The Tapasya of Savitur

I have wanted blueprint of love for a long time, now working on my self-esteem and self-love, I am clear that spiritual growth is my highest goal, I will raise some money to acquire this field. Blessings


I feel that this thread has few comments because people who have this field become detached and their level of awareness grows so much that it is difficult for them to put into words the development they have had with this field. I would love to have more testimonials from this one, I long for this field very much :shinto_shrine::pray:t2:


Honestly I have no clue what this is supposed to do, nor I can make out the changes. I sleep with the mandala with lots of other mandalas and all day long I listen to multiple fields for close to 8 hrs.

Am too waiting for testimonials.


I had the opportunity to play it for a few hours. Well this field took me to a sensation of interesting emptiness (a very different sensation to the emptiness that generates torsion field), where the mind and thoughts ceased for a long time, it seems to be integrated quite fast but it is noted that it requires a long time of work with the field to perceive the true potential it has, no doubt a jewel that will boost the spiritual work in the long term

The icing on the cake, however, was when I played it for more than 30 minutes straight, my vibration began to increase and it had a very powerful ego-dissolving effect. Once this happened my whole being craved more and more of it, it was a wonderful experience (I would like to clarify that this was the experience at the peak moment where I felt the field, this may differ in each person and is relative to each individual).

Obviously this will not enlighten you overnight, but it will give you an inner power and an energetic and consciousness north to work for, I can also say that all this seems to grow from within, very interesting



I personally think this is Captain’s Magnum Opus of all spiritual fields.

Also, I’ve realized this field eliminates karma like crazy.


I thought Karma Crucible does that.


It does. So does this.


I think when Dream said that this is a very unique alchemy, he meant that in addition to massive spiritual growth there is also a transmutation of karma


It’s been almost a year since my last testimonial in this thread. Many things have happened, many realisations came to me, there was a big pause and I now am back to it

I wanted to make a post like 6 or a little bit more months ago about the things I discovered about this NFT, about the alchemy Captain mentioned and other things that this field have brought to me but I didn’t want to impose my opinion and maybe false guesses on others

I think, the description and posts are still vague for some. For those who are curious what does it do or want to connect to the field deeper, maybe contemplating on the mandala and it’s parts will bring some ideas, it is what has helped me :)))
It took me like 20 minutes and then I was even more hyped about it

Now, what has changed in me thanks to this field? Everything, from the mindset to the vision of the World.

I have cultivated new qualities in myself, good qualities, I have let go of what I do not need, I have become a better person. I realized in which direction I should move and what I should do

It’s personal for each other of course, but if I had to answer on what does it do to me? The answer is that it makes me happy, it made me happy!


Where is your previous testimonial? Is it from one of the anon profiles? This field has recently piqued my curiosity, seems overlooked




Wanted to share my experience and thoughts with this one :eyes:

For me, it feels like every part of my body is filled with a distinct, warm and solar light. “Solar” is what savitur is about, but I mention it feels “solar” because I’m no stranger to solar practices. They have a distinct solar feeling to them, energetically.

While the light seems to be patterned more toward a purification aspect (in effect and function, as this is “tapasya”), you can get a little creative in how you direct that purification. Solar energy is, in my opinion, best suited to people on the path of bringing things into form rather than bringing things out of form. Solar energy can do both, but it excels in the “bringing things into form” aspect. At least, in my experience.

So you can still use the overall connection to solar energy for a myriad of purposes which can be decided by you. The old “Light of Savitur” might’ve been best suited for creative use but I don’t have it, so I don’t know. But so far, this field can still be used for a myriad of purpose if you have that intention. (And perhaps energetic skills in general. Only stating my experience here)

For me, it’s kind a purifying base while having the phone number of solar light in general, which can be dialed with intention and channeled toward whatever purpose(s) you have. Can even fill your dan-tians with it for some interesting effects, or whatever you want really. The field doesn’t do this automatically though. Not for me, that is.

Solar energy and practices can bring you to pretty much anywhere you’d want to go. Purification, enlightenment, illumination, realization, refinement, transformation, alchemization, manifestation, longevity… etc. I could see why some consider the essence of solar practices to be superior.

If you value individuality and spiritual development, and aren’t in the camp of completely dissolving your individuality, this may be a field you’d want to consider. It spiritualizes you and strengthens your individuality simultaneously, refining and alchemizing it to higher forms of existence and functioning both within, and without.

But again, this is just how it’s going for me. I can’t claim to know how it’ll affect others. Thought I’d share though, as solar practices (and in this case, this particular field) have tremendous value to those who want to spiritualize, refine and strengthen their individuality and increase their individual power, while harmonizing with non-personal power and mind.


The audio is very calming.
Gives me a peaceful feeling, like all is well .



thank you for the review
indeed it is from a solar base.
as it is a ‘realized’ light.


I love playing Tapasya of Savitur and playing a mantra in the background on another device, it is a very comforting meditative practice. I really enjoy playing Lalitha Ashtotram in the background, the purification aspect is really profound but it is difficult for me to explain


Hey cap, could it be said that purification occurs only within our consciousness or is our energetic body also purified?

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they aren’t really separate man
one affects the other.


Well, we could divide the effects into primary, secondary, tertiary, etc, couldnt we

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Of course yes, I just wanted to delve a little into what microbionergetic Tapasya consists of, the purification aspect is wonderful, after playing it for a while it makes me very sleepy

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