanks to Dream for creating this NFT.


Finally I’ve got it.
Let us
Raise, Arise and Awake…


Keen to hear your story


I’m using
Karma Crucible +
Tejas Alchemy +
Tapasya of Savitur.

Each 30-60 min everyday from 5 days or so.
I followed the same sequence as they got released as I convinced myself that there is a reason behind it.
All I can say with these 3 are light and heat at the dantiens, particularly the core one 360°. I could feel the white light radiating at my core along with the intense heat. The transmutation aspect of these 3 is brilliant in the way that the accumulated samskaras are burnt without ashes left. I could leave few habits with ease or don’t even remember those attachments.
I’m a new person every day with this mini stack.

Energy sensitivity and future insights increasing :arrow_double_up::arrow_double_up:

I would even suggest ego diss+ for profound effects.
I’ll add ego diss when I get it + Order by 3 in coming days.


This is a field you cannot go wrong with. The price is very fair and you get what is far beyond your imagination.
Tapasya of Savitur is like jnana yoga. You don’t increase your vibration by pumping your self with high vibration. But you get the knowledge that you are Pure Awareness looking at the Divine Play untouched :heart:. What you are looking for is where you are looking from.
Blessings and gratitude :pray:


idk I don’t have this NFT yet
i only read other people’s comment
imma buy this a few months later


This field apparently knows me better than I do. It’s nothing short of spectacular.


Will you elaborate?

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It’s like having an inner personal coach for everything (fitness, nutrition, business, relationships, finance, etc.).
Clearly pointing out how I am responsible for what is going on in my life (that I’m not too happy about) and what needs to be done.

Even chose the most beneficial field for me to buy next :joy:. Not quite the one I had in mind but, of course, spot on.

Regarding insights I gained, I’m in awe. Among many other benefits, this can also have a great impact on both mental and emotional health. Clarity leads to sanity, at least in my opinion.

Also got me fasting and meditating. Today is day 4 of fasting and I’m not even browsing recipes on YouTube like I usually do :joy:.


Hey y’all,
Is it just me or has anyone felt it is easier to concentrate on whatever they are doing and be at ease when they hear this?
(Im actually really asking because I need to figure out which one did that for me since I really need to focus/study right now)

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Visual introspection lets me focus on work for the whole day. Without it I would never be still. It was actually Mr Manhattan that recommended me it a year or two ago and he was right. There are down sides of it though, mainly not to overdo it (max maybe 1-3x) since it can blur your vision, making you see a lot of weird visuals wondering whats real or not haha. It returns back to normal in 3-5 days.

(Might see stuff like an angel that flew over me while I was talking to someone about Michael, Gabriel, Rafael, I was telling someone saying im not to familiar with Uriel, then we see an all white majestic being over us gliding away. Was thinking a bird but couldn’t think of any pure white, and human size bird, since we were literally talking about Angels same moment, I’d day that was confirmation.

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I have a lil review. Light of Sav was my first purchase 3 years ago. I didn.t think much of it and just started my day with it everyday(still do) so I can connect with the Macro. In the beginning I did notice an aggresive attitude that I balanced out with pure magnetic audio.

Never thought about why it made me a lil edgy till this masterbase came out. Find out it was purifying me and my self-conscious was trying to fight back.
I wanted a way to connect and fill my self with the Macro Universal Conscious, Tejas to me is the micro/developing self while this comes out as an output from Conscious down to you. They both are important, balance and groth inward to self then outword to self.

I figured this NFT is end game, nothing can reach higher so I wondered what can Capt pull out with his hat that can go higher?
To mne the answer is the Enoch Alphabet. Its like going from Initiation, then second book to learn to summon, invoke and ecocation. Then his 3rd arguabaility his final form. True kabalaha as the 3rd final would be through the Alphabets. Not only does this mean have a new ending, instead. its just the beginning to true god form as the alchbets hit almost everything needed and opens doors to new beginnings and Negentropic fool helps alot with the beginng paths

As for this field, as others said it really strong, can feel the buzz vibrations like hetting a myofascial massage untill I adapt.


@Dreamweaver does this also act as a deity NFT like worshipping Sun and help the people with weak Sun in their natal charts?


Could anyone please send the mp3 of this? Got this through trade.

Edit: got it

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