Ultimate Reiki - Star Exercise Meditation





Question about what is counted as a proper “rep”… do you go up to 144 daily or just whenever that static buildup sensation is reached + breath hold?

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Here are a few related posts from this thread:


@_OM and @uial

I have an issue (potentially). When I try to intensely take a breath in deeply, my nostrils collapse upon themselves and they make this annoying wheezing sound and it becomes impossible to inhale to my maximum capacity. Also I get no vibrations from this method.

Now I did sort of get around this by consciously keeping my nostrils open but then the exhaling physically hurts (it’s the same feeling when you try to snort out something very hard or cough out phlegm) as there is a lot of painful friction at the back of my nose (at the nasopharynx). Also I am unable to focus on visualising the energy. Surprisingly though, this brought back the powerful vibrations I felt in my legs (and only in my legs) after about 15-20 breaths.

Which should I go with now? The first method which is less painful but doesn’t give me any sensations? Or the second method which is physically painful but gives me the leg vibrations?

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Are you breathing slowly or rapidly?

Are you breathing into your chest or deep into your diaphragm?


The second method forces me to breathe in slowly but intensely. I focus more on intensity than speed actually regardless of the method.

I breathe into my chest as I don’t yet seem to have the muscle control to consciously breathe into my diaphragm.

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Ok first of all, don’t focus on visualizing the energy until AFTER you’ve taken the deep breath and said the affirmation.
Until then, focus on FEELING the charge/energy building in the Solar Plexus.

ok. need to learn how to do this then.
Whenever you lying down, I want you to place a book on your stomach and focus on breathing into your stomach so that the book on your stomach moves up and down…


Thank you, that makes it a lot easier.

Will do, thank you for this.


Intuitively, it sounds like you might be breathing with force too ‘high up’ in the throat and nasopharynx, perhaps?
(creating the painful friction)

Perhaps try breathing deeply into your diaphragm or lower down.

(Hah, see @_OM has replied similarly already. :slightly_smiling_face: )
Learning as @_OM suggests.


My voice seems to always be hoarse after the star exercise. And I cough a lot for a while. Is this bad exhaling technique then?

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The diaphragm breathing will help as you learn it. :slightly_smiling_face:


All these fine muscles man. I’ll be honest, in my real life, my voice cracks constantly when talking (amplified by anxiety) and I have that dreaded vocal fry when talking as well. I just never seemed to have learnt how to control my voice properly.


Hi @Maoshan_Wanderer. I’m just here to learn.

HS= Higher Self. Right? What does HGA mean?


Yes Babyjo… HS is Higher Self and HGA is Holy Guardian Angel.


Thank you for your response and thank you for your quick reply!


Holy shit, just discovered that gem.
This is almost time for Bed here so I did a small round with Soma Breath (Rythmic Breathing + Long Breath retention on the exhale), this is STRONG!

Will add it to my daily regiment :pray:

Though how do you guys hold on regarding the shoulders? This is killing them.
Any part I am missing out?


Btw if any of you guys need advice regarding breathing technique (how to and else), feel free, I am a non-certified Soma Breath instructor :slight_smile:


Let’s start a new separate topic if we are discussing alternate breathing techniques.

Thank you! :slight_smile:


@anon32464289, @skyhigh and @_OM,

I think a new topic on correct breathing techniques for the star exercise would be great. Getting a precise insight into how it all works would be tremendously helpful as breathing is half the exercise. From where to feel the breath, to proper exhaling technique to mastering any difficulties. I think it’d be a great idea.