The Window into Agartha-- NFT (Community Project)

An invitation to the worlds of Inner Earth.

Beneath the sands of time and the glacial white ice, there lies spacious lands of emerald green trees, warmth, and peace.

The summer meadow was alive in more ways than one. I could see people–adults and children-- and I could hear rousing music. Everyone was dancing.
“Are they having a dance right in the middle of the morning?-- I asked, slightly shocked at such enthusiasm so early in the day.”

Agartha; Home to the legendary Kingdom thriving within the heart of the Earth. Agartha wasn’t always a Kingdom of Inner Earth, and long ago, ancient civilizations of Agartha have existed on her surface.

Today, we present a window into the most advanced civilization on Earth.

Scientists researching the Earth’s mantle announce that they have found what they believe to be a vast body of water three times the volume of all our oceans combined; contained within a mineral layer 400 miles inside the Earth. The discovery shakes the foundation of what scientists and scholars thought they knew about the ground under our feet. Scientists have just scratched the surface of the Earth. They drilled down like 8 miles, and they had to stop because it got too hot. Out of 4000 miles to the core of the Earth, scientists were only able to go down 8.

Ancient-Astronauts theorists suggest that according to our earliest mythologies, another Earth might not be found in the heavens, but deep within our own planet.

Within Buddhism, one of the oldest religions on our planet, there are stories of a place called Agartha or Agharti, which is an inner world inhabited too by people and that they are an advanced race who have trains, airships, and a warmth to their weather year round. The Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism also tells the story of Krishna. The Ramayana describes the Great Avatar Rama as an “emissary from Agartha, who arrived on an air vehicle".

In 1947, one of the largest Antarctic expedition sailed south on August of the same year, where the Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the US Navy flew over the North and South poles, observing what would have taken years for Ice to melt and for Life to form; Trees upon trees meeting with the Ice Sheets.

Admiral Byrd also states Inner Earth has an inner Sun. Byrd’s theory is that the poles of the Earth are convex, rather than concave. Ships and planes can fly or drive right in. And while this speaks of Rama’s air vehicle in the Ramayana, and tells us about the advancement Agartha has on her grounds, it also raises an interesting question: Why is it warmer nearer the Poles than it is 600 to 1000 miles away from it?


There, on the ends of the cold poles, was also found ruminants of trees that formed 40 million years ago and it is called “petrified wood”. These petrified trees formed when the Antarctic climate was just starting to cool down, and the Antarctic Ice Sheet only covered land around the South Pole. Petrified wood forms when dead trees become covered with river sediment or volcanic ash, but a major contributor to the petrifaction process is the flow of water rich in minerals into the trees. The flowing water deposits minerals in the trees as they slowly decompose. Which leads us to notice this phenomena: The icebergs are composed of fresh water and not salt water that drift from the Poles; The Poles were once the land of others.

Is it possible that entrances to another world can be found at the Earth’s poles? And if so, why can’t we pass through them?

The scientist Edmond Halley is most famous for Halley’s Comet. He was also very interested in the Earth, and one of the challenges is was trying to figure out what was the real structure of the inside of the Earth. He had a fascinating theory of not just a hollow Earth but an Earth with multiple layers. 75 years later, 18th-century mathematician Leonhard Euler put forth his own hollow Earth theory with no concentric shells and a sun at the center spanning 600 miles.

Euler was a gifted mathematician. He developed this idea that the planet Earth is not only hollow but the poles are actually thinned and there are actually entrances into the inner core at the North and South Poles of the Earth.

In Sanskrit, the word Agarthi means inaccessible, and it’s true for the legendary kingdom that has kept its haven safe for millennial, but several cited experiences were offered to humans as a peak through the inner world, or rather, how two races can live within the confines of the same planet; where one is harmonious in its nature, joyful in its communication, and powerful on its grounds, whereas another can see the world as we know today.

It is said that the entrances to the worlds of Agartha comes to the chosen; Otherwise, the routes to Agartha lead back to the other side of the pole where Antarctica remains the most famous entrance.

And while the portals of the pole remain the most famous, Science has been on the search for an answer to the existence of Pyramids found within the poles. While it may seem unthinkable that pyramids could exist in Antarctica, in recent years, archaeologists have found pyramids all over the world that had been lost for centuries,mistaken as natural formations or hidden in the most unlikely places. All the way around the world, archaeologists find evidence of pyramid structures. They were found in Northern Peru, in Indonesia, in addition to an enormous system of caves, channels, and tunnels found underneath the Great Pyramids of Giza.

There has been extensive research done on pyramids throughout the world in terms of their structure and what it is that they really are. And one of the theories is that pyramids are power generators. And so if you have these pyramids strategically placed around the world generating this charge, it’s possible to create a general standing wave around the world that is basically a wireless transmission of energy. It’s been theorized that ancient ships, extraterrestrials and those with high technology, could use this interconnected wireless energy system to navigate around the planet. And it makes sense that if there was some kind of worldwide pyramid power grid like this, that Antarctica would have pyramids as well. The whole idea of these pyramidal structures, where did it come from? It’s not an arbitrary thing. And these structures, they exist worldwide.

So what was the impetus?

What’s the origin?

And even more fascinating, did they originate on the Antarctic continent?

And if it does, does that mean it is the master pyramid that all other pyramids on Planet Earth was designed to look like?

A famous book that tells the story of a young fisherman who was welcomed with his dad into the portals of Agartha is The Smoky God. The young man lived to tell the people about what he has seen inside the Kingdom of Agartha. There, people live from 400 to 800 years and are highly advanced in science. They can transmit their thoughts from one to another by certain types of radiations and have sources of power greater than our electricity. They are the creators of flying saucers, which are operated by this superior power, drawn from the electromagnetism of the atmosphere.

Diary entries of the Admiral also tells us about the inside of the worlds of Agartha; In his diary with other witnesses, he tells of entering the hollow interior of the Earth, and traveling 1700 miles over mountains, lakes, rivers, green vegetation and animal life. He tells of seeing monstrous animals resembling the mammoth of antiquity moving through the underbrush. He eventually found cities and a thriving civilization.

His plane was finally greeted by flying machines, the type he had never seen before. They
escorted him to a safe landing place and he was graciously greeted by emissaries from Aghartha.

How is such a thing even possible in a place that has been buried beneath the ice for over 12 million years?

According to ancient astronaut theorists, Antarctica may not have been a frozen continent for as long as we think. And they say proof can be found by examining a 500-year-old map depicting the continent without any ice.

Some claim that the inhabitants of Agartha are very willing to share about themselves, as well as share their vast, superior knowledge in order to help humanity advance further, that they are generally welcoming towards the right people to enter their world as well, and that they occasionally oversee the development of humanity atop earth.

Nevertheless, traveling to Agartha is a very rare opportunity, one that only few people are physically, mentally and energetically advanced enough for. But for this creation, the Agarthians agreed to open up a connection.

A window for the NFT holder to communicate with them, learn about and from them, advance themselves, and possibly, maybe, one day get invited to physically visit Agartha…

The Window into Agartha.

Our community project has come up with these aspirations for working with Agartha.

An invitation for the Kingdom of Agartha to:

Light and Vibrational Guidance:

  • Receive help from the Agarthians to grow in a way that facilitates contact with them

Energy Infusion:

  • Receive the different beneficial energies from Agartha and all of the inner Earth
  • Receive the energies from all beneficial herbs, plants, and crystals that are unique to the inner earth


  • Receive information about the language(s) used in Agartha
  • Receive information about the physical entry points and the preconditions which need to be met by us on any level in order to physically enter
  • Receive information about Agarthian history
  • Learn about their societal structure(s)
  • Receive knowledge about any science and technology that is currently only being employed in and unique to Agartha
  • Learn what we can do to help us and our Earth to ascend


  • Be able to get into direct contact with the Agarthians who chose to be part of this project


  • Get the opportunity to have our bodies be filled with higher energies
  • Receive protection
  • Be infused with the frequency of the Earth
  • Get help with healing and the ability to heal
  • Improve our connection with animals
  • Help us to spread more love, joy, and positivity up here
  • Access to the Halls of Amenti

Special thanks to @MonkeyOwl for leading this project! for @Kay for her incredible feedback and help in the write up, and for the person who came up with the concept and trusted us to have this incredible creation!

And of course, for Captain presenting us this incredible one!! :)))


“A country where sorrow doesn’t exist!” I exclaimed, as Mannul guided me through a village that was laid out like a huge smile. Mannul grinned too.“You’re right,” he replied. “But most people who live here are just ordinary people like you and me. There is sorrow, but it is treated differently here. You allow it to dominate you, but we take control over sorrow and setbacks. Friendly hands reach out when you need help — physical or psychological.“On the surface, you haven’t discovered the joy of helping each other. Your thoughts are on money. Help costs money, and not everyone can afford it. But Tim, everyone has a heart, and that costs nothing. You only have to listen to it.Your heart gives you good advice, but you have to talk the same language. Experience and understanding will help you.”

The scenery whisked by… There seemed to be water below me at one stage, and small, white geese (as they were known at home) bobbing on the dark-blue water. Then there was sand on golden sandy beaches, and finally emerald-green grass. At last, with a slight thud, we came in to land. “Look around you!” Mannul burst out.I did. If Mannul hadn’t been holding on to my hand, I probably would’ve fainted, but there really was cause for my confusion. The air and lovely surroundings were alive — not with a peaceful, eternal breathing, but completely tangible, lively, and almost wild. Every single bush, tree, and flower produced noise, bordering on a cacophony. Small figures sailed smoothly to and fro and round and round. They wound their way between the plants and onto the plants and inside them. The summer meadow was alive in more ways than one. Elementals and people crowded together here. I could see people — adults and children — and I could hear rousing music. Everyone was dancing.“Are they having a dance right in the middle of the morning?” I asked,slightly shocked at such enthusiasm so early in the day. “Of course!” replied my guide, looking at me as if I was weird. “When someone wants to dance at work, we organize a hop and sing.”

“Does anything get done, then?” I ventured to ask. “More than if we didn’t dance,” was the retort. I sighed. This was another country, and I needed to be open to new ideas."

We have a perfect climate here. We have what you would call early summer all year round, and pretty much full bloom.”“How come you have a perfect climate when we have rain, snow, and storms on Earth?” I wondered in surprise. “Doesn’t our weather seep through somewhere?” Mannul guffawed. I couldn’t understand what he was laughing at. There was a bench nearby, and he gestured for me to sit down. This is how he explained the amazing climate underground: “Everything has to do with belief,” he said. “We feel completely safe here.There is no fear, worry, evil, envy, or jealousy. We have learned to live incomplete safety and believe in an eternal Force which is always here to help and protect us. Negativity disrupts the lower atmosphere and the atratosphere.Weather patterns reflect patterns of thought. “Destruction on the Earth’s surface means that meteorological forces are equally destructive. They are affected by the ambiance on Earth, which is far from harmonious. There is religious conflict. Envy and suspicion, fueled by money and drugs, destroy rather than build up. If we weigh the good and bad on Earth, my dear Tim, good loses every time.”“Good grief!” I exclaimed incredulously. “You don’t mean that the weather depends on how people think? Surely the weather is regulated by other forces entirely.” (I couldn’t think of anything other than the National Weather Service,but felt that wasn’t quite what I meant in this context.)

"Here you could say that we’re in the lap of the Earth,” said Mannul, smiling.“This in itself represents security, because your adverse conditions can’t penetrate the thick crust between us. We honor, thank, and caress Mother Earth literally every day, and in return she provides protection and love. You surface-dwellers would feel better if you focused on your counterparts in Agartha and took strength from here when you are depressed or troubled. If only you would ask us for strength.”“We don’t know about you,” I replied bitterly. “How can we ask someone for help if we don’t know they exist?” “Then it’s time for us to approach people on Earth…

But we don’t want to encourage those who sow the seeds of dissent and discord.

That is why we have shut ourselves off for so long. This is why it would be difficult to allow Earth people here, unless they are specially chosen…

(Agartha: a Paradise Inside the Earth)

From the book: Agartha: The Earth’s Inner world.



Super beautiful.

Congratulations !!


Why do I feel that @Maoshan_Wanderer was in this project? :grinning:


Haha it would have been an honor but I hope he has one!!

@Maoshan_Wanderer :heart:


Last night, I had a dream where I was invited to an apartment on a big lake with lots of bamboo trees and lotus and flowers around. It was kinda weird, cuz the apartment was kind of modern, it was a mixture between nature and industrial stuff.
I was excited but scared at the same time, cuz I have Aquaphobia and the apartment seemed to be floating on a massive lake, I’m afraid there are big creatures living under the water :rofl:
Besides the energy this NFT infuses us with, it’s interesting that it actually provides a window sneak into Agartha it felt so real :exploding_head:


What a Beautiful Creation! Congratulations! Thank You Captain for yet another Treasure!


Congratz!!! I have been always fascinated by inner earth and Admiral Byrds stories. How exactly do you obtain this NFT?


I definitely have a lot to explore with this one! A fascinating one for sure! The world there seems to be so joyous and so kind :) but also millenniums ahead :))

You can check the NFT buying/selling thread, I think there is already one linked to this thread right under the description!


I’ve been guided to this lately, and why do I feel that it actually looks just like the NFT down there? Even the house :rofl:

Does anybody feel the same?
Also, it seems cold or at least cool here, I always have to put my jacket on while using this at work =)))
This must be a perfect fit for anyone living in hot areas, if you do please share your thoughts.

The other day I was tired and kept yawning like crazy, I turned this on and the amount of energy this exudes was incredible, it’s not forceful but just right inside you, I noticed that I stopped yawning immediately and the rest of the day went smoothly.
The energy was very practical and “humanish”, something that feels native to the body.


I was lucky enough to trade for this Beauty when it first dropped!
I can also feel the coolness of the air, but also the air is super Fresh, like the smell of pure Oxygen/Ozone! Fresh smells of soils and plants, too!

Just beginning with this one :sparkling_heart:


After receiving the nft, I have felt a release of my energetic system, I have become sensitive because of releasing emotions automatically. Memories have come back to me that have been processed and I guess released in some way. I keep a constant vibration, until I feel like I am walking on air. More love and ability to forgive people is flowing. In my home now we openly tell each other how much we love each other and there is harmony throughout the house.

Those are some observations to say about this beautiful NFT. In time I will become aware of others


For me, I’ve noticed this really pairs well with Pegasus :) and also what a nice testimony thanks for sharing ^
In my experience this one really helps me recieve fresh oxygen; it purifies the air Like negative ion generator, but much more intensely for me; I always feel less down when I see this. It’s very peaceful and serene and makes me think of the quote from the movie Don’t Look Up:
“if we think about, we really had it all, didn’t we”
Lots of gratitude. And love. I might not ever get to visit Agartha in real life, but this is incredibly cool.


In the video they also mention the crazy discovery about earth’s huge inner hidden water reservoir:

…which is then even more fuel for the mystery I mentioned here:

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