The thing about 'Entities' & Curses

I’ll begin by saying this is just my perspective on this as the years have passed by. You don’t have to agree but I thought this was important to share with you guys and maybe it will resonate with some of you.

Believing in being attacked by entities or having curses placed on you does more harm than good.

Reality is suggestible. In essence, reality is in a state of ‘probably this,’ or ‘probably that’ and we are all individually steered towards a specific ‘probably this reality’ depending on our beliefs/environment.

Entities and curses are a ‘probably this’ reality that ends up classifying constant negative energy as coming from attacks of some sort. And it really is probable because there really is no way to prove it. It’s purely subjective. It’s not a physical attack in that someone is going up to you and punching you. So truly, it’s open to interpretation. So I believe it is best not to classify these negative states of being we enter as being attacked and moreso instead, being pushed to deal with our inner repressed energies.

The only thing entities and curses can truly do is insitgate problems that we are already having with ourselves. It brings negative, repressed energies within us to the surface. Entitity/curse attacks aren’t so much attacks as moreso, using your own weapons against you. And they shouldn’t be weapons.

What comes out into the surface of you are energies you haven’t quite dealt with yet. Traumas, thoughts or memories that trigger you, impulsive addictions, anxieties, ext… And through instigating these energies and you being triggered by them, the negative energy easily lead you down a much more negative thought loop.

Thought loop that turns into negative emotions and then into beliefs that then manifest negative situations for you (even instigate health issues you have for example). You become the negative energy and project it to the world and get it back as well.

So, nothing outside of you can truly control your reality. Nothing can truly invade you (unless you take hard drugs). You are in control. You are still manifesting your reality. You have just been instigated to manifest a negative reality for yourself. You have the willpower to make the healthier and more positive decisions when you feel impulsed to make the wrong ones. You have the willpower to accept the ‘negative’ thoughts and allow them to flow in a way that they dissipate and aren’t negative anymore. They are parts of you that you reject that you now accept.

Even negative thoughts like ‘you are going to die’ that instill fear just reflect your personal fear of death. Any such thoughts are just… thoughts. Worst case scenario thoughts that end up getting believed. Of course death is always a possibility. Everything is always a possibility. And you can choose to believe healthier thoughts and make healthier decisions that lead you down a healthier path. You can believe in your willpower and believe in yourself. You have the power to think this way instead! It’s always in you and nothing can take that away from you. And the bigger picture view of it all is…

You are attacking yourself. Those negative thoughts/feelings don’t appear from outside, they appear from within. All that is happening to you is a reflection from within. It doesn’t matter if others are thinking negatively about you or sending attacks or entities are bothering you. It really doesn’t because it is all you. Your higher self exposing your vulnerabilities to the surface so that you may deal with them and not be triggered by them anymore. Have that side of you that you’ve repressed to reintigrate into your flow so that you may expand even more. If anything, it’s like what the higher vibrational fields do.

As I said before, reality is suggestible. Viewing your negative spurt of months of everything not going your way and you having negative thoughts coming up all the time or having your health deteroriate… as being your higher self exposing all the repressed energies within you so that you may deal with them and grow. This a much healthier way of percieving it. You are still in control of this ‘probably’ that’ reality. You know that it comes from a divine place and that you have the power in you to overcome it.

But viewing it as lower entities are attacking or jelous people are sending you negative energy and ruining your life… that is suggesting a reality that you are not in power. That you are under something else’s control. The negative energy then has that reactive grip on you and can easily trigger you constantly and lead you down very negative places. And it’s so easy when you ‘believe.’ Beliefs create the ‘probably this reality’ you are in.

But… nothing can hurt you if you are accepting these negative energies as a part of you. And then from that place, appreciate the thoughts and feelings. Embrace them. And raise your vibration through reintigrating those lower energies into your flow. We are hurt by getting forced to deal with our thoughts and feelings that we reject. If we accept them, they are not negative anymore. It’s just ‘energy.’ And we become more whole and grow spiritually.

As for anti entity fields… hard for them to work as well as they can when even if the entity is being pushed off, the negative energy loop that we are dealing with hasn’t been dealt with. So the entity might not even be around anymore but the negative thought loop is. That negative thought loop… is still us.

What I would have to do is get into that low vibrational state consciously. Feel all those feelings. Because it always is real stuff I’m dealing with brought to the forefront. My worst fears. Worst case scenario. And just dark places within me. I would feel that, be conscious in it, and then accept it. Allow it to be. And then it doesn’t hurt anymore. And then I love.

I would recommend listening to either om namah shiva ya, high vibration, higher self and getting into this state of accepting these negative things about you. Gettting into your lower vibrational state. Accepting it and allowing it to be. And from that state realize… that you are everything that is wrong with you. Everything is divine. Everything is one. It’s all a reflection of you. The parts of you that are ‘attacking you’ are the parts of you that you are against. Recognize your divinity. Recognize you are in control. You are in power. From this place of divinity, deal with your darkness. Embrace it. Allow it to flow within you. Allow the ‘negative’ perception of your situation to dissipate. Because that is all negativity is. Percieving something undesirably/rejecting it.

This is how you become impenetrable. This is how you become resilient. This is how you win ‘the game.’ Treating it like a war is submission. Treating it like something you are doing in essence and have control over is power.

If you have any questions, ask away.


So basically we don’t need Curse and Spell Removal, Clear all negative energy and entity removal, Grand jealousy shield, Armor of Light and Glory, Negentropic Dragon, Shielding Protection and number of fields that our dear Captain made?

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In essence, you don’t need anything. You have the power to take control of your life. You always have. You just believe you don’t. And because you believe you don’t, your willpower is weak and you don’t tend to have the will to change things on our own.

Sapien fields are there to provide you the strength and willpower you believe you don’t have. It’s there to help you push forward. It will never be able to do it for you. Because just like entities, or other people can’t actually invade you and change you. Fields can’t fully enter you and change you. Nothing can do the work for you.

Fields, if you want to use an analogy, are like entities or ‘positive loops of energy’ pushing you towards your desired outcome. Fields instigate the positive outcome you seek.

In this case, these anti entity/anti negative energy fields get rid of other energies that are instigating negative energies in you. They certainly help and help decrease the imposing gravity that negative energies might have on you. But the truth is, the gravity is already there…

If you have not dealt with those negative energies… they are still going to keep popping up. And those repressed emotions are going to arise again. And even if other entities instigate those emotions, it doesn’t matter. It will keep arising one way or another.

So anti entity fields don’t get rid of the root of the problem. The root of the problem is in YOU.


Lol I love your profile pic. It never fails to confuse me. I always wonder ‘wait, is his profile pic not loading or something? Is this a glitch?’


What do you mean by this?

I must say… I understand drugs can be harmful but they have tremendous benefits and it’s sad and annoying how they get demonized (except for heroin) lol.

But i just wanna know what you meant by that


Oh, I’m talking about drugs like crack, heroin, crystal meth, angel dust and sometimes… when someone is in a very low vibrational state, getting black out drunk also exposes them to temporary posession.

But most drugs… nah. No need to start worrying crazily about that.


Yeah I know what you mean but I meant how can hard drugs truly invade you?

I’m guessing is that when you try them once, your willpower is basically at zero lol. And even if one can resist, the withdrawals are ungodly awful.

Yeah. You lose your consciousness and all sense of willpower under those hard drugs. Makes it very easy for some other energies to take the steering will of your consciousness like a puppet.

Otherwise, under every other circumstance, you are still in control of the wheel. You just have the devil whispering in your ear to drive on the wrong lane.

(Not literally the devil lol. You know how the saying goes)


More like ego


Lol indeed.

Remember, the devil tarot is a reflection of you anyways. Your darker, repressed/rejected side.


Ah now that you mention ego… something I was waiting some time to speak about here. But I’ll share a short summary of it right now. I think I mentioned it before to some extent but anyways…

You are your ego. You fighting it and seeing it as this separate and imposing force makes it difficult to ever be in a peaceful state of being. You are these thoughts. You are thinking them. If you are your higher self, if you are the source… then you are your body. You are your ego. You are your whole being. The ego is not separate. But it feels separate because we are not in a state of acceptance with it. We aren’t conscious of our present selves because the moment we try to stay conscious and present, negative thoughts pop up, or agitation to check our phones and distract ourselves from these negative feelings rising to the surface.

Those negative feelings… that agitation… that anxiety… it’s all you. It’s all parts of you that you are rejecting and not dealing with. It’s partly why we are so disconnected from the present. We reject part of our present.

So, yes our egos… are the illusory part of us. They are not fully real. But we are still that illusion. And when I say this, I mean we are creating our whole reality. We are creating our egos as well.

We are in control of the illusion. We create ourselves. We think the thoughts. We… are in control.

There isn’t a battle of ego and soul. They are both one. Thinking dualistically about yourself as ego and soul creates the separation. So as long as we think this way, it becomes a power struggle. Don’t hate your ego. Love your ego. Understand it. Accept the thoughts that flow through you. Observe it and feel it all consciously and understand that yes… you are also thinking these thoughts. That they come from a genuine place. But that they are also just thoughts… just feelings. And if those thoughts can be true, anything can be true as well and I can choose to accept these thoughts/feelings and not percieve them negatively anymore. And therefore reintgrating with my whole self.

In having that conscious accountability of your own thoughts, you regain control and can choose to steer your mind in the direction you intend at this point. When you feel your own thoughts are against you, you feel you are in lack of control. And then… you have lack of control.

Again… when it comes to the self… war is submission.


Hmm… I’ve an idea. I do a free forum webinar speaking of these things and perhaps a guided meditation, with fields of course, to take us through that whole process of accepting, integrating and raising our vibration. I make it sound easier than it is but together, maybe we can pull through. And of course, you can all ask questions and we can help eachother out in any way. Collective power is a real thing.

I can also share something new with you all. Let me know if that is of any interest. I’d only be able to do it tomorrow night or tuesday (EST).

I just believe this is quite an important topic and just writing it out doesn’t quite get the message though. Reading these things isn’t quite the same as talking about it.


Funny I was contemplating this few before coming here. I had pulled the upright the devil tarot twice today when asking for guidance. Only two pulls i did and second one was to confirm what the first was about. I shuffle really well too


Maybe I can offer my perspective on the matter that hopefully makes it easier to understand what Sammy means.
What he is saying, as far as I understand, is that it doesn´t matter whether negative entities exist or not, it is still unto us whether they have any effect on us or not.
Let´s assume they do exist, for the sake of the argument (I personally do think they exist)
In this case, these entities would be like burglars trying to break into your house (consciousness/system). However, they can only break in if there is a weak point they can exploit. Kind of like hacking a computer. If there is no weak point, they can´t break into the house and they´ll give up.
These weak points are undealt destructive emotions, the more extreme they are, the better for the burglars.

Everyone has them and I believe they are particularly present in people who are interested in spirituality. Just to give you an example: Have you not felt like this planet was not your true home and that you can´t relate to other people and that you feel horror for all that is happening in the world and all the ways humans suffer?
In that moment, you develop a strong wish to “not be here” because you “hate this place”. The burglars just found their perfect ally who will not only help them get into the house, but is even willing to help them tear it down completely.

Now imagine that those potential weak points of your house are not hidden from these burglars but in plain sight and imagine they have mouths that are screaming to the burglars “Here I am! Come this way!”

This is how I imagine it and according to my own experience this seems like how it is working. As always, I could be completely wrong and I appreciate any criticism and feedback


Yup this is what is taught in Gnosis. Entities can only use against you what is already there so the best defense is being pure as possible. If you don’t have anger within you, how can someone “make” you angry? As one example.


Lol. I have 3!

I’m pretty okay though

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It’s certainly a nice precaution to take cause it’s a vulnerability. Piercing our skin with ink tears holes in our aura. It should repair with time but while it is repairing, it’s a weakness that can be agitated. So the audio still helps. I used it… kinda had to when I got my sleeve. It was harsh to my energy system.


I’d be down but I work 24hr shift tomorrow and get off Tuesday at 7am EST. So if you do it Tuesday please let me know and I’ll come.

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Now I FINALLY understand what it means to “integrate” the ego. I’ve already been doing this, but never understood this language when people talked about “integrating the ego.” Thanks.


there is an old saying: "the one who does not believe / ignores / rejects that dragons exist is most probably being eaten from one or more of them from the inside " .

if we as a whole humankind where given the opurtunity to have healthy auras especially in our childhood. then it would have been a will play and a choice what we do with negativity, dark magic and enteties.

but we dont. we have eletricity, EMP, WIFI, 3g-5g, modified/controlled weather, pollution. the new viruses, even living in the closed spaces of our flats/houses. no chance our auras are as they were ment to be.

in my eyes although, we all differ in our inate resilience.

This resilience is genetic i fathom and also a product of the quality and quantity of love/support/care/understanding we recieve esp. in our childhood.

yes we can do/manage all because we are multidimensional beings. IF we had the necessary integrity and energy , yes i agree. but all of this is taken constantly from us.

so thank the work of @Dreamweaver we can be so.

as a conclusion: i am all for shields, salt, sage and all that can be done to get rid of the mostly invisible wild life… and yes somewhere there it comes a point of so called energetical freedom, where one could also sence where are his 50% responsibillity and deal with them. for that we also have Captains marvels.

not being political but all of us here co :innocent:me from different places of the globe…some of them are under heavy influence/pollution, some of them are not. this shapes the reallities we describe here. meaning again :smiley: i am all for De-Inhabi-Shield/bhoot/salt and so on plus white light waves in gallonses! :rofl: