Uh-Oh, I may have accidently removed/unified my chakras. Please help

It’s the buddhist system, not the hindu one. Different religions have different interpretations of chakras. None are the most “correct” interpretation.


But all of the statements are not correct is it? Only one of them is. If so then which one that’s the problem

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My point is none are correct. The hindu interpretation just happens to be the most popular and oldest one so that is what most people go with.


Hmm…this is starting to get a bit off-topic. Maybe I should dedicate a different thread to this discussion.


Let’s take things here:


Technically there are millions of chakras in the body. Each intersection of a nadi is technically a chakra. The ones with a lot of nadis crossing over, hence being a hub of significant activity, is a major chakra. Hence the major ones are normally found along the central sushumna.

The reason why buddhist tantras feature specific numbers, like 5 or 6, is because the tantra itself only utilises 5 or 6 in their path, so there’s no point in talking about more. The reason why hindu scriptures feature so many different numbers is also the same reason. The taoists feature 3 tandens and that’s it. It’s more about how they’re used rather than whether there are only X number.

Hence, unification of chakras is dumb. If you only had one chakra, you’d be like an amoeba or something. Or you might be dead.


yah it’s a big joke. Those idiotic sub makers believes that chakras are implants made by alians to drain our energy so we should get rid of them by unifying and cant believe years ago I even belived that nonsense lul.


I also listened to the booster 30 minutes daily for just over two months as a standalone along with several Sapien audios. It felt good for me.

Unification of chakras, if ever it’s a fact, I presume will take a lot of time depending on the individual. Just think positive and don’t worry about it.


It’s funny how people say “this is what I’m experiencing,” and your response is “that’s dumb.”

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You only ever experience sensations. You don’t experience interpretations of it. And what this means is that you are experiencing “something” and interpreting it wrongly.


Yes, you are right.

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I feel like this goes well with the bushman medicine :fire::fire:

Try this!

The ‘Plasma’ aspect is a kind of strong charge field which in the simplest terms promotes negentropy, to all aspects of your being. In the most simplest descriptions, the instruction of order is given to ‘disorder’ So any disorder is pushed to be reversed.

So lets simply say, it is the original blueprint of how things are supposed to be.

So what this does is order a return to an original blueprint in a very harmonious way, which affects you and the world around you


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:joy::joy::joy: how did i miss this gem?!

This whole post is gold


Is that even possible to remove? I don’t think you won’t be here already if it’s completely removed :thinking:

Oh my lord, i wo der what they’d make of my feet??? The fishies i mean. I walk barefoot so much i basically still have ‘shoes’ on when they’re nekd. Folk tell me i habe pretty feet… tilk they see the souls :rofl:

When i was a weeny wee girl my mum told me i had hurt my uncles feelings. I must not have heard the term used like that before because i asked what ‘feelings’ were. In my wee head i was imagining they were tiny fishes swimming around in a school in his body and was really sad I’d hurt them but didn’t know how as i hadn’t touched him. Nice memory that never left me. I don’t know why i thought they were tiny fishes, the word ‘feelings’ just sounded like it MUST ne timy fish to me. Children are wise in a beautiful innocent way.


What are your thoughts on DrVirtual after this collaboration?

So, I’ve used the Concordia booster too in the past and I’m pretty sure all chakras are fine. To be honest, it didn’t seem to do much of anything for me actually so I stopped using it.

Remember that is a subliminal, you clearly didn’t want the chakra unification and you generally reject things in a subliminal you don’t want. It’s just words.

Now maybe fields are different. But as far as I’m aware, subliminals are easily rejectable by you especially since you seem like you’ve been doing some work on yourself and are generally aware.

I hope that helps!

Ps: just realized this thread is 2 years old. Ah well