Transcendental Moments

A place to record moments when something about reality unlocked for you and that may offer tips, clues and insights for others

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I knew the zen story about the flag and the wind. Is the flag moving in the wind? Is the wind moving the flag? It’s your mind that’s moving, and the whole inquiry is also so much wasted effort.

Outside my balcony window is a sea of maple trees and their leaves are very close. The wind came and everything just moved like waves. And for a moment, it was just a perfect experience.

I think what made it work was that my entire field of vision was filled with maple leaves and then something happened to the entire field that introduced motion into a previously static environment. I really couldn’t see the leaves as objects.

I think I switched timelines 2 days ago while sleeping and looping Cosmic Intercession.


That’s a very useful tip for people. Thanks

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Can you share with us what changed? I always found switching timelines fascinating

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I was looping Cosmic Intercession.

While falling asleep I asked all the available beings for help with certain things.

I then had a very vivid dream, in which, in a symbolic representation, I was in a place/reality where everything I’ve had asked for was already fulfilled.

The dream was quite long and I had the impression that I’ve slept for at least 4 hours.

When I woke up, feeling quite rested, only 1 hour on the physical clock has passed.

And I felt like I woke up into a different version of my reality.

Like, everything optically still being the same, but with an inner knowing that it was a different version of the chain of events of my life.

I am super excited and grateful.


@JAAJ So the different version of your reality that you felt … has it really changed for you ? The events and the consequences… is it now your desired reality in regards to whatever you asked help for?

I am doing different things and working on and with different stuff.
Most of my results and changes I will never share here.
My reality changes and switches every few days.
It is a gradual process.
And a lot of it is one’s personal perception.
Since the world around us manifests as we perceive it to be.
All I can say is that I yet barely have scratched the surface of what is indeed possible.

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I am not really asking you to share the details of what changed in your reality. I was just interested in knowing the extend of impact of this field… you felt at that moment like your reality changed vs your reality did indeed change to match with your desires for which you played this field.
I was just curious to know the effects of cosmic intercession… that’s all :slightly_smiling_face:

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The effects of this field are similar to the alien NFTs and various alien fields, potentially unlimited. And what you personally will get out of it depends on what you ask for and what particular Beings are going to show up to help you with your requests.

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Do we specifically ask for benevolent beings or beings of light or divine beings or things like that?
How does everyone invoke through this field?

The field only attracts positive beings.
The levels of power between various beings will vary greatly.

For invocation, I simply state the intent in my mind of what I need help with and/or visualize the requested end result. And always show your gratitude :slight_smile: