Ultimate Reiki - Star Exercise Meditation

Eagerly waiting @_OM

Why thank you for asking! :smiley:

Recommended schedule for “super-saiyan” wanna-bes is:
2x a day, every day for 22 weeks.
So once in the morning, once mid-day or night.
If you miss a single day, you have to restart your count at day 0 and begin again… assuming you are serious about being a super-saiyan.
Certain things are built up over time that require steadfast consistency, discipline, and perseverance.

I’ve done it 22 weeks a few times. It’s worth it.
Come home drunk and feel like passing out after a night of partying?
You’d better get your 2nd session in before you pass out otherwise you restart from day 0.

For everyone else.:
This is a great, wonderful, tremendous way to start off one’s day.
So do it whenever you want or remember.
It’s super awesomely great when you need a boost of energy for:

  • Interviews
  • Dates
  • Work
  • Working out
  • Getting into a better mood
  • Magical workings
  • Being sexier/attracting others
  • Manifestation
  • Powering up meditations
  • Healings
  • Just about anything that could use a dose of more energy/ch’i/prana…which is pretty much everything.