Undo damage caused by field

I have symptoms such as continued fatigue , way less energy , mild persisting headache with slight dizziness.

I believe these are due to i used S* Z* advanced audios too much. 3 weeks ago, I listened 5-6 fields a day but he recommends only 2-3 max. The next day i started to have these symptoms , so i suspect his fields are the cause. ( just my assumption , i dont blame him , it was my mistake for listening beyond limit)

Initially, thought i had covid or some STD . Both tests show negative results.

I stopped listening Spirituality zones fields only last week. It has been 7 days but the symptoms are still there. Still continueing listening to Sapien’s fields tho , on daily basis(about 10-12 fields).

So if it fields that making me sick , how to reverse the damage ?

  • should i stop listening to all fields altogether for a while?
  • should i listen to Sapien healing audios?

Please advice me .

Just stop for a few days or couple of weeks even.

Rest from all audios

Do some grounding

Eat healthy

Sleep well

Maybe listen only this one once a day but not more:


Will follow this. Thank you.


These sound like the effects of an overworked energy system. I would definitely take a break from audios for a period of time like Luna said. When you do choose to start using them again, start slowly and pay close attention to what your body is telling you because it will definitely give you the signs of when you’re doing too much.


Noted , thanks for the advice.

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Please listen brain massage 2x


Same issue with me

I see… did you find your symptoms improve by listening to Brain massage?

Yes immediately I felt refreshed

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Thanks alot. I will try it.

I swear trust me or try pranic swirls

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As above, use the fields recommended, and what you experience is normal, I was sick for more than 2 weeks starting out with energetic fields, and not rare that I was sick because of that.

With time you will be able to take more and more fields and spamm them for months, in the end even years without suffering backlash.

If you want to speed things up with your energetic body growth and have money to buy something

you could buy that of course

then use that one

for example

1-3 days you only spamm

then you spamm for 1 week or so, depending how you feel of course

and then for some days or a week

and that card daily, read the intructions that are linked and follow those (if you’re using Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleansing, then of course its no use to use the card because the energy will just get cleaned away because of the field.
Use the card only when you dont use things that clear out energy, and before that you have to use the attunement card, but then again its a 24 hour thing where you cant use Energy Body/Aura Cleansing Clearing. Everythings in the Intructions linked tho

think its clear but if you use the first field (Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleansing), that there is no point in using other fields while using that, I advise to spamm it for some days because then it really has its time to clear out all that junk energy and make everything it can clean

After you’re done with all those fields I think its good to have a day in the week where you spamm Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning and then Auric and Energy Body Growth field, just to be clean all the time and dont let junk energy or whatever build up in your system

(with spamming I mean the whole day until you sleep, so your physical body can adapt to these new changes)

and of course everything that people told you above

Everything is interconnected, your energetic body is part of your physical, if one suffer damage the one does suffer too

stay healthy and live healthy, mentally, emotionally and physically of course

I advise from my experience to build a good foundation, just to have a smooth ride

Each to their own of course, thats just my recommendation, if you feel totally different bout it, thats fine


and yes you could stop listening to fields all togheter and let things rest naturally, depending how you feel, or you spamm Energy Body/Aura Cleansing and get all the junk energy out of you

When I hit rock bottom because of Energy overload I spamm energy body/aura cleansing and it helps me to recover tbh

Listen to what feels right for you, this is just a recommendation


Thank you for your time and detailed explanation.

From what i understand, Energy body/ Aura deep clearing cleansing will flush all fields from our body and thus makes us feel lighter/better. Currently listening to it.

I wanted to buy the paid field as per your suggestion.
But , i couldn’t understand what exactly Aura and Energy body repair field (paid one) field is able to do. Do is flush as well? By using that , does it able to make us listen more fields without overwhelming ourselves?

If i use the paid field , i still need to use the YouTube version?

They mention to stop both sapien and SZ fields for a while

Aura Energy Body Repair, to make it short, makes your energy body more stable, stronger, and grows it, from what I understand and experienced with it, and it will clear things out too

but theres a whole theard dedicated to it, you will learn there more than from me

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i went to through the thread, and i find it will be very helpful to me. I’m buying it.

so to summarize what you have suggested -

1 ~3 days : Energy body / Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning
1 week : Aura and Energy Body Repair
3 ~ 7 days : Energy Blockage Removal

Can you confirm the flow above is correct??

yeah, would be fine, but see how you feel man

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Thanks mate !

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Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing will NOT flush all fields from your body.
But anything listened to 3 hrs beforehand will be negated.
So best listen to this when u are field free for the prior 3 hrs.


Guys thank you so much!

As per advice , i didnt listen any fields yesterday except Brain massage 1x in morning , Energy Body /Aura Deep Clearning 1x in evening and Aura and Energy Body Repair 1x before sleep.

I had good sleep. Fatigue 70% gone , Headache & Dizziness 90% gone. I woke up 2 hours earlier and had energy so i did a mini workout session (after 3 weeks!)

Feeling good to have energy back but disappointed as well - apparently its the fields that makes me dizzy , fatigued all this while. I have spend alot money in these fields :frowning:
I saw many people listen many fields a day but they are fine. Most of them also loop fields all night , i dont even loop all night. ( Or i should start doing it?).

Still following the advice that is taking a break from all fields.
But , I’m curious , how to make ourselves listen many fields without the side effects im experiencing. Is the rootcause is leaky aura ? I must admit i have a very leaky aura and just bought Energy Body/Aura Repair . Will this field resolve the issue?.

Any other field suggestions / lifestyle / exercise suggestions? - to listen as many fields without getting tired.

Thank you for your time guys !

@anon46520955 @Reform @anon46074933 @SilverZuzu