Tuaoi Crystal

@Noesis… updates with the solidifier and thinning hair ?


Nope, not yet lol

It seems to have helped me get access to potential tools, but results are inconclusive… especially since I have jumped back into the minoxidil recently. Hair is a tough thing to fix.


We of course need to drop the belief that hair is hard to fix.
Again did you cancel this goal from the solidifier or is it still working on it ?


I don’t believe one way or the other, I used that term because a year later, I have no definitive changes.

Solidifier has been on the subject for over half a year.

I guess I’ve been made more aware of different layers of the energy/physical body and how to try and directly manipulate them… but no big changes have been made by the hair fields.


Good luck to you and don’t forget to share your success story when you have one in regards to your hair ! All the best


Thanks :pray:


My plan is to make a 2-sided dog tag with the Tuaoi Crystal and Quasi Kinetic Aura! It would be great to wear while listening to the Ascension-Naut & Universal Om. If I can play a playlist of Energy Vortex portals from another device simultaneously… this process will hit deeper. There is something special with the crystals; for sure! It’s a blessing I stumbled upon this thread today. The day I had received this, I had an understanding of how important it would become. But the journey has just begun. Most of what I have is part of my life plan. That is why my sell list is only made up of a few doubles LOL. I can’t wait to see more experiences others achieve with this awesome item!


Another thought I had was to use this in synergy with Arc Brain, Brain Growth work & Power of Numbers. I just added Godlike Fella for an interesting integration. This should be akin to being in a room with Arcturians, Atlantians and Nikola Tesla; with other special guests in attendance. Maybe add in Yggdrasil & the Dragon for added guidance and Negentropy.

One thing that has been interesting is using a Light of the Mages’ wand to access Yggdrasil’s constructs, energies and concepts. You can then aim the wand (under higher dimensional /vibrational guidance) & cast a concept into your reality. This will be an interesting step to accomplish!


Before some years ago I was juicing Green Drink leafy greens + cucumber :cucumber: & celery , adding very little fruit or non.
Started with 1 liter a day, later up to 3 liter a day .

Fresh Nettle was one of main ingredient in the season for nettle.

Well , energy system change after 2 months of drinking I had such low energy vibration and than one morning I woke up with completely different energy .
I felt so fresh , awaken , shiny from inside and out .
My hair, skin and nails was Amazingly strong very much . :dizzy::sparkles::stars:
I started to have big smile on my face 24/7 .

But the most amazing experience while on detox green drink regime was my Heart chakra :green_heart: was healed .
All pain what I had cary inside me was melted away .
Emotions involved around other people where I had unresolved pain all that melted away .
Only stayed love , happiness & strong excitement to Live.
I miss my juicer 🥲 back home .:green_heart::herb::four_leaf_clover::leaves::hibiscus:


Hi. I got this from a forum member who did not have the audio file. Would anyone be able to send it to me. Please. I can prove I own this nft. Thank you so much.

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There’s no audio as far as I know.


Thank you for your response. I thought there was one. I must have been mistaken.


Extremely underrated NFT. There is much to discover and receive with Tuaoi Crystal. One of my favorites to meditate with. :slight_smile: :sparkles:


could you, please, tell your experiences with this nft? I am trying to understand it and understand how i can use it…


indeed :slight_smile:


Can someone please confirm whether these Assemblage Points actually exist?

One almost never hears anything about them.
And I haven’t seen them ever being mentioned in any of the energy body or energy medicine books.

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The female assemblage point is pointing outward to the world, where the male assemblage point is pointing inwards hence why only men are priests in certain cultures and women are not allowed in the inner circle.

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For those using it for energy body and centre purification, repair and growth, would you say soul restoration is good in addition to this?

Want to figure out if I should buy the restoration series or if Tuaoi crystal can cover its effects! Goals are for increased energy sensitivity, receptive and integration for morphic fields/servitors

Thanks :blush:

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Soul restoration series is a must irrespective of getting Tuaoi crystal.
It creates such a great foundation for energy storage and cutting off unnecessary cords.

I haven’t seen or realise much results using tuaoi crystal for an year.


Thanks lucky, good to know how important this is! I assume energy storage and system is also a great foundation towards developing and connecting with energy fields.