Undo damage caused by field

Remember you over did it.

Because we have taken the time to grow our energy systems to hold in or on more “over time” and with different practices and not all in once.


Ultimate Reiki - Star Exercise Meditation


Energy expansion card from the book of cards ( not available to buy it now) but theres a free version on his instagram


Wearing pendant of magi tag

Or many other practices.

Or simply take the time and build up

Noo please no!

Neither start looping and listening all the time the ones we suggested you just because they made you feel good.

Itll help but wont resolve the problem over night.

Just let your body rest. Period.


Sometimes 2-3x a day is better than a night loop. A night loop is mostly used for mood enhancements, at the end of the day consistency is all that matters, which for alot of us have trouble with especially me


Noted @anon46520955
Will rest for now and slowly buildup .
I will incorporate Ultimate Reiki and Pranayama exercise in my daily routine.
You’re a good adviser. Thanks. :grinning:


Noted with thanks

While refraining from other fields , i should listen to this on daily basis? is that what you mean?

Try autoimmune reversal

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Thanks for that I appreciate it, I have been taking cold shower for few months.

Thank you for suggesting , will include it in my recovery stack.