Aphrodite (NFT) Testimonials

1 Just to confirm: there is no audio, is there? (It says ‘single music’ on the website which… ahem… I thought it was)

2 Could you guys please advise me on where/how to start? :slight_smile:
(someone mentioned introducing themselves)
2a If I put it on the wall behind my laptop (where I spend most of my day) would be it good?
2b If I stick the image on a magnetic board and/or print it as a magnetic photo, would it be fine?
2c If until I print it, I connect with it (‘meditational gazing’ + touch is the only way I know how) – would this connection stay open / field work only while the image is on my open-display phone?

3 How long do you guys spend ‘connecting’/meditating with it?

Sorry if I’m hijacking… only recently discovered and started working with mandalas* and I’ve been experimenting – and preparing my ‘altar’ (wall board) for them for the past days :slight_smile:

*The Mental Mandala, The Ultimate Cleanser of Elements, Time Bubble