Uncontrollable rage after breakup with a narcissist

Oh yeah! I keep forgetting about this one always. And unfortunately it’s not anywhere for download. Looked all over Patreon for it some time ago.

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knight worrior mindeset and root cause together with heart audios.


real cause for rage is not the person u broke up with but you and your lack of understandung and love for you in this situation

good people tend to be terribly cruel to themselves and cold and unforgiving also to themselves

true cause for your suffering now is your self judgment and traial cos you beung doesnot want same thing happen again. this is a way to very rough educate your self not to choose wrong again.

also another reason is that you still have things and go to places with the energy of this person.

good clense with spray water charged with some of the Cap s audios is very good…for local treatments. and vastu homan and vibrational riaser.

your envitoment should first forget this person then you ll have easier time to heal from your wounds. good luck!

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if you are steadily feeling better, then its good.
Otherwise I would highly recommend the Shamanic Medicine Blend + Vibration of Creation - a very powerful combination. It personally helped me a lot

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Generally speaking, by definition, an emotion is something "prompting a movement. :grin:
it is an internal state, when some reaction is overdue, which can then manifest itself in some kind of action or some kind of behavior

emotions are always caused by a mismatch between expectation and reality.
When a person has a problem, there is always some kind of emotion associated with it (always)

When what we have is what we would like it to be, our needs are met
We feel good and there is no reason to experience any emotion other than bliss. And it doesn’t need correction.

In your case you are more interested in situations when there is no “coincidence” and the very “energy prompting for action” appears

Notice, the word “energy” that I use is a physical term. There is a very simple definition in a physics textbook: it is the ability to produce work. The energy that a person has is designed to help him realize something. But do we always get what we want right away? Alas, the modern man does not. This is when a person’s emotional regulation comes into play

the thing is that at the first moment of reaction to the situation, when the emotion is just an electrical impulse, we have time to notice this emotion, name it and investigate the cause of it. In this case we spare ourselves the suboptimal automatic triggering of some behavioral or biological self-regulation program (e.g.: get angry, cry, be afraid, etc.) in any incomprehensible situation.

when we correctly acknowledge and speak out an emotion, we have its energy at our disposal and can use it rationally, as we see fit

If we don’t do that, the emotion will go further into the usual channel of humoral regulation (the endocrine system will release appropriate hormones into the bloodstream, which can then be present and work in the body for up to ~72 hours, depending on the intensity of the emotion)

for example, if you start to get really angry on purpose, and get angry long enough without translating that emotion into any specific action that closes your needs, you will feel very bad afterwards. As I understand it, that’s what’s been happening to you :slightly_smiling_face:

emotions are automatic mechanisms of communication and survival of organisms with their environment and each other, which are based on the experience of millions of years of evolutionary adaptation

That is, emotions are not some gratuitous, abnormal, incomprehensible whims.
They are completely understandable reactions, they are connected with survival and are very deeply imprinted in us.

It often takes separate training for a person to understand well what emotions are, what they are, how they are felt and experienced

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize one’s inner states and strategize one’s behavior based on them

it’s not just about your colleague (that woman) :grin:

the guys gave you great advice on the different fields of the captain, but if you are interested in this topic, and if what I wrote resonates with you, refer to the theory of emotional intelligence
There is a vast amount of literature (from the more basic, to the scientific)

The Captain has a universal field, the scope of which is enormous

and it can help you figure it out.

these are great additions along the way

the expected end result is that you are in complete control of your emotions, you will be able to “turn off” such states when necessary, control your behavior with different people, be neutral and objective in different situations :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh wow! I do have Emotional Mastery but there was such a dark dump in my heart that I first had to clean that out and now will return to using it. Emotional Alchemy looks like what might be needed. I am saying “might” because right now it’s all gone and I just feel very empty, light, and positive without having to resort to anything else, really. Which is great news and a definite turning point :slight_smile:

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Followed your advice and got the Emotional Alchemy. This is exactly what was needed. Really appreciate your advice. Thank you!

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I would add in the PTSD field. Even though you feel rage. Covert narc. can mess with you nervous system.

Also if you still feel the rage come up (valid) find ways to release it: boxing, write a letter saying everything be as brutal as you want then burn it or rip it up.

Then as you said you found a past life karma link (often the case).

It’s valuable to reflect on the red flags you let slide, or didn’t register at the time.

Reflect on your own victimhood. Where and how are you a victim in your life, during the relationship, were you people pleasing too?

Also there was a video posted somewhere about ET interference into Earth relationships, from YouTube, might interest you

The rage, while seems like is AT them, is in a large part at ourselves for what we accepted, tolerated, allowed to occur, happen in the relationship and to us. Helpful to investigate why we accepted xyz.

Usually to keep the love/intimacy /connection/ companionship/etc

Self forgiveness is necessary. And forgive her, when you can, but don’t force it



Thank you for the extensive post. I did everything you recommend, and then some. I do not treat fields as “magic pills” but they help greatly to this day.

I actually began my healing with the PTSD field which helped immensely, but then, once I was able to acquire Project Mental Health, switched to that one. Right now I have a pretty great stack plus assistance from two amazing healers that helped me pull through this stuff. Untied that karmic knot today btw. Feeling calm like never before in my entire life :)

That said, I am grateful to that particular person, as she pinpointed every single dark trait within me that I, and not her, had to deal with inside myself to break the connection and “arise” so to speak. People around us are just projections of what is inside, and if they are dark, then you have to cleanse yourself first. One of the most important lessons of my life.

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