The Wealth Manifesto NFT The Release: (Money and Abundance Tour): Testimonials

This field has knowledge of all wealth astrology

And then it also has access to all energies from astrology associated with having wealth, abundance, prosperity.

These can be direct wealth energies of like wealth hehe, or indirect ones, those that bring wealth as well, like that what is required, willpower, other personality traits, something that removes that which blocks wealth, while adding that which gives it.

Then draws and imbues you with the right astrological wealth, abundance, prosperity energies, in all positive formes and gathered from all astrology so all zodiacs, planets, stars, asteroids, placements, charts… Creates the perfect alchemies, energetic combinations of these energies for ultimate manifestation and embodiment of wealth into the user’s life.

Every aspect of you that has to do anything with wealth will be affected by these energies.

So they can change you completely, towards wealth, encompassing mindsets, environment, situations, emotions, intuitive knowledge, vibrations, while they are going into your wallets, business and sources of income…

There is also alchemy of the soul that will embody abundance and wealth to the deepest parts of you!

Of course we did not forget about a strong energetic which will be pushing towards manifestation, materialization and summoning of that wealth.

Through the solidifying aspects, but now taken energy from the most powerful sources of wealth there are. A strong force towards materializing that wealth into the user’s reality.

In general the field can expand to other galaxies, throughout the universe and find new wealth sources, and other specific astrological wealth energies found in the universe(s).

Obviously each user will also integrate any natal chart wealth lessons or energies, the ones lying at the depths of your soul for you to integrate.

Oh and btw, these all astrological wealth energies will also act as a new baseline from which you’ll live and manifest your new wealth.

Not to forget mentioning that this whole field uses the alchemical revision techniques, now as if you were using this field your WHOLE life at 100% potential!

And yes, there is also astrological type of bountiful harvest, the famous Guided Path and the Blessings Path fields are working with this NFT towards wealth, abundance, prosperity, and so is the Blessing for the Heart and Environment Field, now using the most suitable energies from astrology (see it as astrological type of the feng shui).

There are also big focuses on the Multi-Billionaire natal charts, modified for instant and constant wealth summoning, as well as on those for protection of money, wealth, abundance, prosperity, and
those for blocks removal.

We left at this, but also left space for Captain to add in any other wealth manifestation and summoning techniques + paths towards wealth and money he might had found useful to add in.

Like connection to and swimming in seas of abundance and wealth which are flowing in the order of growth. And weaving into reality etc.

Thank you @Dreamweaver !

Mandala + Audio


Feeling grateful to have gotten a copy of this

Money is what makes the world go round, people say money doesn’t bring happiness but it sure as hell helps you live the life you want to live :muscle:

Especially since I am only 21, this NFT will be of great use in the next couple of years as I build my money making empire as a new graduate, etc


:+1: :muscle:


My first impressions as shared in the group were

Of course astrologically designed etc.

I was really curious in how these will actually be, and it is nothing less than feeling, and knowing you were born for wealth and abundance. That vibe, where you know that it just will happen, no matter what.


I coudn’t agree more.

Wealth and Abundance for all!

:money_mouth_face: :sunglasses:

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I only wish to give back with what I accumulate with this NFT

To more wealth and fulfillment with what it can amplify.


Ok, i’m new to this NFT world, I came from Youtube audios. Is this one available for free? Also, was this created by Sapien itself?

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This is basically a private nft, that people who joined my project, got to purchase it from captain (sapien) who created this field.


Nice! Thank you. So, can i use this copy posted here for my personal life or not?


Oh nah, it works for those who purchased the nft

Anyone made hard cash from this? @veh, just curious.

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If anyone has a copy of this, please PM!

So I have read the description over and over and still have little understanding of what all this can do.
So basically this changes? Your natal chart to reflect what it would be like as if you were originally on the path of becoming a multi billionaire? Im not to familiar with astrology but do understand its powerful stuff.
This seems like a great pair with billionaire catalyst!!!

I would say that it is not necessary to combine it. The catalyst does essentially the same thing as this Nft and gives you some extra abilities. In the end the result will be broader with the catalyst, besides that in the catalyst apparently the mind of abundance is already defined and in manifest wealth it is relative.


I see billionaire catalyst has (removal of blockages of being a billionaire) and (Revision of a billionaire) as subfields that relate with this nft.
Like i said I don’t know much about astrology but I know it’s powerful stuff. I have a very fixed sign in a few places and I see slow changes for many aspects of my life even using fields. The fields work yes, but it takes molasses to get the ball rolling.
I see this nft as a combo of catalyst and astro beast. Catalyst should work on its own without support from any other field, but given my experience of having a fixed sign, and any other negative qualities within my chart that makes change to be slow in effect, I see this as a complimentary field in which any and all obstacles related to wealth, abundance, being a multi billionaire, etc are all reliquished of their effects on me!

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It would be curious to experiment with this in conjunction with Psychic University’s Astrological Abundance Buff field. I don’t have a copy of it, however, so I cannot provide any feedback regarding this.