Thread for Gamers

@Psimindset its a sign. :see_no_evil:

Its like japan day today lol

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Fortnite new update :heart_eyes:


Can’t wait, I’m a big fan of MGS. Snake Eater and the first game were my favourites, MGS 4 was still decent since it concluded the trilogy. Although Phantom Pain to me just felt like a spin-off and the narrative didn’t have me engaged whilst playing it like the old ones.

Which one do you prefer best?

Also why would they remake SE before making the first game because I ain’t seen a trailer for that yet?

I remember when I use to love sneaking up on the soldier’s/guards whilst hiding in my :package:… then I’d just pop out of nowhere and ambush him :laughing:


I never played beyond Snake Eater interestingly…

I remember Metal Gear Solid was one of our first PlayStation games. I watched my brother play. At that time I didn’t understand the story. Replaying it later helped.

Snake Eater … Yeah I remember I had a friend of mine tell me how to install a mod chip lol. Then I was able to play a Snake Eater copy.

The game was out of this world imo. Yes, a bit extreme in the story telling. Like the intro takes I think one hour until you actually start playing. And of course it wasn’t entirely realistic.

But it was this merge of immersing yourself into this world, applying different camouflage depending on wherever you were in the world. Devising strategies on how to subdue enemies or avoid them altogether.

The different boss battles were marvelous as well. That incredible sniper battle with The End lol.

“Heeeear me, Snake!”

An astonishing game truly.

I loved throwing poisonous snakes at them haha.

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Does anyone here use Nintendo Switch?

If so do your switch have problem with the joycon drifting?

The first MGS had some really interesting characters too but the narrative was just as good as the prequel also.

I’m surprised they’re not remaking the first game, it’s probably because the first one doesn’t have as much of a fan base compared to Snake Eater. MGS1 is really old (PS1) and that deserves more of a remake than the prequel because Snake Eater today on PC is still playable (especially with mods) unlike MGS1 which is completely outdated.

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I really loved the first MGS as well…

  • Mashing the button when being tortured lol
  • Battling the hind helicopter on the roof
  • cheating psycho mantis by putting the controller into the other port so he cant anticipate your moves
  • or fighting the huge shaman vulcan raven with a minigun lol

That and the storyline is quite meaningful

What did you think of MGS 2?

How can you play it? With an PS2 emulator?

Anyone played Morrowind?


This was last TES game I played excluding ESO which I’m still playing.
The setting is amazing and I love how much freedom game gives you, ie glitching alchemy or making main quests impossible. And how saving and loading mechanic has an in-game explaination.
My fav TES game so far is Oblivion though, quests design is really good.
Remember the Dark Brotherhood quest where you got to eliminate guests one by one?
Amazing how they written their reactions and make them suspicious towards each other


I have finished DS1, DS3, Elden Ring(few times) and played Bloodborne but Dark Souls 2 is such a pain in the ass. Is it the hardest souls game?


Actually easiest for me, keyboard only is really smooth to play. What do you find hard in particular? It has better camera positioning than DS1. Maybe only the DLCs with cities and crowns are somewhat goofy.

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I dont know, Im only at the beginning of the game and I already died so many times which didnt happen with previous souls games I played. But the other ones i played on pc and adjusted controls for my liking, DS2 I play on PS4 and I can change controls so maybe that have something to do with it :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, DS2 is PC friendly more than console.

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I’m taking a break from gaming for the most part. Only one I’m doing is Beat Saber on my brother’s VR device, and that’s for fitness.

Got Morrowind on a Steam sale. Good Game. It’s better than Oblivion, but it’s not as good as Skyrim.


Has anyone played Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines? I loved that game! But it had so many bugs. Was never able to complete it.
I‘ve been waiting for the release of Bloodlines 2. Ahhhhh, it‘s taking forever.

Probably the best mobile game ever. It’s now on switch and I dunno if anywhere else. Free too. It’s very charming. Been a while since I played it and I deleted it cause it turned into an addiction xD