Thread for Gamers

I don’t use fields for gaming, but tDCS could help you. But it’s not a settled issue yet. Experiment with it:


Good suggestion. Gonna experiment with it later :grin:

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yes with a lot of fields i feel like this community is in our infancy and the more we share about our experiences, the more fine tuned we will all have in regards to a better understanding of the fields and their effects collectively.

i experiment on this as well because a better overall connection with our body naturally increases response times and information processing.


You play CS:GO?

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Yeah man. Used to be Supreme back in 2015. :smile:

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Uh… I deleted it recently… not worth the time… :smiley:

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Yeah you are right. But it’s one of those things where I can actually practise my awareness to a certain extent. I like the competetive aspect I guess.

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Good times…Good times…

There’s a HD remake/remaster btw.


Does anyone play Paladins?

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Just reading Paladins bring back my memory in playing C&C Generals Zero Hour. I remember editing INI File of Paladin Tank and make an over powered unit :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


If anyone have PS4.

will probably buy this game when i get better pc

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Oh man… nostalgia for these times🙁
nostalgia hit hard

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Gotta love the targeted ad :slight_smile:


not really mad at them but man, all these people that go bat shit on cdpr smh


I play Dota2. So if anyone is playing that game, it would be fun to team up. Although im only low rank (crusader). I played DotA (first version) since 2007 till 2011. Stopped then resumed with Dota2 in 2016. I probably spent more than 2000hrs on this game. Haha

Au server btw :nerd_face:

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New MMORPG so far so good,
smooth development,
of course I tried to used AAA assets but… I aint that good. (still though, as much as I mess up,
MMO means you all can play together and interact and that’s pretty cool)
But we should have pc versions for steam and GOG .

Anyways anybody beta the new Baldur’s Gate 3 ?


I volunteer as tribute!

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My favorite game ever was Uncharted 2

But I used to play many games like league of legends, wow, eso, fifa. But I stopped because I get bored going 1 hour+ playing.

But waiting for Wild Rift on the mobile

Love the Witcher 3, RDR 2 and God of War.

So far, I keep coming back to AC Origins and Odyssey. I love history and this is probably the closest I would ever get to interacting and seeing how the ancients used to live at the time.

Entering and climbing the Pyramids is such a treat, and being able to wander around Thebes, Memphis and Alexandria, swim in the nile, ride a camel across the desert is fantastic. Not to mention the way their temples supposed to look, and to see how Karnak may have looked like is right up my alley.

With Odyssey, seeing both ancient Athens and Sparta at the height of the Peloponnesian war, riding a horse across the land to go up to Delphi, or perhaps sailing across the Aegean to visit Crete, or enjoy the azure waters of Mykonos is quite the gaming experience.

I find gaming therapeutic and relaxing, and these titles are topnotch for me.