The Womanly Woman

Hey! Yeah, after a long time been active here. :slight_smile:


Can this field also lighten the intimate areas ?

Okay, just bought the womanly woman 🫣😄
Couldn’t resist and I’m very curious

How often can I listen?

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Don’t spam it, better start slow and see how you feel and how it adapts to your cycle.
I personally don‘t listen daily, just a couple times
a week.


Oh okay thank you, I’m usually a spammer :sweat_smile:

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This field produces hormones, so it‘s better not to spam to avoid a sudden increase in hormones. That could throw you out of balance. I‘m sure it also has protection, but still, take it slow. If you notice you feel great with a couple times a week, you can test listening 1-3 times daily and see how you feel then. Don’t forget to pause the field during your period :blush:
For me it helped me find a new balance of my cycle, also I experience milder period symptoms, and also a shortened amount of days of my period. Win win!


I’m in perimenopause and would love to balance my hormones and get my energy back.

But I’m also very interested in the beauty part which makes me inclined to listen more.

But I’ll take it slow

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I just wanted to update. I have now listened to this for a full cycle. Oh my, this has done miracles. Before this I was having a really fucked up time with my hormones. I’m technically in the peri-menopause stage (I’m 41) and was feeling nothing less than suicidal for about ten days to two weeks every cycle. This has just gone. I’ve been listening to this every day as part of the following playlist

Point of no return X3
Blueprint of Life X3
Trauma healing X3
Womanly woman X3
Kidney and adrenal healing X3
Plasma flaunt X3

I listen to this twice a day morning and evening and have been super consistent. This has totally changed my life, in only one cycle. I feel so much excitement and this is only cycle 1. I did add the adrenal field because there is not much point in stimulating hormones to be produced if the organ that produces them is not functioning optimally. I will be continuing with this field list for the next year to guage results on a cycle by cycle basis. I can highly recommend this to anyone who is dealing with hormone fluctuations due to peri-menopause. Much love.


So happy for you :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


As am I :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@anon47196645 and @Rosechalice , thank you my loves.


Im confused: do we wait until we are in menopause (no longer having periods) to use this, or do they simply mean “do not use during your period”?

Just don’t use it during your period.


Just not during your periods


The morphic field called “The Womanly Woman” seems to have garnered a variety of responses and experiences from users. Here are the common benefits and remarks from the reviews provided:

Common Benefits:

  1. Hormonal Balance: Users have reported significant improvements in hormonal balance, particularly during peri-menopause. Symptoms like mood swings, hot flashes, and hormonal fluctuations seem to have been alleviated.
  2. Menstrual Relief: Many users experienced relief from menstrual symptoms such as cramps, bloating, and mood swings. Some noted lighter and shorter periods.
  3. Emotional Well-being: The field appears to have a positive impact on emotional well-being, reducing anxiety, negative emotions, and improving overall mood stability.
  4. Physical Effects: Users have reported changes in physical appearance, such as smoother skin, fuller breasts, and a more harmonious body shape.
  5. Libido Enhancement: Some users noticed an increase in libido and sexual satisfaction.
  6. Fertility Support: The field is said to optimize follicle development and ovarian health, potentially enhancing fertility for those seeking motherhood.
  7. Self-acceptance: Many users described feeling more beautiful, confident, and accepting of themselves after using the field.
  8. Improved Skin Texture: Many users noted improvements in skin texture, describing it as smoother and more youthful. Some reported a reduction in skin imperfections like acne or rough patches.
  9. Youthful Glow: Several users mentioned experiencing a radiant glow in their skin after using the field. This effect contributed to a more youthful and vibrant appearance.
  10. Elasticity Enhancement: The field appeared to enhance skin elasticity for some users, resulting in firmer and more supple skin.
  11. Reduction in Blemishes: Users reported a decrease in the occurrence of blemishes such as pimples or acne. This improvement contributed to clearer and healthier-looking skin.
  12. Cellulite Reduction: A few users mentioned a reduction in cellulite, particularly in areas like the thighs and buttocks. This effect contributed to smoother and more toned skin texture.
  13. Overall Skin Rejuvenation: The field seemed to promote overall skin rejuvenation, leading to a revitalized and refreshed appearance. This included improvements in skin tone and complexion.

Common Remarks:

  1. Usage Recommendations: Users advised starting slowly with the field and gradually increasing usage to avoid overwhelming the body with sudden hormonal changes.
  2. Personalization: Some users suggested adjusting the usage frequency based on individual needs and responses to the field.
  3. Potential Interactions: Concerns were raised about potential interactions with other fields, hormone replacement therapy, or medical conditions. Users were advised to consult with healthcare professionals if uncertain.
  4. Safety Concerns: There were questions about the safety of the field, especially for those with specific medical conditions or family histories. Users were encouraged to research and make informed decisions.
  5. Body Image: Some users expressed concerns about potential changes in body appearance or size, highlighting the importance of self-acceptance and understanding personal preferences.
  6. Cautions for Specific Situations: Users advised caution for individuals with certain conditions like cancer or those undergoing specific treatments, recommending consultation with healthcare professionals.
  7. Potential Side Effects: While many users reported positive experiences, some raised concerns about potential side effects or unexpected changes, emphasizing the need for careful monitoring and adjustment of usage.

Precautions regarding the use of “The Womanly Woman” morphic field:

  1. Pregnancy and Menstruation: It’s advised not to use the field during pregnancy or menstruation. Users are recommended to use it after these periods instead.
  2. Medical Conditions: Users with certain medical conditions, such as cancer or specific hormonal imbalances, may need to exercise caution when using the field. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advised, especially if there are concerns about potential interactions or effects.
  3. Family History: Individuals with a family history of certain conditions, such as estrogen-related issues, may need to be cautious when using the field. Understanding one’s medical history and potential risks is important.
  4. Potential Interactions: Users are advised to be aware of potential interactions with other treatments or therapies they may be undergoing. If using hormone replacement therapy or other hormone-related treatments, consultation with a healthcare provider is recommended to ensure safety.
  5. Individual Sensitivity: Some individuals may be more sensitive to the effects of the field, particularly if they have underlying health conditions or are undergoing specific treatments. Monitoring for any adverse reactions and adjusting usage accordingly is important.
  6. Unwanted Changes: There may be concerns about potential unwanted changes in body appearance or function. Users should consider their personal preferences and concerns before using the field and be prepared to adjust usage if necessary.

Note: The reviews are anecdotical. Experiences may vary from person to person.


Thank you very muchfor this field :heart:

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Thank you all for the precious reviews previously posted.

I wondered if the Womanly Woman significantly impacted testosterone levels and / or personality traits?

I’ve been described as feminine with solid masculine traits (enough to surprise most people), I’m very assertive, direct and goal oriented.

I love these personality traits and already feel way calmer since I listen to the Eternal and Plasma Flaunt.

I’m currently starting a new business / multiple projects. Do any of you or @Dr_Manhattan know if this field might affect my personality traits and if there is another field I could listen to in order to balance it?

I know I can hardly have the best of both worlds but I will try as the field seems amazing :pray:

Thank you.




I have this field for 3 months and I’ve been using regularly. The effects are superb and I feel calmer and more centered that I ever been. I can testify that for sure. It increases our receptiveness to life itself (its a thing that many times we tend to suppress due to inner imbalances and external factors) and regarding your doubts I can say I also naturally have those yang qualities very developed in my personality and it doesn’t change that. It creates a different foundation for them.

Believe me, you can! :grinning:

Best of luck with your results !!


@Star Thank you so much for this reassuring anwser :heart:

I think I will buy it within 1 week and will post about my results in a few months:slightly_smiling_face:

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@Dr_Manhattan Can I use this field while being on Birth control? My gyno prescribed it to me for pcos but I’m worried about the infertility issues that causes taking the pill. Would the field interfere with the efficacy of the pill to lower my androgens/ preventing pregnancy? I’m also afraid to get off this field and switching to birth control causing hormonal problems.