Transverse Myelitis

Any audio that can help with Transverse Myelitis. I have been trying many fields Plasma Flaunt, Blueprint of life, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, Cosmo Volt… But so far nothing that helps me too much. Any suggestions?


Did you try these?


From what Ive researched, this is a condition caused by spinal inflammation right? Is it degenerative or more autoimmune like rheumatoid?

No idea I had to look up what it is.

@creative90 you can also try this - Plasmafied Near Infrared Bones - New Release - Sapien Medicine (

there is a sale going on so just grab it.

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Do you think smart stem cells might help with this? I was alos thinking regeneration related fields and ones that target inflammation

Yes stem cells help with healing

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Brain and Spine Antioxidant Complex (Inflammation Help)

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