Aphrodite (NFT) Testimonials

@donut, wtf? :slight_smile: *
I spent the past 1/2 hour, after finding that you’re selling The Silent Mind in the NFT thread, wondering whether I should contact you (and the better part of the day pondering on whether I should get it).
I looked you up and such, but then I thought you might not reply in time, or not have it anymore, and I might miss the sale** ;))

I had literally just created my Phantom wallet when I saw this post :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

*meaning, what a nice surprise :slight_smile:
**for which, thank you @Captain_Nemo!


Aphrodite is not just a Goddess of Love and Pleasure for women, she also bestows her gifts on men who she adores!

I have heard it said that if a man is in a relationship, she will intensify the love and sexual pleasure between the two lovers! :revolving_hearts:

I have also heard it said that if a man were single and wishing for the company of another, she will make him more desirable and open him to the possibilities and excitement that a new love interest can offer! :sparkling_heart:


Got this one, the art work is so goooodddd :slight_smile: got lost in her eyes :ok_hand: :ok_hand:
Captain In all your nfts, the eyes are sooo lively and they kind of talk telepathically.
so expressive and mesmerizing…and of course the fields in it and the easy to connect.


Panther is outstanding !!



and many…


Many many thanks :pray:

I´m totally in love with this Aphrodite

She´s astonishingly beautiful :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


I’m feeling this exalted bliss/love at my heart :heart:
Quite intense divine love :star_struck::two_hearts:
Wow wowwww it isn’t stopping, feeling this after a long time as I type … Something like amplified heart coherence + deep divine love
Love Aphrodite!:heart::heart::heart:
Thanks captain :mortar_board:


1 Just to confirm: there is no audio, is there? (It says ‘single music’ on the website which… ahem… I thought it was)

2 Could you guys please advise me on where/how to start? :slight_smile:
(someone mentioned introducing themselves)
2a If I put it on the wall behind my laptop (where I spend most of my day) would be it good?
2b If I stick the image on a magnetic board and/or print it as a magnetic photo, would it be fine?
2c If until I print it, I connect with it (‘meditational gazing’ + touch is the only way I know how) – would this connection stay open / field work only while the image is on my open-display phone?

3 How long do you guys spend ‘connecting’/meditating with it?

Sorry if I’m hijacking… only recently discovered and started working with mandalas* and I’ve been experimenting – and preparing my ‘altar’ (wall board) for them for the past days :slight_smile:

*The Mental Mandala, The Ultimate Cleanser of Elements, Time Bubble

  1. Just picture with this NFT
  2. LunaMoon™ Tips
    Blessings Of Aphrodite - #14 by anon46520955
  3. As you wish

Just got this.

Thank you once again Captain.


The eyes chico…


Thank you!





Work your magic when you can, would love to see the copies left available for this exquisite artwork.

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62 copies…


I’m so confused about this, I read everything but it’s still confusing, what does it’s supposed to do ? Self love ? Confidence ? Healthier relationship/friendship ? Being more playful and charming ? Does it affect physical beauty ? Do we know at 100% it works for men ?


server error. i managed to buy one…cannot claim it.

It works for everyone
Idk whats going on but it works for ALL humans. Whether you are orange or blue, male or female -
It works lol.

When he doesnt write anything its for a reason omg lol
Consider it the biggest gift when he doesnt
It means its profound lol
But also self explanatory (i say that with all due respect of course)
Use the Black Tara thread for reference.
There was no description other than stating who she was. Same goes for this :)


all good

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I see lol, I’m blue by the way, I wanted to know how it works before thinking of buying this lol. I’m new in the forum so I’m not supposed to know omg, I’m not in his head lol, that’s why I asked.

Thanks, for enlightening me this nicely lol.

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Many thanks, I have an idea of what it does and doesn’t now ! :wink:

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