Uh-Oh, I may have accidently removed/unified my chakras. Please help

So when I was making my Dossier on sub makers on YouTube, I did a piece on Apold. I highlighted the Concordia booster as their most prominent creation. I told readers to read Apold’s entire description of the Concordia booster and its effects…i should really practice what i preach.

I have used Concordia booster in and off over the last few months, and the results were pretty good. But I was just rereading its effects, and found out ONLY NOW, within 5 minutes of me posting this thread, that concordia booster is supposed to unify your chakras as one of its effects. WHAT THE FUCK?! That isn’t what I signed up for!

I never wanted to unify my chakras, and I never planned to. I definitely am not at the level of spiritual maturity for it either. I had been having periods of intense anxiety attacks when i was listening to the concordia booster, and now i think i may have found the culprit.

I don’t know if I have listened to it to enough of an the extent that the unification has already taken place, and i don’t know if it can even be reversed or undone. I hope it can. If anyone can help or offer advice, please help. I don’t want this mistake to ruin my life or any future lives.


Is the cure…… for sure


friend i have been in the same situation for practically more than 1 year, i did a chakras unification audio because nothing worked, i got scared and gave up, but my 3 eye ended up in the nose and nothing works to return it to normal .

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the beat’s fire, not gonna lie, but I’m not joking or trolling.

that’s your cure


Wait a minute, I think I just got it. Is your point that chakra removal/unification is bullshit and doesn’t actually work?


I think that these days, but in fact there is something wrong.

wait…… you don’t think my cures are cool enough? :frowning:

Try the drums of war also…


Lol they’re cool.

Anyways i feel better now, but I’m not taking my chances with concordia anymore. I’m dropping that shit completely and using QI’s flush instead


oh awesome man,
Piranhas can do a lot of things that you don’t even know about lol.


I think your subconscious will only make changes that you expect… in some way shape or form, so all in all you affirmations that dont align with you

I don’t know anything anymore

I mean I always envisioned the Waterfalls in the Spiritual Spas…

But yeah piranhas will work too


i think when he means chakra unification, he means chakra aligning

Dream i hate your speaking in codes :smiley:


No, that’s not it, he meant something else.

you whats strange, I used to do this in my teens, which is probably centuries and centruries ago :stuck_out_tongue:

I had a small commercial tropical fishieries farm.
with concrete ponds.
The days that I cleaned a few ponds I would sit in, and let them eat
I didn’t expect it at first, (was tired and relaxing of course) but after a few nibbles, then it became routine, then I saw it became a ‘thing’ for a while (in spas)
Not claiming it, as I told no one.

But only a few will do that, and a lot of larger ones you don’t want doing that either.
(especially Oscars)


Yep, we had similar teen boy fascinations with sharks, betas, oscars, and piranhas too.

Subconscious still speaks to me sometimes in terms of fish in an aquarium metaphors. :upside_down_face:


what you mean man
drums of war is cool lol.
its the back ground bass that is amazing,
it echoes, I mean so its like its drums of war… but somebody also is hearing it from a distance and it is echoing.
At least those are ideas behind it (Among other things)


the beat is good