Twin Flames

In the beginning, the whole Blueprint of Love project was literally a Twin Flames project. And then, through the months, it extended and evolved into much much more and became Blueprint of Love… :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This happened to me too, I saw FG (fiamme gemelle, in the Italian language) and the more I was surprised by this, the more plates I noticed. Even mine and the initials of what I had identified as the twin flame, same thing with numbers.
Years later, more or less last year, I became aware that it was the Neuro Reticular System, so when you focus on something, it tends to point it out or even to manifest situations; recently it happened and still happens a little, with the car of a work colleague, who for weeks I saw everywhere, almost a persecution.


I had heard of this explanation before if that is what I think. Personally, it didn’t convince me because I have other parallel signs that confirm that it’s something that goes beyond psychology.

The tickle at the level of the crown chakra, the appearances of the mirror hours when during the day you look at your phone and you see one.

Does it bother me to see them regularly? No, on the contrary it makes me happy :blush:.

A few months ago all these signs bothered me and I wanted to run away. Now it’s ok, I let the things of life happen. Nothing happens by chance.

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How did you feel emotionally when you were in this situation ?

As in a swing, you continue ups and downs, from the stars to the stables, if you can say so. But now this is no longer the case, I don’t care about any of this and if I still meet the person I have attributed as TF, admitting that this reality exists, maybe I am also the wrong person. Yes, because at the beginning when I discovered this peculiarity of the TF, I had not yet identified the person; later I accidentally met a person who looked like her mother and at that moment I didn’t even realize he was a double of her mother. In short, from then on, a continuous visualization of her name several times a day, often also her surname, or even details of people who looked like her, including a famous international star, who in recent days was in the headlines of the news international.
All this because of the Neuro Reticular System.

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The important thing is that if you see this information about your twin flame and you’re ok with it, that it doesn’t annoy you or that it doesn’t annoy you, it’s good :relieved::pray:

On the other hand, if it annoys you and puts you in a negative emotional state when you see things that make you think of her, it means that you have to dig and understand the reason so that you can feel good afterwards :relieved: .

If you are open to the spiritual sign, angels and guides, you know that what appears to you in your life is there for you to learn and evolve spiritually :arrow_up::pray::heart:.

No now I’m indifferent, even if she was physically very beautiful

When you were with her was there a special, strong energy? indescribable?

Yes, but only for the short time we were together, after not anymore
…but I could say almost the same of other stories, certainly this was the strongest

Alright. I have one last question for you before I go take a little nap. Did you feel like you had known her for a long time?

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Partly yes, because when I met her she was exactly the kind of woman I had in mind in both physical appearance and character, in short, the woman of dreams. I had met her by chance at the wedding of
a relative of mine, we were both dazzled with our eyes, then I saw her again after a few years, always casually, despite the fact that she was the daughter of a supplier of my father’s company.


Hey there!

I used to adore this concept. Truly believed it.
Every partner I met, I thought was my twin flame (and once I met someone new, I believed my past partner was a false twin flame…an excuse I made for myself.)
But since learning about psychology, I realise it’s actually quite a dangerous term.
The signs of a twin flame are identical to that of a narcissistic/empathic relationship.
I took a lot of time to study these concepts and really, there isn’t much difference.

I believe we have karmic partners etc…who we need to meet for karmic reasons.
But twin flames…truly romantic idea, but I just don’t
think it’s something that’s part of our life mission.

What I gathered from twin flame relationships were - love bombing (damn, this person is so perfect!) Mirroring (wow, this person is exactly the same as me, we are like twins)
Push/pull - Hot & Cold (Chaser/Runner dynamic)
(Edit) - here’s a video about the concept and how it’s seen through the eyes of psychology -

I truly hope you all find wonderful partners who don’t do the whole runner chaser thing. You all deserve the best love you can get from yourself and everyone around.
I could be wrong about my above theory, but it’s something I’ve looked into quite a bit before I came to my conclusion.
I am interested to hear other opinions on the matter though as it will guide me better :slight_smile:

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In my opinion and due to the experience of the last few years, the whole TF argument
is absolute fake.


I fundamentally disagree with everything you wrote here.
It would be too long for me to address everything as it is much more complex than they way you described and from my point of view also works completely differently.
I also listened to the whole video.

Trying to describe the twin flame/soulmate concept from a mainstream psychological point of view is like trying to explain how the economy works by using only emojicons.

[Ranting Mode: On]

Rant will only be applied to the video.
Again, this is all my personal opinion.

She (Dr. Ramani) is just another mainstream psychologist with ZERO knowledge about the spiritual realms, esoterics, what happens in the afterlife, how incarnations are planned out and arranged for etc.

What she does in the video is to forcefully press average and common relationship problems into a general school book psychological model and then declare it as the explanation for people’s “twin flame experiences”.

Nothing of what she talks about has to do with actual Twin Flames or Soulmates. Instead, she explains what I mentioned above, that most people believe that “the first person that throws themselves at you must be your twin flame”. But those are all just common relationship patterns, issues and challenges – nothing that indicates one has met your twin flame or soulmate.

The whole topic of twin flames and soulmates is much more multifaceted and complex than mainstream psychology could ever understand. I mean, most of them do not even believe in things like etheric cords and chakras. Some don’t even understand the basics of the subconscious mind and are in the same passenger role as the patients they are trying to treat. Most even believe that their consciousness comes from their physical brain, lol.

This is the problem with mainstream psychology – they are good at explaning basic patterns that happen with humans on the physical plane, but they completely fail to explain anything that goes beyond basic human needs and drives a.k.a. anything that touches any spiritual concept or anything of a higher order. Carl Jung introduced the concept of Synchronicity into psychology almost 100 years ago, yet most psychologist today still have no clue how it works and act as if it would not exists. :roll_eyes:

Almost all mainstream psychologist live in a delusional state, live their lives in the same waking trance as most, believe in theories that make no sense in most cases and think they have an intellectual high ground, while actings like NPCs. That’s why mainstream psychologists only talk and waste time, but almost never actually heal – their patients and themselves.

[Ranting Mode: Off]


I appreciate your reply.

I am yet to meet any true “twin flames.” Sure, there are soul mates and karmic partners, I do believe in that. But the twin flame idea is still a myth to me.

I wouldn’t disagree with psychology, it has helped me tremendously in life and generally looks back to our childhood and the way we are treated, conditioning concepts.
Narcissism (traits and personality disorder) is rampant right now and it seems to be a target for the twin flame market.

Until I meet true twin flames, then I may change my opinion.

You wouldn’t believe how many of my friends have gone to well acclaimed psychics to be told they have met their twin flames, to actually having ended up in extremely toxic situations.
This is all from experience and my own observation.
I just can’t believe the idea because I have no proof of it.

way too big of a talk man, wanna tell us everything about?

if there is nothing there why talk about it? You said above that Captain Nemo made NFTs I saw them about the twinflame connection etc. Why you think he didn’t took the concept from what the world believes is twinflames?

yes but the thing here is that even if I don’t know you with just statistics that came out of nowhere you are no psychologist either. How do you know all that? If you are then excuse me about the comment but undermining a whole medical field with studies etc that back it up even if it’s way behind because you can’t experiment like that with the soul of a human is really ridiculous.

How do you even know that? what? triggered much for someone that is living the dream with his/her twinflame.Or maybe a nightmare because for some reason you have to take all the baggage because you are somehow spiritual and all that? I remember every person even if they don’t know it is spiritual. Don’t know about you maybe I am wrong really, you seem too sure going off like that.

I’ve written a ton about these topics here on the whole forum. Just read it.
And not just my stuff, but the whole forum, as this whole forum is about these topics.

What the world believes does not make something universally true.
Even the video psychologist above explained that most people’s perceptions of the Twin Flame concept is wrong.
Mainstream human beliefs and collective perceptions do change all the time.

And I am also not here to convince you otherwise.
All I can say is that I have done decades of research, experimentation and observation (btw, did you get the Conceptual Realizations field already?).
In the end you have to decide for yourself whom to listen to.

Also, psychology is not really a medical field.
More like a medical fail.
Based on a very narrow world view with inefficient methods, most of mainstream psychology is aimed at circle jerking patient’s problems instead of actually solving them at the core.
As explained in many other posts on this forum, it all starts with the subconscious mind – something that most psychologists are still ignoring today and are afraid to touch in deep – because this would mean that they (the psychologists) would actually need to do their own shadow work and work on their own problems too.

I know several real life psychologists personally – none of them are psychologically healthy. They have the same stereotypical emotional problems but also neither the desire, nor the means to actually work on their own problems (yet alone to actually help their patients).

A 15-year old uploading a simple subliminal to YouTube is probably offering more healing to the world than 50 hours of “therapeutic consultations” by someone who has been reading mainstream psychology books for 6 years at the university.

So how do I evaluate for myself whom to listen to and which “experts” to ignore?

By looking at their results.

“He who heals, is right.”

If someone gets real life results, he/she must be “more right” and effective than someone who does not get results. Very simple. 99% of what mainstream psychology does neither produces any results (healing), nor is able to provide holistic explanational models on how human behavior, perception and motivation works.

Because they are humans and like most humans they are out of their spiritual touch.
They identify themselves solely as material beings in a material world.
And if you live from a materialstic point of view, it is extremely unlikely that you will find proper solutions to the challenges of the soul and consciousness.

To finish off, I am going to quote the text that is written under every video on the Dream Seeds channel, because it fits here perfectly:

"With a world that is primarily governed by materialism and science, it is very difficult for people to fully grasp the concept of spiritual healing. People are too concerned with making themselves the best if not the most affluent. There is a race for time and wealth, and in all aspects of materialism that most of the time they already forget the need to fill in the gaps within their souls.

And with all of the material things and richness that engulf a person, there is still the feeling of dissatisfaction and discontentment for reasons he can vaguely quite point out. It is only on such an event that this person truly realizes his needs for something far beyond the riches or fame; and when he can fully say that he is at peace and truly satisfied with his life.

If you live with a lot of stress, anxiety, and the like, your health and well-being may not be in danger today. But where is it going to take you? Stress is an epidemic that is eroding our quality of life, individually and collectively. All at a time when making a shift into a happier and more loving world is a real option. It’s truly a choice.

With some simple changes mentioned in dream seeds, you can experience transformational shifts in your life, and touch everyone around you in positive ways. You can also be part of a powerful force that can transform the world. It’s a win-win for everyone!"



read the topics about porn, good. Read the stacks, good. Read other things, good. Where is the things about twinflames though?

and the pancreas regeneration is about twinflames too,lol. You get me where I went with this, it is really not in the forum about this thing. The only thing that I want to know from this topic is about twinflames, which believe you you have to do a lot of work, even make my twinflame shout from the outside saying “come out Theofilos you sweet big man, it’s out time now”.

Look I read everything and no a 15 year old doesn’t heal with subs, it really isn’t and the example was a girl that had demonic affirmations I don’t remember her name, and I had bad effects from that it just doesn’t work that way.Want to know your research, want to make it with more knowledge if I can contribute but please don’t continue with all that comming to me with a description that I read 1 thousand times, even more, I think. Which I don’t know where the connection is but ok. If you want me to “count me in” with the research stuff I am down,we both benefit as the description says win-win , I will find a way to know, experiment and expand it if the experiments go right. And no I don’t want void words that go back and forth for an eternity and I don’t learn nothing, having respect for myself and getting something from a debate is the least I can do.

and as of conceptual realizations I was born with it that’s how I learned everything, I didn’t even study for my school all I did in school was to observe the words of my teacher in conjunction with the way they think and how they came to the conclution, why did they learn that the way they did and then I go play some League of Legends while watching streaming and replicate the mindset of good players and why they good how they think how did they learn that, is it from hours of training is it from a whole lifestyle etc.

So i am good with that, with you though? Don’t know anything from my knowledge if you don’t show nothing will happen have fun in this thread if you don’t wish to share knowledge

I don’t remember everything what I wrote where and when, but when you use the search function and search for my posts you will find some…
Here is one example:

What I meant is that the forum is about spiritual topics.

Okay, let’s make it very short and conscise – this is my personal understanding only, not claiming it is the ultimate truth:

“Soulmates” = your other parallel incarnations, very seldom and unlikely that you would be both incarnated in the same country in the same century since the Higher Self wants to incarnate in all the different scenarios and ages in order to collect all the different experiences.

“Twin Flames” = incarnations from other Higher Selves, but with whom you fit / click extremely well together.

Now, since time does not exists on the higher astral planes and a part of you basically goes there every night while you sleep, even if you are not aware of this and don’t remember in the morning after, you can meet and do meet many of your other parallel incarnations (“soul mates”) (incarnated and not) and many of your friends (including “twin flames”).

So from a Higher Self point of view you are meeting with everyone all the time already and also as if you have never left them in the first place. In a way you have never left your soul mates and twin flames at all and you have constant access to them.

Manifesting them in the physical though, requires actual active manifestation and subconscious reprogramming and/or it has to be included into your incarnational plan by your Higher Self.

Statistically speaking, most people will not meet or manifest their (romantic) soul mate or twin flame during their current incarnation. Statistically speaking, most relationships will fall under the general overall matrix physical human interaction rules.
The reasons for this are as explained above:

  1. There is no need for most to do so (because you meet them all the time already)
  2. Most are not actively manifesting their lives in the first place

Also, while we sleep at night, a lot of background planning about our incarnational experiences is being done in the background and planned out. It is done by you, your Higher Self and all the other souls who are making the incarnational experience with you.

But why do you bring up that example? I know what case you are speaking about and my example has nothing to do with that case. There are new YouTubers almost every day who upload their subliminals.

What do you mean by everything?

I do not understand what you are saying here.

These two statements contradict each other and make no sense to me.
You either consciously realize the connection or you don’t.

I do not understand what you are saying here. Can you please write clear and full English sentences.