The True Self of Others: Divine Spark (Self Realization Series Pt 2.)

The True Self of Others: Divine Spark (Self Realization Series Pt 2.)

Also on Patreon

The energetic programming in the true self of others audio allows you to see the divinity in everyone else and yourself. Everyone derives from the source and is a fragment of the all. Through this field, you will begin to perceive the divine spark in every person.

(divinity/divine spark to us is ‘source of all creation.’ Our audios are not tied to any religions)

Just as we all came from the source of creation, we are the source of creation. Within each and every one of us lies the source of all that it is and having this realization become a part of our lives is one of the essential parts to becoming enlightened. When you are able to see the divinity in everything, you begin to better understand everything. You become much more compassionate of others but even more so, begin to love other people unconditionally. No longer would you see them as simply strangers or typical people. You will be able to see that every single person is of a divine nature.

A grand part in the path to enlightenment is the erosion of the ego. As you let go of more of your ego, you begin to lose your sense of feeling separated from everything (which makes us so self centered in the first place) and start to feel connected to everything. As you saw in part one, you begin to experience and perceive the interconnection of all things. And in this part, you begin to perceive the divine spark in everything.

You perceive how everyone is equal… people who are deemed as “evil,” “saints,” “celebrities,” “homeless” all derive from this same source and when you can perceive this, your perspective of them changes. You no longer see yourselves as separate. No longer see them as higher or lesser than you. You see the universe in them. You see yourself. And in this way, you will better connect with other people and in turn better connect with the world.

The Interconnection Of Everything (Self Realization Series Pt 1.)
The True Self of Others: Divine Spark (Self Realization Series Pt 2.)
Timelessness (Self Realization Series Pt 3.)
Mindfulness (Self Realization Series Pt.4)


Edit, nvm its for all creation.


Woah, I’m playing this and I feel so much love and warmth coming up I’m 3 minutes in and it feels like this body can’t take anymore.


When I played it first time 3 years ago I had to go to the gym 1 a.m. because my chest was burning and my eyes could see the colours so clear I wanted to be awake all day

note : it was after I found the point of no return stack and I wasn’t into any of spirituality nor had a 10 hour long playlist. I think these are better to hear alone after sometime off


In my experience yes. Try honing in on these things. For those who never saw things this way or is conditioned to think ‘it is not so’ it may take some time. Ego Dissolution can help with that


I’ve played ego dissolution twice, and then this field and part 1 twice each before going to a work function during which I felt so calm, humorous, relaxed, and full of love. Things that would usually make me squeamish or upset did not bother me at all, and I thoroughly enjoyed thanking and complimenting others more than usual. I highly recommend this series to improve one’s social life :heartbeat:


Also on Patreon - link added to OP

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