The Universal Om

:thinking: Iā€™m not quite certain. I had been doing energy work for a few years before investing into fields and I had the ascensionaut for a while before I picked up this oneā€¦

My guess would be that if you were sensing time using a layer of energy, things will seem sped up because that layer is more active from the field. --For example, clocks donā€™t really measure time. If itā€™s a quartz clock, it basically shows you the vibratory rate of a crystal. Quartz tends to be very stable with its vibration (hence why itā€™s used for calibrating clocks). But when people talk about ā€œtimeā€, itā€™s usually contrasting one reference point to another more stable reference point.

If someone were to raise the vibration of an area and it contains a quartz clock, the crystal in the clock might vibrate faster and cause it to read an advanced time relative to other clocks. If this field alters the vibratory rate of whatever helps you perceive time, that could impact what how fast or slow things seem.

I didnā€™t notice time shifts with it, though :man_shrugging:


When youā€™re enjoying life more, time seems to pass faster.
Or when a lot is happening, and youā€™re super involved, time also seems to pass faster.
Or being in some super meditative states, Ive had times where it felt like 5 minutes passed and I checked the time, an hour and a half have passed. Iā€™ve also heard many stories like this from other meditators. Happens more often in powerfully consecrated/high energy spaces.


@Noesis thank you :blush: I can understand a little now. I feel like more time has passed aftwr doing things like reading a chapter or doing a minor task and checking the clock. The numbers just roll by.

@AvatarHao I guess this makes the most sense right now. Thank you too :blush:


My friend complained to me that from December ish Iā€™ve become way too ā€œselflessā€
I think more about others than about myself it seems. She was berating me to be more selfish and cunning. We are in the field of business, thatā€™s why.
I can think of no other field except this that mustā€™ve caused this.
@Atreides youā€™re right. The outside world notices us using this more than we ourselves. Do you still have your Universal om?


Audio hopefully :crossed_fingers:t3:


audio added :slight_smile:

huge thanks @Captain_Nemo


Thanks, @pranic_climber

  • The audio is 8-min long
  • It contains actual an vocal intonation of OM - got chills listening to it now

Thatā€™s a superb gift dream , can someone share me the audio thanks.

Edit: received it, thanks Pranicclimber


The Universal OM, followed by The Silent Mind!


@Maoshan_Wanderer did you get the new meditation NFT yet? I was thinking to combine all three


I did notā€¦I was still wondering if I need it or notā€¦ The Course has a similar one, but I may eventually get it haha


Got this beautiful gem :heart:

Silent mind + universal OM = Contentment? Bliss? Gratitude? Whatever you prefer to say.


Alright this solidified my belief in mandalas now, I feel so happy and in high vibrational state just my having my mandala in my pocket :heart_eyes: only bought it because it came with an audio but now I will stick with mandala. Silly me doubting all the time for no reason lol.


How do people get these added audios if they donā€™t have account
but got the nft months back

Cuz nft workz for owner only no one else. why canā€™t they all be posted somewhere.

I remember when i got this mandala i took off all the other tags and was barely listening to audios.
I wanted to fully feel it.

I got sick like really sick for 3 days, was surprising to me because im my head i thought my vibration was okish/good and i was healthy. Of course at that time i knew i still had a long way to go but i never expected to feel that ran down. It was tough.

But i carried it through, that was some 3 months ago or so, i dont remember any other things worth mentioning but just that i felt sick. It obviously felt like a detox but a a bigger wider detox it wasnt just my body it was the environment as well an environment that reached quite far out.

Within those 3 months i took it off 2 or 3 times.

A day later without it, every time my vibration went down, funny tho like a normal human day with good bad and ugly but it felt awful because this mandala had me already up and expanded in a beautiful peaceful untouchable vibration, id be aware of all things but didnt act on them or reacted. And it was easy. I love this NFT very very much.

As the time passed i was getting more irritable etc, very normal (unfortunately normal earthy vibe) until i put it back and ahhhh it all started coming back to the new normal i tested and wanted to always be in.

I have used, chanted, meditated to Om for half + of my life. But it does not compare to the force impact and strength of this Mandala.

It made me see with the Universal eyes how rough is down here. How do we keep up? for all of us members of this forum and all those that consistently work on ascending is a full commitment to come afloat to live happy and in peace but still we all struggle here and there, or if we miss just a few days the routines that keep us high we feel the withdrawal immediately, how the rest that dont do anything survive and live? I dont know. I really dont.

This Mandala has changed me a lot.

Now just yesterday i decided to loop the audio the whole night.

Its different, its like its stronger but at the same time more gentle. I know it doesnt make sense but its how it happened.

My room was cold my phone was right on the night stand close to my side like on the 3rd loop maybe, my back started feeling warm and cozy slowly wrapping me around, once i was literally hot inside and outside i started feeling pains here and there and my whole body vibrating like being shaken to release all the stagnant energy in my body then like a vacuum sucking it all out. And the cozy wrapping feeling came back until i was fully covered.

There i was in the middle of the night in the darkness of my room smiling feeling floating up there in the vast universe, one with all, nothing hurt, nothing bothered me, no thoughts, just me floating in the Universe.

Today i woke up new. I died and was born again last night. Its undeniable. It was a great day.

2 things happened today:

At some point i was just looking at my computer screen not thinking anything when i started chanting Om but it was different than how ive always done it. It raised up within by itself like the vibration with just a mumbling long sound until it reached my mouth and my lips barely opened to complete the end oh Mmmmmā€¦ and i was like woah was was that.

Its like if the Om Vibration had really made my body its home, i believe too that listening to the new chakras audios has created a better enviroment for the Om vibration to go up and has synced with them.

And 2. I took a decision at work that i was sure i wasnt going to for various reasons i had to wait until other things had happened. But within me i hated not being able to let the bosses know about my decision yet. And today i did itā€¦ and that is gonna change my professional scenario completelyā€¦ might be good for me might not but i have a tranquility like im not even thinking about it, i just know whatever happens its gonna be for the best of my next step. Simple as that.

Last night has been the 1st time in my life i have trully for real felt ONE with the ONE. And everything else.

Thank you Dreamweaver wholeheartedly for the gift of adding an audio :) i was already loving the mandala, to me the mandala brings down the power of Om to helps us live above the circumstances and keep going. The audio felt like it takes us up there to where the whole is and we become part of it.


Thank you for your testimonial, it makes sense today why I am feeling so sick all of a sudden. Reading your post and of course it was because of this mandala lol. I noticed it bought me back to all the irritable memories and I was processing all the anger and stress and then releasing it as it was nothing.

Yesterday I was feeling high vibrational then feeling empty or sad as the day moved forward. Today I am feeling sick but I feel am adjusting. I was never used to attaining a higher vibration because of all the internal and environmental issues presented to me but I guess this is the process of raising your vibration. Let the cleaning commence.

I have much more to say but I want to provide a more detailed update, so I will provide it a week later or more.


šŸ«£šŸ˜¬ i know what you mean brother.

Go through it :muscle: you will never be the same.

Tips: try not to listen to many videos. Wear only this mandala.

And after 3 or 4 days dont wear it and use the audio and ull see the difference :slight_smile:

I feel like the mandala moves more dirt around us and in us since is like bringing to us the power of universal Om. So its good to clear mud. Ill wear it here and there for more and deeper cleaning, but then the audio to elevate us and see a very different perspective and how life is down here and how we should best participate in this life with everything else on Earth without attachements, expectations etc.

This same dynamic is what im starting to notice in the other combos mandala/audio.

Mandala = we become, we integrate, we have the power to help us down here
Audio = we witness how ā€œtheyā€ (whatever the mandala is) live in their world or how it works up there and we see it and integrate it easier, because again no attachments.

This has been my experience and understanding so far tho. Looking forward to more of your reviews they are so rich and open hearted i feel them!


Wow, thank you for that. Now I view mandala and audio from a different perspective now. I am also noticing I am scared to move onto a higher vibrational state. Like right now as I am listening to the audio, I am feeling happy and I donā€™t want to feel happy for some reason or I am feeling scared. My ego really doesnā€™t want to let go.

Thank you for your advice brother. :muscle:


and my account is quite the opposite as Iā€™m used to being in a higher vibrational state that discomfort is just your lower self adjusting. having worn this mandala since it came out almost, and now the audio which facilitates a smooth blending of vibration has been such a giftā€¦

and @Lunamoon22 such a beautiful testimonial of this magnificent creation.