Toilet problems

I don’t go really often to the toilet (sorry for my language) to take a dump, mostly every 2 days.
But in last time it became sometimes painful (I had to go to toilet 3 times in 1 hour and now walking is problematic). Sapien made a field “the brown noice of celebration”, does this help for these problems. So that I go more often to the toilet or to have more rarely painful?

I am sorry that I speak about this topic because maybe some of you will find It disgusting, what I can understand.


Yes the brown noise field was created for that purpose, and acts by directing brown noise to the intestine. Also previously there was New release - The Intestinal Cleanser

Check out this thread too

Anyone interested in the world of natural healing (a lot of us here in the forum) would not at all be shy of discussing digestive issues - it comes with having a body, yes? Most physical problems have been covered by fields in this forum, so don’t feel that there is anything you can’t ask about. Please keep us posted. :slight_smile:


Thank you very much for your answer 🫶🏽.

I wanted to ask if I should use the brown noise field whenever I want or is there a specific time for it

Remember to read the thread :slight_smile:

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Alright I will do it right now :blush:

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Are you healthy? I’m sorry for asking that just out of curiosity and by healthy I don’t mean like sickness I mean like healthy by being active and eating a well regular diet. I used to have bad digestive issues I was always able to go to the bathroom but I used to get really painful stomach pains after I would eat and it would feel like somebody would be stabbing me. I used to be unhealthy at that time like I had a terrible diet wasn’t that active or anything and was pretty heavy lol. I honestly thought I was getting some sort of stomach disease or something till one day got more active and started to eat better and I don’t have those issues anymore. Another question is it like you can’t go because it’s hard and gets stuck because of that? If that’s the case I would recommend also finding a natural herb or something that will help soften it up. I would also definitely try out the fields those might be all you need but I do believe in natural things to heal with and I would recommend doing some research on it and possibly combining it with the fields possibly. I hope you can find a solution to this problem. I would also recommend saying this to help the pain. First focus your energy build it up. Then visualize a white light and imagine it being able to heal you. Say this at least 3 times or more (usually for me takes 3-6 times I say it till I start to feel it changing if that makes sense I don’t really know how to explain it lol) Then say “a touch of rock a bruise right there, vanish scars, blemishes everywhere”. When you say the word “there” put your hand on the spot that hurts and I usually rub and wave my hand on it. This usually works for me within minutes I have even done it on my partner for teeth pain and stomach pain and worked for them as well. I hope I was able to give you some help with your problem. Keep us updated and stay blessed :relaxed:

Yes, I am. I normally do sport 4/5 times per week and eat at least not dirty. I eat vegetables, fish, Chicken and rarely fast food.

[quote=“SpiritualJunky, post:6, topic:71063”]
can’t go because it’s hard and gets stuck because of that
[/quote today it was like this: I took a dump but a bad one and after that it feels like I can’t really walk bc my muscle is sore or I need to Poob more even though I can’t.

So I should visualize a white light healing my body and affirming myself the quote while rubbing the part that usually hurts, right?

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As a stop-gap measure you can also do a coffee enema (buy a water bottle with enema attachment). It isn’t a permanent fix but it is a way to get the toxins out and relieve your pressure symptoms. If you are unfamiliar, here is some info to get you started.

I could be wrong I’m currently trying to switch myself but I recommend staying away from meats. I’m not sure if all meat is bad but I would recommend a life force energy diet is what they call it I believe. It’s where you just eat natural things nothing with none of that bio engineered food or anything. It’s really good that you rarely eat fast food stay away from that stuff no matter what trust me and all the processed foods too. I recommend only drinking natural spring water as well. A lot of this water has fluoride and other chemicals in it that can harm us same as the food especially the food like the meats and processed stuff. Pretty much everything you see in every store has fake products and yes I mean fake nothing but fake engineered foods. I would try to stick to organic as well since they don’t get sprayed with any pesticides or anything. A lot of these vegetables and stuff are sprayed with pesticides and other things that are harmful that’s why so many people getting cancer nowadays I mean it ask around just about everybody you ask knows at least 1 person or knew 1 person with cancer. We even have parasites in us because of the food we eat.

Yes but only when you say the word “there” the person that taught me was strict about that part I don’t know if it matters but I always just rubbed it for a second while saying the word “there” then stop and repeat. If I may be honest it probably doesn’t matter when you start to rub its mainly just intentions but I just stick to it that way just in case lol

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I would also recommend maybe creating a destroyable sigil or maybe a permanent one. I prefer destroyable in my opinion but depends on what your trying to do. For pain I would do either or if you feel like you will need it often make a permanent one and keep it safe don’t lose it. If you can’t really draw the energy out of it well then a destroyable one would be better as I feel like a destroyable sends it out into the universe no matter what as long as your intentions are set right and you use enough energy and visualization while destroying it. It doesn’t matter how you destroy it for me I like to use a white candle (also depends on what I’m doing but white works really well for many things) light the candle and stare into your sigil work your energy up and say the name you named it then “activate” after and visualize it starting to glow or whatever you feel is best for you that would in your intentions activate it if that makes sense. Then stick the sigil safely of course into the candle lighting it on fire (I usually hold it while it burns but be very careful please lol you don’t have to hold it I just do I feel like it’s better for me that way) and as it’s burning visualize the smoke going into the air making your sigil work and say as it’s burning something like “let my desires be heard” or whatever you feel like you should say. Keep it to your own funk remember this is your sigil your creating you can do as you wish with it it’s all about intentions! After I burn the sigil I’ll usually stare into the candle while saying something like “allow this candle to help send my desires into the universe” and I’ll usually say it while lighting the candle as well. Try to be vocal with it and be very descriptive and never put negativity in your sigil as the negatives will most likely make the sigil not work and remember to believe that it will work no doubts whatsoever. Just a slight doubt will make it not work remember that. Oh and always remember forget about the sigil afterwards. Forget the name of it, forget you made it, forget you burned it, forgot everything about it as sigils will hit your subconscious and you don’t want your conscious getting into the way. You can also just carve your sigil into a candle and just use the candle to activate the sigil whenever you need it to work that works as well and that could possibly be a better route if it’s for pain or anything like that since you can reuse it you don’t need to burn the whole candle. I also recommend using a quick burn candle I need to get some of them. When using a destroyable sigil I’ve heard quick burn candles can be better and you leave them burn after activation until it goes out itself. I don’t do that yet since I only have regular candles at the moment but either work. Also make sure you subconscious isn’t blocked or it definitely won’t work either not any sigil will work if your subconscious is blocked in my opinion it will be rare. If you need help making a sigil I could help explain it to you there’s so many different ways to make them. I don’t know the exact name but I do the ones where you cross out vowels and repeating letters I feel that’s best for me. You can also destroy the sigil any way you’d like. For example you could rip it into pieces then bury it into the ground or whatever you’d like. Remember it’s your sigil there are no laws unless you create them there are no secrets unless you make them as long as your intentions are straight and you have nothing blocking you it will work trust me. There are also many books you can read on this as well. If you have any questions or need help just let me know I’m always trying to help people in this stuff as nobody ever really asks for my help personally since nobody around me believes in this stuff lmao

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Drink enough water, reduce drinking coffee, eat a couple of kiwi each day.

I never drank coffee or a energy drink

Quick update:

I listened 3 times the brown noise field on that day and since then everything is fine!

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Awesome, Miles! Glad to hear it. :slight_smile:

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