The Womanly Woman


I have this field for 3 months and I’ve been using regularly. The effects are superb and I feel calmer and more centered that I ever been. I can testify that for sure. It increases our receptiveness to life itself (its a thing that many times we tend to suppress due to inner imbalances and external factors) and regarding your doubts I can say I also naturally have those yang qualities very developed in my personality and it doesn’t change that. It creates a different foundation for them.

Believe me, you can! :grinning:

Best of luck with your results !!


@Star Thank you so much for this reassuring anwser :heart:

I think I will buy it within 1 week and will post about my results in a few months:slightly_smiling_face:

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@Dr_Manhattan Can I use this field while being on Birth control? My gyno prescribed it to me for pcos but I’m worried about the infertility issues that causes taking the pill. Would the field interfere with the efficacy of the pill to lower my androgens/ preventing pregnancy? I’m also afraid to get off this field and switching to birth control causing hormonal problems.

Yes, it boosts fertility

That’s unlikely to be an issue besides the usual side effects of birth control.


@Dr_Manhattan Thanks for replying. So would you recommend not using both at the same time?

And just in case too since I’m listening to the Endocriner do you think it’ll affect the efficacy of the pill? I don’t know if that field will try to regulate my hormones and hinder it somehow, because I want the anti androgen effects from birth control. :(

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Replying late here

It’s likely a bad idea, how much ? I’m not sure.
It might not be horrible but it would at least influence the efficacy of the Womanly Woman negatively. Androgens do the opposite.

Also in the long term, Womanly Woman is making one more fertile.

If you could safely afford a bit of time off the pill that would be best.


Hello @Dr_Manhattan,

My skin is glowing since using this field.

I’m thinking about using the estrogen boost during my periods, can you confirm if we should avoid any kind of hormones during periods or was it only about the specific combination of the womanly woman?



Could this field help with reducing/eliminating myomas or is there any other fleld that can possibly help with that?

A quick question for the ladies, one of my colleagues is going through tough time and has ovarian cyst and is not able to conceive and I wish to help her, does this along with the female reproduction rejuvenation help her?


Yes I believe so.

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Maybe it’s better to ask Philipp directly

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Thank you @Star @Mecha

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Does this do anything for bone density? Just wondering if I should add something else to my health stack.

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The thing is, in the pill the pill “takes over” your hormones inatead of the natural production.
So taking the hormones will overpower what your system is doing, thats why it works.

I think it makes more sense to use this field once youre off the pill and maybe use plasma type fields and endocrine fields to protect yourself in general.
The pill sucks , i hope you will not experience side effects :)

Not in that sense imo… btw testosterone is necessary to make esteogen so it will not lower your testosterone generaton per se :D


Yes, there is a lot of research on this topic. And postmenopausal osteoporosis is generally the most common bone pathology in women

I’m asking if it’s in the field?

Yes because the loss of bone density is caused by declining hormones, so this field helps with all symptoms related to declining or unbalanced hormones.


Oh, okay I understand thanks for the reply. I’m going to keep listening to the endocriner and plasma flaunt (when I’m able to get it). I also did not want to get on the pill, but I tried almost everything to fix my androgen over production, almost every kind of related field, adrenals, kidney, insulin, detox, even my hormone levels are fine. But I can’t stand the symptoms of high androgens, it makes me very insecure. I think the pill is the only solution for me right now. Mostly because I’ll be seeing my long distance partner soon

Thanks @MonkeyOwl I have been listening to the WW for a few weeks now and for those who wondered it has not modified the core of my personality at all.

My first impressions:

  • I feel calmer;
  • My skin is glowing : I stopped using the plasma glass skin;
  • It might be more of an internal feeling than an actual change but I feel like I move a bit slowly during my interactions;
  • I’m extremely sensitive to masculine energy : It seems to enhance natural traits and tendencies

It ihas not been long enough for me to review it significantly, I will be back in a few months.


I forgot to mention the complete suppression of symptoms before my periods : no mood swings, no depressive state for 10 long days, no cramps, no bloating. Periods just happened.


I agree, I see significant results using it once a day (skin glowing and suppression of mood swing before periods)

I wonder if it is enough regarding fertility preservation tough.