The tower series

nah these are all digital just the art and the bonus tracks are different from regular streaming.


Man that’ll be so cool to have the mandala for these fields!


Explanations coming soon!?

This has a sedative effect. (Among other things)


@SilverZuzu I just listened to this 15 mins ago and am feeling extremely chill and sleepy. Wasn’t sure what it was. Not good while at work! :joy:

I’m listening to Super Human Mutant field to counter this effect.


Thank you kind sir.

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U can try the Cup of Coffee audio too.


Great idea! Thanks


It is also one of my favourite terpenes, certainly the one I used the most in my “recipes” with DMSO. Really helped with pain and while I’ve never seen it mentioned, it helped with brainfog as well (probably by lowering inflammation) :smiley:

I’ll copy-paste what I wrote in the album thread (hadn’t seen this one, so some is a repeat of what @SilverZuzu wrote above).

Beta Caryophyllene is a constituent of many essential oils, especially clove oil. It is a full agonist of the Cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2 receptor). It soothes the immune system, increases bone mass, and blocks pain signals. As well as an anti-inflammatory, it can help with depression, anxiety, addiction, epilepsy, cancer, fungal and bacterial infections.

Mycerne reduces the selectivity of the blood-brain barrier, allowing molecules like THC and CBD to pass more easily and in greater quantities. It is anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, promotes relaxation and sleep, enhances the mood and relieves anxiety. Early studies show that it can help prevent cell mutations that lead to cancer and keep mutated cells from reproducing and spreading.

Edited to add: while googling for info on Basal Ganglia Massage I found the album is on sale here :smiley:


Loving the album esp. lavender. Such a sucker for a saxophone. :heart: Also think this would make a bomb ass soundtrack for Stranger Things they (the show) should look into it


Me too.


Gotta say again - I love The Protected Righteous! :slight_smile:


Are these fields for listening for free on YouTube or something else NFT like only works if bought


Yes u can listen for free on you tube to the audios.

Or at the time u could have bought all the audios plus 1 extra bonus. It also included NFT’s of all the audios (including the bonus one) plus an NFT for the “E.A The Tower.” This was in a package.


Thank you

But what it does exactly

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In post above, Captain says:
Its mostly self explanatory.

I guess you would be most wondering about the protected righteous.
Well, it is designed to protect you, but only in righteous action.
This righteousness is the one described in the sword of righteousness

So in effect it is more tailored for future action within the scope of righteous action.
while the previous audio helps even unresolved past action for future rewards, this does not.
Also it may induce righteous minded people helping with righteous movement ‘forward in linear time’
for yourself.
So a better end result as well.

Me, I just like the music! :slight_smile: :partying_face:


Protected Righteousness:

Great for an empath for centeredness and ‘protected’ from ‘narcissists’ who try to create problems out of thin air and ‘unconsciously’ make conflict

It’s like standing your ground with conviction: knowing what’s right and not be gaslighted and only stay solid on truth / honesty

Protecting the heart and having more willpower to keep on and not be swayed. (Try with tree experience for a more grounding and ‘ego-less’ effect)


I didn’t realize “protected righteousness” can be an effective “pick me up” from feeling this sense of powerlessness / hopelessness to bouncing back into my own confidence. This is a great reminder for me standing up in truth. I’ve felt waves in my heart to gut centers.


@Drift even forgot why i added “love tolerance” (it was a draft for a while…) :sweat_smile: I think i meant that it helps to stay in a loving state while being tolerant.

For me it feels like it’s a sort of subconscious protection so it’s more of mindfulness. For me it was like putting a blanket over my heart center with an armor plate on it so in a way from my perspective it helped with my own sense of willpower when being faced toxic behavior


Thank you. I’m seeing the matrix code now xD finally I understand this field. It is way better than I thought.

Anything that helps being mindful is worth it.

Thank you again :bowing_man:

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