I came across this field on the enlightenedstates.com marketplace.
I am mind-blown by the description. I was wondering if anyone used this. A heads-up; I am not sure if I understood what it does correctly. Maybe it does something different from what I understood.
The description sounds unrealistic to me. Not in the terms that something like that is not possible in this reality but that it is available to the public and at that low price.
Such power, if this field does what it’s description says can have numerous applications on numerous and sometimes very important occasions. And I am considering that I might not understood the description correctly.
This field will create a bubble with time passing faster or slower inside it, based on your desire.
Just say ”Activate” or just intend to activate the field while holding or interacting with the field’s image, then state the radius of the bubble followed by how faster or slower you want the time inside it.
The intention is what matters here, so the radius can be spoken in any metric system. Similarly, time can be slowed by 2 times or 500%, both will work. For example, ”10 meters, 2 times slower”, ”40 feet, 45% faster”, etc.
If I understand it correctly an example would be, its 5am you only have 2 hours to sleep as you need to wake up at 7am but need 8 hours of sleep to rest. You just say “activate” and then state “4 meters, 4 times slower”, sleep for 2 hours but as you are in the bubble 8 hours passed for you and your alarm clock goes off at 7am and you are restful.
There are so many other examples which include other factors and maybe are complicate to consider… like you play a timed chess game online or taking an exam or being in the house at a separate room from others and only have 30 minutes to finish a work of 3 hours.
But lets stick to the first, simplified example of sleep. Am I understanding this correctly? Is this what this field can do?
Also did anyone use this already and has some feedback/review to share?